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Tribes: Ascend #1

Publisher: Unknown Release Date: August 22, 2012 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Ciaran Aug 24, 2012

    This was my typical experience of a game of Tribes 2, nearly 10 years ago (Christ, that makes me feel old!) and today, after a ten-year hiatus, (ignoring the woefully average Tribes Vengeance in 2004), the series makes its glorious return courtesyof Hi-Rez Studios with Tribes: Ascend and best of all, it's Free-to-Play.The online FPS market is one of the most over-saturated gaming genres out there, with the twin behemoths of Battlefield and Call of Duty dominating the online time of most casual gamers. But what neither of those more illustrious titles can compete, and where Tribes (literally) soars, is the pure satisfaction that getting a kill in Ascend can bring, and the mind-boggling speed at which matches are run. Using a combination of your jet-pack, and the ‘skiing' ability, duels are often conducted at an incredible pace, with both you and your enemy zooming across the expansive terrain, trying to perfectly time the shot that will blow the other into smithereens. You'll need Read Full Review

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