Tony Harris helps to bring a sense of realism to the material that helps to sell the key elements of this series, as the Great Machine's heroics have a wonderful down-to-earth quality to them that helps to make one understand why some people would view him as an annoyance rather than one of the bright, shiny super-heroes that we've become accustomed to. The art also does some fantastic work selling the emotional responses of the characters, as Hundred is allowed to look flustered, and his reaction to the photo of the killer does a wonderful job of showing readers the character is seeing important information. There's also a great little moment where we see the discussion that Hundred is having with Bradbury is not as private as he had hoped, and the visual impact of that final page makes for a great hook to carry us into what looks to be a killer final issue of this opening arc. Read Full Review
Brian K. Vaughn has dethroned himself, as Ex Machina now surpasses Y: The Last Man as the all-around best comic out there. In both books, the heroes get themselves into stupid situations, ignore the obvious solutions, and still save the day with style and heart. These are intensely likeable characters. The dialogue is smart, the art expressive, and the stories fantastic but literate. Most impressive is Vaughns skill at misdirection, or possibly mis-misdirection, which is the beauty of it: until the next issue hits the stands, you dont know where the story is goingbut your head works overtime trying out the possibilities. Read Full Review
I like the fact that there are still a lot of unknowns about this series the unclear source, nature and extent of Mayor Mitchell Hundreds powers are further questioned by the use of a technology-based plot device at the end of this issue, and the character dynamics and history have been presented in such a filtered, chronologically-twisted sequence that the next plot revelation could come from anywhere in the past, present or future of the mayors political career. Its an approach that keeps the reader guessing and the book still feels new enough to be refreshing. Whats more, it looks to be focusing on a very character-driven story in its first arc, whilst still providing enough old-school superheroics to keep genre fans reasonably happy. It might be a bit too talky for some or too slow or political for others, but there is an increasingly expanding niche of people myself included who carry on getting a lot out of this book. With only a few backissues to track down its still Read Full Review