The Unwritten #54
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The Unwritten #54

Writer: Bill Willingham, Mike Carey Artist: Mark Buckingham, Peter Gross Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: October 23, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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The big finale of The Unwritten Fables is here! The survivors of Fabletown have launched their final assault on Castle Darkand been broken. Their king is dead and their champions defeated. But the battles not over until the wicked witch says it is, and Frau Totenkinder still has plans for Tom Taylor and Boy Blue. Unfortunately, the cure she has in mind is even worse than the disease...

  • 10
    The MacGuffin - Matt LeMaire Oct 24, 2013

    THE UNWRITTEN is brilliant, and issue #54 is a fine example of what this book and its creators can accomplish. Moreover, this is a book that consistently leaves me questioning the nature of stories and the effects that they have on the world and our belief systems. That this book has such an effect on me is nothing short of amazing, and I cannot recommend picking this up enough. You've got a few months before it starts up again to catch up, folks, so get on it. You will not be disappointed. Read Full Review

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