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The Metabarons Hardcover #1

Publisher: Unknown Release Date: March 4, 2015 Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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  • 10
    All-Comic - Alex Mansfield Mar 2, 2015

    With The Metabarons, Jodorowsky and Gimenez do so much more than merely flesh out The Incal universe, though it certainly accomplishes that. Instead it effortlessly provides a thematic cocktail that reads like it's an artifact from the future. Gender, heritage, compassion, brutality and triumph are steeped in the pores of each chapter as the entirety of the universe and other universes are constantly besieged with the threat of theirown annihilation time and time again. There are no greater stakes than this until Jodorowsky and Gimenez remind you that the blood in one warrior's veins and its passing on to the next are just as grand in scope. The dual narrative, while consistently trying, does interweave itself into a surprising aspect and culminates with something The Incalexpresses full-bore; love and hope. It's not nearly as corny as that sounds, promise. The Metabarons is a blisteringly assertive and psychologically complex work that should appeal to any who have always wanted to se Read Full Review

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