Pokmon Adventures: Black 2 & White 2

Pokmon Adventures: Black 2 & White 2

Publisher: Viz Release: Jan 2017 - Aug 2021 Volumes: 4 Critic Reviews: 0
N/A Avg. Critic Rating
N/A Avg. User Rating

Colress, the new leader of Team Plasma, is attacking the Unova region. His machines control Pokémon, wielding their powers for evil instead of good. Fortunately, a way to jam the signals is stored on a memory card. But who has the card...? A girl at the Pokémon Trainers' School! Maybe that's why our hero is such a flirt-he's just doing his job gathering intel. But he'd better stop playing the field and find that card fast before someone beats him to it! For all ages.

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