Fables #80

Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Mark Buckingham, Peter Gross Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: January 14, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.1Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Here's the thing, folks. We can't tell you what happens in this issue because it would give away the big frightening thing that happened in the previous issue (which we also didn't tell you about). So, what can we say? Only the most general stuff. Like that the grim fallout from winning the war so easily continues. And the metaphorical chickens come home to roost. Good, right?

  • 8.2
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jan 14, 2009

    One minor complaint about the issue and the arc as a whole: if I had my choice, Willingam would let up on the use of back-up features, at least in the course of extended arcs. I would much rather have seen Willingham tell the "Dark Ages" in four parts as opposed to five, and then tell the Mowgli back-up serial in a one-shot. I think spreading the two stories out alongside each other lessens the effectiveness and disrupts the pacing of both. Other than that, Fables continue to impressively captivate me in the early goings of its second major era. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Erik Norris Jan 17, 2009

    But for the two problems I had with the latest issue, I still found a lot to like and warrant a pick up of next months issue #81 which is a full issue, no back-up conclusion to The Dark Ages." It should be pretty intense and throw the inhabitants of Fabletown into a whole new status quo. Read Full Review

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