Ex Machina #13

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Publisher: Wildstorm Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Brice Aug 11, 2005

    Tony Harris is a wonderful artist when it comes to capturing the real life elements that are proving to be ever so important to this book's success, and the best example of this that I can point to in this issue in the final panel of the 1977 flashback, as Mitch's face as he asks his ever so important question about Superman perfectly captures the essence of the character. The art also manages to deftly play up the humour of the moment where Mayor Hundred comes to realize that he's been handed a potentially embarrassing case, as his reaction shot after the case is laid out made me smile. There's also a number of solid little visual moments in this issue from the parallel panels where we see both the defence and prosecution declare the Mayor the ideal juror while keeping their poker faces in place, to the ever ominous quality of that final page, as we see Mitch prepares to take action, and one is left to question if the hostage taker was actually right about his rather radical take on M Read Full Review

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