CriticWithNoName's Profile

Joined: Sep 09, 2016

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Alters #1

Sep 9, 2016

This is a pretty ham-fisted attempt at being topical. The subject (transgender issues) deserves a better story. Unlike the way that Zootopia addresses racial profiling and racism, Alters doesn't make you think or care for otherwise completely sympathetic characters.

Rough Riders #1

Sep 9, 2016

Ugh. Steampunk meets historical-figures-as-fictional-characters. If there were any less thought, effort, and creativity put into this the book would be see-thru.

Jeff Steinberg: Champion of Earth #1  
Dark Knight III: The Master Race #6  
Lucas Stand #3

Sep 9, 2016

Boom has a long and glorious history of, ahem, "paying homage" to other people's works. When "The Martian" came out, Boom has a series about stranded astronauts on Venus. At least they changed the planet... Now here's a book that gets to ride the coattails of the old TV show Brimstone and any other period show they can think of (in this issue it's Deadwood). It's not worth your time and if you're a fan of Sons of Anarchy, watch the show.

Skybourne #1

Sep 9, 2016

Frank Cho should stick to what he does well- and that isn't writing. The art is pretty standard Cho fare but the writing is so sub par that you'd think a grade school student wrote it after reading "James Bond for Dummies". Skip this unless you have to have all of Frank Cho's work. Even then, you might want to reconsider.

Rick and Morty: Lil' Poopy Superstar #2

Sep 9, 2016

How in the world did they make a slow paced, unfunny Rick and Morty book?!?!? Issue 1 had promise but issue 2 does not deliver. The jokes, if you can call them that, appear to benothing more than drawing people with starry eyes. This book is not anywhere near as funny as the show and given how devoid of humor it is, I can only guess that trying to be funny was not even one of their goals.

Superzero #1

Sep 9, 2016

I really couldn't get into this series. The premise is strong but the execution is kind of weak. Kind of a shame when you see who's involved.

Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1  
Public Relations #11

Sep 9, 2016

Public Relations is a smart, funny series and this issue caps off a great story arc.

R.R.H. #7

Sep 9, 2016

I picked this one up in Vegas at the Amazing Vegas convention. I've been a fan of the 1First Comics line for a while and this is action packed take on Little Red Riding Hood is right up my alley. This issue has a great fight scene in it and even though the art seems rushed in spots, it is well worth a read.

Bigfoot: Sword of the Earthman #1

Sep 9, 2016

For those Edgar Rice Burroughs fans, this book is a beautiful mash up of John Carter and, well, big foot. I wish the emphasis had been more on Bigfoot, but it is still a very enjoyable read!

Jughead (2015) #9

Sep 12, 2016

It's always a gamble to read a book that reboots or re-imagines a classic character but in this case it works!

Serving Supes #3

Sep 9, 2016

Serving Supes is a fun book that reads kind of like a sitcom. The situation in this issue is a sitcom staple - the blind date - but it is executed in a pretty hilarious way. The jokes are very funny and the characters are likable despite their quirks. I highly recommend this book.

Serving Supes #4

Sep 9, 2016

This issue really gave the spotlight to the supporting characters and it was fun to see them doing their thing. Tammy is surprisingly brutal and Juergen steps up his game all in pursuit of the process server industry's version of the Academy Awards. This is the best issue of the series so far.

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