Demon Knights Vol. 3: The Gathering Storm
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Demon Knights Vol. 3: The Gathering Storm

Writer: Paul Cornell, Robert Venditti Artist: Bernard Chang Publisher: DC Comics Trade Paperback: January 15, 2014, $19.99 Issues: 10, Issue Reviews: 52
7.7Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Betrayed by Etrigan and trapped in Hell, the Demon Knights must find a way to escape the clutches of Lucifer in these stories from issues #13-23. But to make their escape, someone must make the ultimate sacrifice.

  • 6.0
    IRReadComics Sep 18, 2024

    First I don't really like where they split the trades I'd have much seen issue 0 moved to this trade and Cornell's final issues move to the last one. It both story and style wise makes more sense.

    That is kind of how I have reviewed it. Oh and how I missed Cornell's writing and Neves' art. Chang does do a good job when he takes over its just now good rather than exceptional. That said I was highly disappointed by Paul Winslade's art in the final issue. The second part of this trade takes place 30 years after the end of the last arc again another reason to change where the trade breaks the issues. It is still fun in parts but feels like the energy it had has been turned right down.

    While there are again some nice character bits a second arc in a row focuses on the same three the last one did I'd like to have seen some more from some of the others. All the main plots are tied up nicely by the end and is somewhat satisfactory it doesn't go out with a whimper but nor does it go out with a bang. Feels like it ended at the right time but I'd still like to see this revisited at some point maybe not with all the characters but possibly adding some of the other immortals of the DC universe in.

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