Astro City: Local Heroes #4

Writer: Kurt Busiek Artist: Brent Anderson Publisher: Wildstorm Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 3, 2003

    I like it when Kurt Busiek is able to combine elements of the real world with the fantastic elements of super-heroes, and while this is exactly what he does in this issue, I found myself struggling to accept the idea that the jury would be gullible enough to accept the strategy out protagonist uses. I mean with the O.J. Simpson trial one could always argue that his celebrity was enough to sway the hearts and minds of the jury, though the seemingly inept presentation of key evidence by the prosecution also played a role, as well as the questionable behavior of some of the investigating officers. However, in this issue all we have is a defense attorney planting the seeds of doubt by offering up possible alternate theories. I mean the very severity of the attack itself should be enough to keep the jury from putting much stock in this wafer thin defense strategy, though it certainly is helped somewhat by the contrivances of the plot itself that had all three key witnesses each been involve Read Full Review

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