The Literals

The Literals

Publisher: Vertigo Release: Apr 2009 - Jun 2009 Issues: 3 Critic Reviews: 6
6.2 Avg. Critic Rating
N/A Avg. User Rating

Part 3 of "The Great Fables Crossover"! If you're a reader of JACK OF FABLES, then you're familiar with The Literals an extended family of characters who literally embody literary notions. It's also very possible that one of The Literals may have created all of the Fables plus the universe in which they reside, unbeknownst to our beloved Fables.The full story on this enigmatic crew of characters begins here, the first in a 3-issue miniseries and Part 3 of "The Great Fables Crossover," an epic, 9-part tale spanning the pages of FABLES and JACK OF FABLES. The story kicks off when Jack reveals the existence of The Literals to Fabletown, and thi more

User Ratings Critic Ratings
Rating Issue Writer Artist Reviews
#3 Bill Willingham Mark Buckingham
#2 Matthew Sturges Mark Buckingham
#1 Bill Willingham Mark Buckingham

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