Tony Harris does a wonderful job when it comes to capturing the shocking nature of this episode's more violent sequences, as the scene where we see Connie fixes her arm was one of the most unsettling moments I've ever come across in the pages of a comic. The battle between Mitch Hundred and the subway killer was also quite impressive, as it has a wonderful sense of impact, as and it's explosive climax deserves full marks, as the art doesn't shy away from showing us the aftermath of this attack in all it's gruesome detail. In fact the one page spread where Mitch delivered his big attack was a truly amazing visual that really sticks with you. The issue also deserves full marks for it's ability to offer up a wide cast of the characters who are quite diverse in appearance, as all the characters are easily recognizable, and the art also does a nice job of selling the defining character traits of these characters, from the hyena smile plastered on the face of Mitch's press secretary, to the Read Full Review