The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century: 2009 #3 (Top Shelf)

Writer: Alan Moore Artist: Kevin O'Neill Publisher: Top Shelf Productions Release Date: June 27, 2012 Cover Price: $9.95 Critic Reviews: 6
9.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jun 25, 2012

    But in the end, "Century 2009" reminds us that "League" isn't just a story: it's all stories; a romance-horror-comedy-satire-polemic-parody to inspire and inform. At a time when Moore's opinions are being analyzed and dissected so publicly, it's worth remembering that whether you agree with him or not, he remains one of the most talented writers ever to grace the medium. And that's one thing that can't be taken away from him. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Examiner - Lane Williams Jun 29, 2012

    If a forthcoming fourth volume is yet to be had, I'd welcome it. The territory is still ripe, even if the content has to shift considerably. The trip has been an interesting one, to say the least, and if it were to crack open a wider portal and bridge that rift between what is real and "not-real" then we would all be well-served. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic Jul 3, 2012

    *I know what my next big Comics Bulletin writing project is! Read Full Review

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 13, 2012

    Fun, sad, scary, and a joy. This isn't a comic book, it's a book. And it's good. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Jul 1, 2012

    Despite my excessive slagging in this week's Previews, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century 2009 was a lot of fun. I only had time to breeze through it for this review, and while that was far easier to do than I was expecting, I'm also excited to spend some more time with this title to really get at the deeper themes that Moore and O'Neill are getting at. They look to be equally fun (or at least rewarding). This is the kind of story that first got me interested in the League. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Jun 29, 2012

    Of course, this does lead to a final showdown with another pop culture character, one that's legitimately clever and works on multiple levels. There are enough of these lingering "OK, that's awesome" moments in 2009 to satisfy the thrill-seeking comics fanboy in me, yet I can't help but feel that this series has lost its way a little. It honestly seems like there's a lot more Moore and Kevin O'Neill could be ranting against, particularly in regards to how more and more of our "creative real estate" is being locked up by big corporations, and how this process is forcing pop culture into an endless spiral of franchises, reboots, prequels, and so on. I'd never come down on a comic for trying to evolve into something grander, even if I loved it the way it was before, but for the first time I feel like Moore and O'Neill's larger points are surprisingly banal and simplistic. Though, given their attitudes towards pop culture, maybe that's the point. Read Full Review

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