This comic has its problems, but personally I have read worse first attempts that have eventually turned over solid story arcs and continued on to bigger and better things in later issues. That being said, I will be giving Dominique Laveau: Voodoo Child #1 three-out-of-five stars, and I will be picking up the second issue to see if it improves. Read Full Review
While I would love to be able to report that Voodoo Child #1 is a raging success, that's unfortunately not the case. This book has a genuinely interesting setup (just read the first issue's solicitation), but this first installment doesn't really do a great job making that shine through to hook readers back for next month. Maybe the second time will be the charm for this new Vertigo series. Here's hoping. Read Full Review
It makes me sad that I don't like this more and can't say nicer things about it. I wanted to, but the comic just didn't give me much to work with. The art of Denys Cowan will keep me around for a few issues to see if the story starts to click, although lovers of New Orleans voodoo culture may love this. Read Full Review
I wouldn't be so critical, but the potential here is too great to be squandered. Dominique is a female lead, a person of color, and a graduate student (as opposed to a CW teenager): that's a trinity of rare intrigue, and although I'm no fan of decompressed storytelling a little time could've been spent in this first issue to establish characters before setting them off running into random incidents and gore drenched room upon gore drenched room. This is one of four attempts in Vertigo's initiative to establish a new face and persona. It's an average start, but there's possibilities here. Read Full Review
Denys Cowan's art is, obviously, glorious. He goes short, intense panels of conversation. He does open, double-page splash sequences. He does monsters, he does realism, he does emotion, he does visceral violence. Hinds' greatest achievement in the first issue is to make sure that Cowan and inker John Floyd have plenty of things to play around with, and every time the art team hit their mark with effortless style. In a book which struggles to say anything new about itself, it's the silent sequences which stay with the readers longest. Read Full Review
"Dominique Laveau: Voodoo Child" has an interesting setting and the potential to be a story that focuses on characters, places and themes we don't get to see enough, but so far the execution is not living up to the idea. Read Full Review