Alters #1
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Alters #1

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Leila Leiz Publisher: Aftershock Comics Release Date: September 7, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 6
6.5Critic Rating
5.2User Rating

From a diverse team of creators composed of differing genders, gender identities, ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations comes a groundbreaking new series featuring the world's first transgender superhero!

As the world struggles to accept the emergence of a new kind of mutant species known as alterations, or "Alters," a young woman begins her transition from male to female only to find herself also transitioning into a powerful Alter. Faced with persecution by the multi-powered fascist known only as Matter Man, she will face the world as Chalice--a  hero for a new age. But as Chalice navigates the path to becoming her t more

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Brunell Sep 12, 2016

    Though the general trappings of this story were familiar, a world that is being introduced to super-heroes for the first time, the characters and details are very original. So original in fact, that it's become controversial in certain internet circles, and there is nothing like a controversial comic to set a mark in history. After the stunning reveal in this issue, I'm looking forward to seeing where Jenkins and Leiz take me next. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Critical Blast - Critical Blast Staff Sep 21, 2016

    Another strong new title from Aftershock. Takes a very classic Marvel superhero style story and brings it into the modern world. Making the main characters transgendered worked very well, and the story never feels heavy handed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 8, 2016

    It should also be a success because Leila Leiz is an utterly fantastic discovery here in how she brings this to life. While I tend to do my second and third passes on a book for certain details or looking at the script in full to see what I missed, this book kept me for both of those revisits just for the artwork and greater appreciation of Bonvillain's color work on it. I'm already eager for the first arc to be done and over with so I can savor it in full as the monthly wait is going to be a rough one. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - SHAY REVOLVER Oct 5, 2016

    Often in media we see sexuality and gender identity used heavyhandedly to sensationalize or add a shock factor to a story, in Alters it seems organic. You can feel every emotion that the hiding of who she is causes her. You cringe at the deceptions she has to engage at to keep herself safe & the people she loves in the dark. Despite how strong she is, you find yourself wanting to reach through the pages, hug her and, tell her it's going to be alright. Chalice seems like a real person, which is a testament to the great story and brilliant writing in this series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Sep 14, 2016

    The creative team has done a great job on the first issue of this series. This is a good start to Aftershock's own universe of superhero comics. The blunt and forcefulness of LGBTQ association is a little awkward, but I appreciate it nonetheless. After all, there should be a place for that discussion in mainstream comics. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Sep 8, 2016

    I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. I can only hope "Alters" will get better from here. In the meantime, please support the creative output of trans women in comics. Read Full Review

  • 0.0
    Comicosity - Emma Houxbois Sep 8, 2016

    This comic desperately wants our attention. They want it to take up as much space as possible in the conversation around transgender representation in comics. The only problem is that they didnt actually get around to making a comic worth paying any attention to. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Emily221b Nov 2, 2016

    As a trans woman I truly enjoy the comic. The struggles she deals with are very real, the author took the time to acually consult with trans people and the colorist is trans herself and I enjoyed the superhero aspect so far, as while it is a bit generic there seems room for it to grow unique. Overall I would highly recommend.

  • 6.5
    Gizmo Sep 11, 2016

    It's a rather average comic, not deserving of the brutal reviews that it seems to be getting, yet not particularly worthy of praise either. I'm not totally understanding what Matter Man's role is, is he a terrorist or a world dictator? It's not clear in this first issue. Besides the main character being transgender, there is also a special needs brother and a casual nod to inappropriately teams named, like the Washington Redskins. So, the writer has his heart in the right place, and it approaching subject matter that is mostly absent from comics, but the spark just isn't there.

  • 1.5
    Briton Sep 24, 2016

    Well now. We have a "diverse team of creators composed of differing genders, gender identities, ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations". So focused they are on their liberal progaganda, they forgot the contents.This is a generic superhero story with nothing to set it apart from the pack.

    I cannot recommend this to anyone unless they are happy to pay for propaganda. Me? I'm signed up for one more issue but unless a miracle happen, it'll be my last issue.

  • 1.0
    CriticWithNoName Sep 9, 2016

    This is a pretty ham-fisted attempt at being topical. The subject (transgender issues) deserves a better story. Unlike the way that Zootopia addresses racial profiling and racism, Alters doesn't make you think or care for otherwise completely sympathetic characters.

  • 6.5
    joe Oct 16, 2016

  • 6.0
    sebastianorellana95 Sep 8, 2016

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