Ex Machina #7

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Tony Harris Publisher: Wildstorm Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.3Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 23, 2004

    First off I have to give credit of any artist who is able to make me look away from the page, and Tony Harris' delivery of the scene in the subway car was a delightfully disturbing image that perfectly sells the idea that perhaps the source of Hundred's power has a decidedly darker side to it. The art also does some nice work on its big action sequence, as Hundred's apartment comes under attack by a pair of German operatives, and his efforts to protect himself are deftly conveyed by the art, with the taser attack being particularly impressive. The art also does some lovely work when it comes to the facial expressions of the characters, from Journal's expression after she suggests the public might think Hundred is batting for the other team, to the sheer terror on the woman's face as her friend becomes a human pen holder. I also rather enjoyed the rather stately final page shot of Hundred. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Dec 20, 2004

    However, whilst some writers can get away with slipping a set-up issue under the radar, making it feel like things are really moving along, Vaughn doesnt quite manage it here. Theres too little advancement and too much setting up of conflicts for later on in the arc for this to be a really stunning issue, but a merely good edition of Ex Machina is a lot better than the best that other comic books have to offer. On its own terms, Ex Machina #7 is a middling instalment, but in relation to everything else out there its still definitely well worth checking out for the uninitiated and Ex Machina fan alike. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Rob Irwin Jan 10, 2005

    Ex Machina is a fine read, although I often find the skipping between timeframes in every issue a little disconcerting. One minute, Mitchell Hundred is Mayor of New York. Next minute, he's not. One minute, it's pre-9/11. Next minute, it's not... and so on. This issue is better than most on this count, beginning in 2001, then flashing forward to 2002 - and staying there - and I think this more linear approach improves the quality of the storyline. Read Full Review

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