iZombie #9

Writer: Chris Roberson Artist: Michael Allred Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: January 5, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3
6.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

While Gwen and Horatio get to know each other better at the miniature golf park, Diogenes the monster hunter is left to face the leader of the Blood Sports vampires all on his own. The mad scientist Galatea begins revealing her larger scheme to her new assistant, ghost girl Ellie decides that it's high time she did something about her whole "intangible" problem, and were-terrier Scott and his friends spend a thrilling evening embroiled in role-playing games.

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jan 5, 2011

    I, Zombie #9 pushes this series forward to a new plane that I was previously unsure would be attainable for a book with such a heavy gimmick behind it. Chris Roberson, once again, proves why he just might be the next big thing in 2011. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jan 8, 2011

    I really enjoy this series and like reading about Gwyn, but we just need to have a little trimming of the fat on this series. I'm not remotely close to dropping this title, but I wonder if it would benefit from putting some of these characters and storylines away for an arc, THEN get them back out once other items are resolved. It helps a lot that the Allreds are performing at the same high level that they have been for the last decade. They're just awesome. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 9, 2011

    I'm not saying that "iZombie" #9 is bad, because it's not. Not at all. But it does feel like the book's creative team might need a month or two to adjust to the new, shorter length for each issue. This issue just feels like it's going through some growing (or should that be shrinking?) pains, that's all. Read Full Review

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