It's been seven months since the incident, and Sam Brausam is alive... if you can call it that. He's barely learned to walk again, his spirit seems broken beyond repair, and the booze and pain pills aren't doing his recovery any favors. His sister Dee-now eight months pregnant-and her boyfriend Mateo have moved into the old family home in order to help care for him. Meanwhile, the Blue Flame continues to build his case to defend humanity from extinction. But seven months into the discovery phase of the trial, the Tribunal Consensus is growing impatient.
The mystery of Sam Brausam's cosmic odyssey still animates this comic, but in this third issue, the creative team goes deep on Sam's relationship to his sister. The result is equally poignant and tragic. Read Full Review
Blue Flame started strong and it has strong parts here but it feels like it needs to really cement itself just a bit more with what it wants to be. It reads well for both storylines that we're getting but I'd almost prefer a focus of one instead of both for a bit just to get into it and to some resolution. The artwork continues to be a big selling point with a lot to like throughout with a great looking cast and some settings that feel very from the headlines in a lot of ways. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of where this evolves. Read Full Review
It's still not entirely clear to me what the connection between Sam's two lives is, but both parts are engaging, with lovely art, and I'm going to be following this book from now on. Read Full Review
When is this book back? I need more!
Excellent art and some solid character dialogue are making this book an indie superhero title for the ages. It's going interesting places.
The conversation between the characters is very real and doesn't shy away from gut punches. Meanwhile the soliloquy present on our heros other life continues to be interesting.
Im looking forward to seeing what continuous questions this book makes us ask about ourselves.