It Came! #3

Writer: Dan Boultwood Artist: Dan Boultwood Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: October 9, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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Director Dan Boultwood's long-lost SF B-movie ratchets towards its jaw-dropping climax! After the terrifying discoveries made in our last astonishing issue, space scientist Dr. Boy Brett and his lady assistant Doris Night are now trapped inside an honest-to-goodness flying saucer, along with a robot that aims to capture them alive! What role does this monstrous, monosyllabic automaton play in the extra-terrestrial invasion plan? And what do drooping upper lips have to do with the fate of Britain - and the world?

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Steve Paugh Oct 10, 2013

    These little touches, along with its on-point sense of humor, make this book (one of many great Titan titles out right now) a firm favorite at the moment. If you too enjoy a ridiculous old British period yarn steeped in science fiction lunacy, where the very soul of Queen and Country is at stake, then set your phaser to F-ZAPPO and pick up It Came! Read Full Review

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