The Lost Boys #6
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The Lost Boys #6

Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Scott Godlewski Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: March 8, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
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Things have gone from bad to worse as the true plot of the Blood Belles has been revealed. Stakes are high, but they'll need to be brought low if Sam, Michael and the Frog Brothers want to get out of this predicament. The comic book sequel to the cult classic vampire movie comes to a bloody conclusion!

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Todd Young Mar 8, 2017

    This was, sadly, probably my least favorite from the entire series. It wasn't bad, or boring, but the books really hit their stride around issues #3 and #4 with the inclusion of the muscle-bound sax player as a vampire hunter and the epic underground confrontation with the female vampires. It made the last two issues run a little cooler, since the "Lost Girls" angle was essentially wrapped up by this time so that they could include the surprise reveals of the bigger baddies just when you thought the Emerson family had won. In all the series was a better sequel than the two straight to video installments and I'm glad I read it. I just wish it had gone out on a better note. Read Full Review

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