Batman '66 #1
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Batman '66 #1

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Jonathan Case Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 3, 2013 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 26 User Reviews: 4
8.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Digital First!

Put on your go-go boots and get ready to “Batusi” back to the Swingin’ 60s as DC Comics reimagines the classic Batman TV series in comics form for the first time! These all-new stories portray The Caped Crusader, The Boy Wonder and their fiendish rogues gallery just the way viewers remember them. In this first adventure, The Riddler’s out to steal some valuable artwork from under the noses of Gotham’s police. But Batman gets help from an unlikely source: a certain femme fatale dressed in feline finery!

  • 10
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jul 23, 2013

    I loved it. Does the Nostalgia aspect have a chance of wearing off? Sure. But for right now this was an amazing comic that recaptures the look and feel of the Adam West show and that's exactly what I wanted. If you're a fan of the original series then I can't see how you could possibly be disappointed by this. Batman '66 is definitely worth every Batman fan's time. One of the funniest and well-illustrated books I've read this year. Jeff Parker and Jonathan Case did an amazing job. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Jul 5, 2013

    If digital comics are to succeed in cutting through the digital morass and captivating mainstream audiences, there needs to be more of them like Batman '66. Like DC Nation has done for animated fare, this comic provides a lighthearted and easily accessible version of a familiar character that will be sure to please audiences of all ages. Whether it is nostalgia you crave or a chance to turn Batman's permanent frownupside-down, it is difficult to not have a giant goofy grin on your face while swiping your way through this innovative taste of the future of comics. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Daniel Gehen Jul 5, 2013

    Batman '66 #1 marks the triumphant return of one of the landmark interpretations of any comic book character. Parker, Case and Abbott set up what looks to be a very promising and entertaining series, and the Mike Allred cover is worth the price of admission alone. While many may choose to wait for the print version, I implore you to try out the digital edition as this is the first title under DC2. Batman '66 is rockin' good time. Tune in next week. Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Culture Mass - Brian Martin Jul 9, 2013

    Batman '66 brilliantly captures the feeling of the Adam West series, with a fun story and perfect visual style. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jul 3, 2013

    DC makes great use of the digital medium too, giving Case's artwork time to shine before a "POW!" pops across the screen, a la the old show. It's glorious stuff. The popup speech balloons aren't exactly needed, and there a few times where the colors and the artwork don't line up giving the book a "3D without glasses look" which is weird. Still, this is the best dollar you'll spend all week, it's amazeballs of the highest order. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jul 21, 2013

    If it isn't obvious, I loved this book. It has great art work, dialogue and in-jokes galore. It is laughing with the 60's Batman show not at it and laughing is what you'll do if you pick it up. I had a smile on my face the entire time. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jul 18, 2013

    I'll let the issue's appeal speak for itself. The Riddler is confounded by a riddle left where he his final prize should be: "What arrives / at any time of day or night / always ready / to fight the good fight?" From the rafters, Robin leaps out, "Answer?" and Batman joins him: "Justice!"Ka-bam!!! Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Florida Geek Scene - Scott Jul 31, 2013

    This is one title not to miss out on, especially for the true Batman fan. Ad this to your pull list or just pick it up off of the shelf, you'll love it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Stash My Comics - Leo Johnson Jul 18, 2013

    New readers can enjoy this book. Batman, of course, is one of the best known comic characters and seeing him in a fun, silly adventure is something that is likely to draw some people in. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Jul 3, 2013

    An absolutely brilliant and long overdue addition to DCs bank of titles, Batman 66 is just another example of how the publisher is expanding its all-ages offerings through its digital first offerings, without exclusively dumbing them down for the pre-school set. Perfect for kids and adults alike, this title is a wholly different take on the Caped Crusader in the comic market, and one that has been sorely missed for decades. Glad to have you back, old chum! Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Jul 5, 2013

    Fans of the classic show, obviously, will get a kick out of all the visual and verbal nods to the show, but even comic readers unfamiliar with the show will find respite from the darkness of Gotham in a completely valid take on the character that is as silly as they come Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Jul 18, 2013

    Batman '66 #1 has nostalgia without the feeling it's all being done for nostalgia's sake. It's a great read " a sort of time machine to days sitting cross-legged in front of a television singing "Na-na-na-na Batman!" Even those who are either too young to have seen the show or blase about its existence might find a tether here. For all of the black and white and gray that exists in comics today, this one is full of technicolor. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 21, 2013

    Thanks for the nostalgic buzz, DC! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jul 18, 2013

    For the most part this comic is a complete hit if you have ever watched the show. I will say that I was disappointed that Batman and Robin weren't ever in the typical cliffhanger as seen so many times on the show, such as them being lowered into lava or attached to a giant band saw board. However, the characters, dialogue, wit and plot are all in line with the TV show. If this book can deliver like this for each installment then this might become one of the biggest hits from out of nowhere DC has ever had. Who says old ideas can't be recycled and dusted off? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Jul 5, 2013

    Serious fans of the show will eat this up, and the next installment can't get here fast enough. This first chapter covers roughly half of what would be a half-hour episode, and before it's done, I suspect that "The Riddler's Ruse" will fit perfectly into the structure of a traditional Batman two-parter. The first season of Batman is one of the greatest comic-to-screen translations in history, and while the show became inconsistent (and sometimes tough to watch) later in its run, the initial concept and its unique, twisted humor stands the test of time. Batman '66 looks like it might just fit right in with the spirit of the show's better episodes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jul 3, 2013

    Have you ever watched the Adam West Batman TV show? If so, you absolutely need to read this comic. Jeff Parker and Jonathan Case succeed on capturing the spirit and essence of the show. They deliver a fun comic filled with great art, story and action. If you're not familiar with the show, you can absolutely still enjoy the comic. You might scratch your head a little but you will still dig it. It's comics like this that make the Digital First comics a success. You get instant fun and excitement. Just make sure you use the guided viewing option. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Jul 19, 2013

    I started this review by talking about comics' desire to distance itself from its cheesy past, but of course wallowing in nostalgia is a recipe for creative ossification, too. But whereas much of modern DC seems to be providing the worst of both worlds in this regard, Batman '66 hits the sweet spot of paying tribute to the past while using it as a springboard for something that feels fresh. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jul 3, 2013

    This installment is part one of "The Riddler's Ruse: Mirth from Above" and ends with queries to prime the pump for the next installment. I could almost hear William Dozier's voice as the swipes across my iPod revealed the set up for next week. DC Entertainment has a nostalgia stuffed innovation in this comic that is filled with a fun -- that's right, fun! -- story and striking art delivered by topnotch talent. I, for one, will be tuning in each week waiting for that brief reunion with childhood entertainers. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Jul 24, 2013

    Despite being a fun comic, Batman '66 isn't for everyone. It's goofy and funny, but if you never cared for the TV show, then the comic isn't for you. But if you wanted to have a fun comic that has a good laugh and you liked the Spongebob parodies of Batman, then try this out and have a blast. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Dan Pennacchia Jul 6, 2013

    On the whole, the first issue of Batman '66 is a success. The title could be a lot of fun, but it will require the creative teams to continue to straddle that line in the same way that Parker and Case managed to in this opening story. It will be interesting to see how long the level of quality in personnel and final product can be maintained. For now, because of its single-panel presentation, the book feels like it contains a lot of story, making it well worth its cover price. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 7, 2013

    All in all, it's a decent chunk of story for 99 cents, and delivers on it's promise of a new kind of comic experience. While I'm not ready to trade in all my comics for an iPad, it's an interesting experience that doesn't try to transfer existing pages into a Frankenstein's "motion comic" as Marvel tried to do a few years ago. Batman '66 #1 delivers on the promise of a meaningful continuation of the 60s camp television show, as well as the promise of something entirely new in comic terms. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Oct 19, 2013

    As a fan of the old television show I can certainly see the nostalgic charm of the comic and the recreations of the designs of the TV-show (who doesn't love that old Batmobile?), the ridiculous riddles and cornball moments (such as Batman and Robin taking a milk break in the Batcave), an a sense of fun missing from far too many of today's Batman titles. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Aug 3, 2013

    Again, if you're a fan of the 60′s show then you'll be pleased with how this book represents the material it's inspired by. If you were never a fan of the show, or prefer your Batman a bit darker, then this book isn't for you. I don't think this issue was enough to bring me back for issue number two, but it was fun to revisit this Batman who was such a big part of my childhood. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Front Towards Gamer - FTG Contributor Jul 20, 2013

    Ultimately, like a lot of beloved Batman stuff Batman '66 comes down to a matter of style over substance and I think in that realm it really delivers, the bad artwork and messy plot do bring it down in my opinion but the mood and atmosphere of the classic show and campy silver age comics is on full display and is still very enjoyable. If you're tired of the overly dark world of modern Batman or are a big fan of the classic show I'd recommend picking Batman '66 up, just be willing to forgive it some of its flaws. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jul 17, 2013

    Batman ’66 may not hold up over the long haul, but issue #1 is a lot of fun. Read Full Review

  • 4.6
    Flip Geeks - Norby Ela Jul 18, 2013

    Batman '66 is now my number two of the Batman franchise (Batman being #1). This made me feel like a kid again. Go grab a copy now. Read Full Review

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