House of Penance #6

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Ian Bertram Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: September 14, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 5
9.7Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

Evil has infiltrated Sarah's sanctuary. Even Warren Peck, her newfound protector and confidant, is overwhelmed by the spirits that seek revenge upon her. In the terrifying conclusion of Tomasi and Bertram's horror miniseries, Sarah is forced to confront her demons, face to face.

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Sep 22, 2016

    House of Penance has built up to this startling climax and it's earned every moment of it.  It's an unsettling read and this issue is no different.  Throughout the entire series, you've wondered if Sarah is crazy.  Are the things she's seeing just in her head?  Or are they really there?  We get some clarification here, but more importantly, we get closure.  It's this perfectly fitting ending that is as beautiful as it is tragic.  Writer Peter J. Tomasi's story of horror and heartbreak is matched by Bertram's artwork that is often disturbing yet poignant. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Rebecca Booth Sep 14, 2016

    Peter J. Tomasi fuses history with mystery in his narrative mapping of the house and its key character. A touching tale of atonement, loss, and absolution, House of Penance is a fascinating fictional approach to the Winchester Mystery House. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Sep 14, 2016

    House of Penance has been a masterpiece of comic art from the very first issue. The blending of historical fact and fiction structured around a clear premise concerning guilt and debt and madness elevated this comic to something more than your standard fare. And it was all told by a fantastic creative team that truly understood what comics can do. This is a story that could only be told in this medium. It's brilliant and disturbing, beautiful and cruel and well deserving your time and attention. Dr. Josh gives this an" Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Kittie Pop Sep 14, 2016

    Like I said above, I really had no idea what was going on, but I loved it. Sometimes less is more, and the ability to edit and take away only made this book better. It easily casts an eerie yet warm emotion over the reader, and all parties who worked on this book should be incredibly proud of themselves. In a phrase, we need more books like this. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Chris Tresson Sep 14, 2016

    All in all, I think this was my favourite issue of the series. The art really sells it for me. I think the whole series was done in the right amount of issues and I feel satisfied with the overall story. You should definitely check it out. When you're in your local comic shop, have a flip through and look at the art in this book, even if you haven't been reading it, then maybe consider getting the trade when it comes out. I can't not give this one top marks, haha. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Sep 20, 2016

    This miniseries has been quite a ride. Watching Sarah through this lengthened mental breakdown is both sad and satisfying, now that she is finally with her family. I've thought of a lot of different concepts while reading this series. Mental illness, loss of a loved one, being haunted by your past, paranormal encounters, gun control, and so much more. Tomasi and Bertram have orchestrated nothing short of a masterpiece in House of Penance"a thought-provoking and deeply disturbing masterpiece. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Oct 24, 2016

    The art by Bertram continues to shine in a terrifying and grotesque manner. I will admit the way the house falls apart reminds me of a jigsaw puzzle if it was made by M.C Escher. There's something haunting about its image. Read Full Review

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