Fables #78

Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Mark Buckingham Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: November 12, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
8.9Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

What's in the box that Freddy and Mouse discovered? What's in the box that Bigby and Fly have delivered back to Frau Totenkinder? What's in the box being buried up at the Farm? And finally, how is that causing everything to come loose in Fabletown and beyond? "The Dark Ages" part 2.

  • 10
    Weekly Comic Book Review - C. Flanigan Nov 19, 2008

    A great start to a new era of Fables, I just hope that the creative juices keep flowing and refuse to allow this great series to fizzle out. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Daniel Crown Nov 12, 2008

    Before I close things up, it's worth noting that this is the second to last issue of Fables which will feature a cover by James Jean. Is there any doubt that Jean is the single best cover artist in the industry? His work on Fables has been arguably the greatest run in the history of the medium; doing more to enrich each individual chapter of the series than any set of covers on any title I can think of. Knowing that he is leaving Fables is downright depressing… Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Nov 12, 2008

    "Fables" isn't just still around, it's alive and well. I'm quite happy to see that the series has quite a bit of life still left in it. Here's to the next 75 issues and then some. Read Full Review

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