Detective Comics Vol. 7: Anarky

Writer: Brian Buccellato, Francis Manapul Artist: John Paul Leon, Francis Manapul Publisher: DC Comics Hardcover: January 6, 2016, $24.99 Trade Paperback: July 27, 2016, $17.99 Issues: 8, Issue Reviews: 150
7.3Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Gotham City is decending into chaos at the hands of Anarky and his quest for revenge on both the villains and protectors of the city in these tales from DETECTIVE COMICS #35-40, DETECTIVE COMICS: ENDGAME #1 and DETECTIVE COMICS: FUTURES END #1! Batman must team up with Harvey Bullock of the Gotham City PD to find Anarkys true motivation for bringing Gotham City to its knees.

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