Dead Letters #1

Writer: Christopher Sebela Artist: Chris Visions Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: April 2, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 2
7.9Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

WHY WE LOVE IT: Here at BOOM! Studios, crime is in our blood-from our comic-turned-feature film 2 GUNS to our critically acclaimed series HIT, we've always had a passion for all things noir. DEAD LETTERS is the next step in our exploration of the genre.

WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT: Creators Christopher Sebela (Ghost, High Crimes) and newcomer Chris Visions are two fresh voices that are about to take the industry by storm. Don't miss out on a wholly unique take on supernatural noir.

WHAT IT'S ABOUT: Sam Whistler wakes up in an unfamiliar motel room, dressed in hospital scrubs and his arms wrapped in bandages. He remembers nothing-not more

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Apr 2, 2014

    DEAD LETTERS was a comic I hadn't heard about until I laid eyes on it. It's great being able to dive into a new comic and not have to worry about anything that happened before. Our main character has no recollection who he was before he woke up and the action gets pretty crazy. The art and colors captures the mood of the story and gives it a different feel from your typical comic. Do yourself a favor and check this book out. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Chris Napier Apr 1, 2014

    Dead Letters has me hooked, with a twisted take on some classic archetypes that should appeal to all sorts. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Apr 2, 2014

    If Sebela and Visions can continue to masterfully collaborate with such surprising, inspiring and hair-raising plots, there is no doubt this series will become a hit. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Lance Paul Apr 15, 2014

    I didn't think Boom! could outdo themselves again after the award winning HIT, but here comes yet another dreamy creator-controlled franchise. Christopher Sebela (Captain Marvel, Screamland) and Chris Visions (Devils on the Levee) are just the creators for the job. Dead Letters is just the kind of book you find by chance and lose your self in it. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Apr 2, 2014

    Chris Visions art is scratchy and all over the place, which is kinda the point. Some of the action is a little confusing and hard to follow, but overall this book looks supreme. The grit and darkness fills every panel, like the best mystery movie you've never seen. The violence is fast and brutal, even when it doesn't stick. Ruth Redmond provides some great colors, too. Visually, Dead Letters can be a little choppy, but that won't stop you from tearing through it. It's a great comic book, through and through. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Apr 5, 2014

    If Dead Letters carries a certain sense of running off a familiar noir playbook, it has also set for itself a conflict that opens up some unusual possibilities for the form, though at this point, Sebela's scripting (as opposed to his overall concept) isn't as compelling as one could hope for. That's far more than made up for by Vision's art, which has exactly the right blend of street-level grit and comic-book exaggeration to make Dead Letters feel like something very special, despite the derivative nature of its setup. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Apr 8, 2014

    Don't make the mistake of dismissing this based on the high-concept blurb. Christopher Sebela has packed a lot of story packed into this issue and we're just getting started. The reveal on the last page means that #2 is going to be very interesting. Sebela can go in a bunch of different directions based on this setup, I'm going to really enjoy seeing where the story takes us. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Dan Pennacchia Apr 2, 2014

    The storys conclusion is an unexpected one. Though the unreliable narrator is a frequently used trope, Sebelas scripting, dialogue and conclusion of issue one all point to this story having a lot more to offer than the opening familiarity might otherwise communicate. Instead, those opening pages act as a solid hook and quickly develop into something unique. As the panel pulls back to provide the widest perspective thus far in the story, the script reveal and art work fuse to make for a fantastic final page. Though there are a number of lines from this first story that could be included to convey the craft on display, readers should instead get to discover them on their own. Ultimately, if people can appreciate the artistic choices of Chris Visions, they are sure to come away very satisfied with this new series from BOOM! Studios. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Nick Philpott Apr 2, 2014

    This is an assured debut from this creative team. Crime comics these days tend to skew between monster crime (vampires, werewolves, steamy romance, etc) and hard-boiled. Team Chris has decided to straddle that line, and that's something to be treasured. Don't let this book fall into the cracks on your list"it'll take you on a memorable ride, and leave you with a revelation that is sure to bring you back next month. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Apr 4, 2014

    Chris Sebela and Chris Visions' “Dead Letters” feels like a well-worn premise that proves to have some tread left on the tires, thanks to a unique and aesthetically pleasing setting. Crime/mystery comic readers have plenty to choose from on the shelves, but shouldn't overlook “Dead Letters”, even if its first issue is more promise than it is delivery. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Alex Wilde Apr 8, 2014

    Then we get to the very last page, the "hook" to get the reader to keep buying. And... it was a let-down. I'll just go ahead and say that, if I was interested in picking this up, I'd probably just re-read Mercy Sparx again instead. Long story short, it was a good read, but I remain unsnared. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 4, 2014

    "Dead Letters" #1 is a good start to a series, one that plays out an opening mystery while really introducing a bigger one at the same time. Sebela's a writer who has become someone to watch for, and Visions' art makes me want a lot more from him too. All in all, a pleasant surprise. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    ComicBuzz - ZXRoberts Aug 25, 2014

    Although too familiar to begin with Dead Letters #1 offers an interesting take on the man with no memory and provides a final page that completely alters what the reader thinks they know. The art work shows real promise and some panels (the wrists) are fantastic. The opening issue may not have rocked my world but ignites curiosity enough to follow further. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Apr 2, 2014

    The entire issue is fairly divided on the successes and failures of the creative team, leaving the read to feel ambivalent about the experience. Because Sebela doesn't do enough to engage the reader in the story and places too much emphasis on the plot instead of who's involved, we're left with little reason to continue with the series. At the same time, it might be worth it to see how Chris Visions, a newcomer, grows throughout his time on the series, because it looks like he'll be one to watch in the future. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Apr 3, 2014

    It's difficult to follow what is happening in the story until the end when a new character shows up to provide answers that are far more fascinating than the path we took to get there. Read Full Review

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