Set in a world where all the major battles have been won, Seaguy is a wistful, would-be hero who, with his pal Chubby Da Choona, embarks on a fantastical, picaresque voyage through a post-Utopian world filled with bizarre adventure and terrible sacrifice.
Seaguy is another triumph by Grant Morrison. Cameron Stewart's artwork perfectly trumpets Mr. Morrison's multitude of ideas, and while brainstorming, the creative team still bestow strong characterization to the heroes and villains that anchor the ideas to a solid base. Read Full Review
2. Silly: To put it in the apparent catchphrase of the simple-minded Chubby: Da fug? Read Full Review
This is a very professional comic with wonderful art and a story that will probably hit every reader in a different way. A rhorsach test of a comic. Is it good or bad? Your mileage will almost definitely vary. Read Full Review
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