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Grimm Tales of Terror Annual: Goddess of Death #1

Writer: Pat Shand Artist: Ismael Canales, Eman Casallos, Juan Francisco Mota Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Release Date: November 17, 2021 Critic Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Keres is the Goddess of Death, and has punished many deserving beings sending them to pay for their sins for eternity in a hellish afterlife. But Keres isn’t the only one who should be feared. The world below is full of those who seek to take power but also escape the prison they are held in and rise to our world. The 12 Kings of Hell are making their move and only Keres stands in the way of utter world-changing chaos. Will she be able to stop them and keep hell from rising? Who is the 13th King of Hell?

Find out in this dark and evil trip to the world beyond as we pull back the vail and learn the secrets of the Goddess of D more

  • 8.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Nov 21, 2021

    GRIMM TALES OF TERROR ANNUAL: GODDESS OF DEATH is a legitimately epic tale about the kings of Hell banding together to resurrect the original, all-powerful goddess of Death. The story is grand in scale and scope, the dialog is pitch perfect, and the art doesnt pull any punches in terms of imagination or creativity. Theres a lot to take in due to the sheer volume of characters, but the narrative flows at a steady pace and the status-quo-altering conclusion more than makes up for any mild confusion. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Nov 10, 2021

    You can't knock Zenescope's plan of more page for more buck. It has become a bit of a staple for them with a range of specials over the last few months. With an idea that carries so much scope their model may need to be more flexible. Read Full Review

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