Arsenal29's Profile

Joined: Sep 15, 2020

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Overall Rating
Batgirl (2016) #50

Oct 27, 2020

While the issue has decent artists working on it, the story suffers from Castelluci’s desire to write about what’s going on in the real world now. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it makes the comic feel more like a PSA than a finale to this characters series. This ultimately drags the issue down and made it unenjoyable for me. 4/10

Batman (2016) #103

Nov 22, 2020

Overall it is a fine issue, but it is mainly retelling an old story with new characters. This arc is suspiciously similar to the Nobody story arc from the New 52 Batman & Robin series. Hopefully Tynion can can distinguish this arc from that one down the road. The art is good and overall its a good issue, but it definitely needs something to distinguish it from past issues. Otherwise, Tynion's run will be him mostly ripping off past stories.

Children of the Grave #1

Nov 21, 2020

A fairly good issue. The artwork is pretty good and the book has an interesting premise that is basically The Walking Dead meets M. Night Shyamalan's The Village. The issue does have a few problems such as excessive narration and that this issue mostly just sets up the world the main character lives in. However, that last gripe is forgivable because it is necessary information the reader needs to understand the mystery surrounding the world the character lives in. As long as the writers stick to their guns, this should be a fairly enjoyable five issue series. I definitely recommend checking out this series.

Suicide Squad (2019) #9

Sep 22, 2020

Suicide Squad (2019) #10

Oct 27, 2020

Reviews for the Week of...


