Welcome to Tranquility #11

Publisher: Wildstorm Release Date: October 10, 2007 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Oct 11, 2007

    As for the back-up story that occupies the last six pages of the issue, Im getting very tired of these. Every single one has been a complete lack of space, this one just as much as the others. Yet another origin story for a character that has not played an important role in the whole series takes away from pages that could have been used in the actual story. Simone used to give readers very brief, usually one or two pages, origin or back-up stories that were imbedded into the main story. These served as brief interludes and were extremely effective. The stories now taking up the final pages of each issue are longer and concern only very minor players. As for this story specifically, it is an advertisement for manga. Also, for a writer known for her strong representation of female characters, this story does quite the opposite. The female protagonist is a typical unattractive, and therefore must be unconfident, high school student with a crush on a boy who treats her like she do Read Full Review

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