Alter Ego #65

Publisher: TwoMorrows Publishing Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Apr 2, 2007

    Honoring the early titans of the industry that began sixty-some years ago leads inevitably to obituaries and eulogies in a publication like this, but TwoMorrows always makes an attempt to celebrate the work and life achievements rather than just mourn. Two heartfelt dedications to Dave Cockrum are included in this issue, mostly attesting to his humility and passion for his work, while sharing lovely splash pages from Superboy and X-Men with us. And the letters page, Re:, is as usual full of interesting clarifications and corrections regarding previous issues, including comments from the mouths of pros like Marv Wolfman and Mike Esposito. Alter Ego is an invaluable resource for the most dedicated collector. Read Full Review

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