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RETRO The New Mutants #98

Writer: Rob Liefeld/Fabian Nicieza Artist: Rob Liefeld Publisher: Unknown Critic Reviews: 1
2.0Critic Rating
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  • 2.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 20, 2013

    All in all, the entire issue comes across as a "POW! BANG! ATTACK! MURDER! NEW GUY! NEW GIRL! BANG! BANG! RATATTATT! BOOM!" onslaught (not THAT Onslaught) of sound and fury, signifying nothing but a first appearance bonanza for anyone looking to sell some back issues. Sadly, though, Deadpool's part in the issue is pretty minor, with less than 1/4 of the book devoted to him, ending with a serious punking out for the Merc who would soon get a Mouth, which makes me wonder how his modern-day fans actually feel about the meat of this comic book. Liefeld's plotting is scattershot, his art is amateurish and incomplete (even by Rob's standards) and the playfulness of the dialogue can't overcome the flaws in story-telling. The New Mutants #98 is a just plain bad comic, even for Deadpool completists, and I'm still haunted by the elongated monstrous fingers on display, page after page, earning 1 out of 5 stars overall. Read Full Review

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