Unity Vol. 7: Revenge Of The Armor Hunters

Writer: James Asmus, Matt Kindt Artist: Diego Bernard, Karl Moline Publisher: Valiant Comics Trade Paperback: March 23, 2016, $14.99 Issues: 3, Issue Reviews: 26
7.5Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

The Armor Hunters never leave a man behind!

GIN-GR, the reformed killer robot who destroyed Mexico City and rampaged through downtown Los Angeles during the Armor Hunters' attack, has turned on her Unity teammates! As she perpetrates the world's most unstoppable jailbreak - a head-first, guns-blazing, kamikaze flight straight into the military base that holds her one-time squad - can X-O Manowar, Livewire, Ninjak, and the Eternal Warrior stop the giant engine of destruction... while trapped inside it?

Rating Collected Issues Reviews
Unity #23 6
Unity #24 7
Unity #25 5
  • 7.5
    AleSiryus Jun 24, 2017

    Italia - uno degli armor hunters, helix, riuscí ad ingannare Ninjak e ad hackerare gin-gr senza che nessuno se ne accorgesse. Ovviamente unendo le forze e con l'aiuto di Malgam, Unity sistema la faccenda. So conclude così un'ottima serie! I disegni sono sempre eccezionali. L'ultimo capitolo una sorta di omaggio, non è stato proprio di mio gradimento.

  • 6.0
    Dan May 24, 2016

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