In the aftermath of the Hyperspace Disaster, young Jedi Knight, Lily Tora-Asi is assigned to help displaced civilians relocate to Banchii, a newly inhabited planet in the Inugg system far in the Outer Rim. While balancing the arrival of incoming settlers and teaching the Padawans on their Temple outpost, Lily must also confront an attack by the insidious Drengir and, after the events of the Republic Fair, deal with the growing threat of the Nihil. But the dangers to Lily and her Padawans are much closer than she thinks...
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I'm kinda tired of the Drengir to be honest. Sort of nice to see [SPOILERS] more of the connection to the Nihil, but it still felt redundant with early wave 1 releases like Into the Dark (despite it being late wave 2,,). It definitely felt weirdly superfluous and out of place, especially compared to other HR releases since the project has been really well planned out so far. Despite that, it was fun to meet the new characters and I'm always excited to see more of HR-era Star Wars (the bonus story at the end was cute too).