Batman And Robin Eternal #19

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Paul Pelletier, Tony Kordos Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 10, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 11
6.9Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Everything that can go wrong does in both the past and the present! Batman spent years believing Mother was deadand when you see their blood-soaked confrontation, youll know why! Now that shes returned in the modern day, Batmans allies will find themselves under siege from a world-destroying weapon they never saw coming! And on top of everythingHarper Row learns a devastating secret that will change her life foreverand potentially make her the most dangerous foe the Robins have ever faced!

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Feb 17, 2016

    Batman and Robin Eternal #19 delves into one of the more interesting, some would say ironic, some would even say disturbing, aspects of current DC continuity, Dick Grayson's day job. At the moment, the first Robin is posing as a gay French gym teacher at St. Hadrian's School for Girls in Suffolk, England. In reality, he is an agent of Spyral, the psychedelic spy agency headed by his one-time partner and tacit love interest, Helena Bertinelli. But, the fact seldom touched on is that Grant Morrison, the creator of Spyral, established the school as a training academy for female assassins. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Feb 11, 2016

    Humor makes its way back into the series as Tim Seeley takes over on scripting. Humor isn't the only thing this issue is about, however, as we also get to see plenty of action from the former Bat-sidekicks. A great line from Grayson also reminds us who one of the most badass characters in this series is, “Cass. You're with me. Even off your rocker, you're one of the best fighters on the damn planet.” He says this in regards to Cass who is also being affected by Mother's mind-control and in need of the fear toxin. Even while facing her greatest fears right in front of her Grayson still knows she's capable of great things, that's pretty awesome. The artwork on this issue also hit a lot of high notes as we experience some brutal fight scenes and some psychedelic panels. Soooo many punches being thrownthis issue, and a pretty epic head-butt via Cass don't pick a fight with her. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Feb 12, 2016

    Another great issue in this highly enjoyable series. The character moments are truly the best parts of this book, but the story continues to be engaging. While Mother has become a lot more vulnerable throughout this series, the threat she poses still gives the Robins a big challenge. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Ryan Lower Feb 12, 2016

    Overall, a fun, exciting issue that is a little bit of a payoff for weeks of buildup. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Comicsverse - Jonathan Helmke Feb 15, 2016

    The art in this issue was very impressive. I can't say the same for the story, as it didn't pick up from last week. We're introduced to a story that mostly revolves around everyone trying to survive mind-controlled teen assassins. There were a lot of good fight scenes that you'll enjoying looking at. The story doesn't really progress any further than it did last week, but it's still a good read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Feb 10, 2016

    While Tim Seeleys return to the series brings a dash of humor, and Paul Pelletiers art is a step up from the past few issues, nothing much of weight happens in the brawl at Spryal. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Feb 12, 2016

    Action, action, and more action. So much action…is there even an actual story hidden underneath all the blood and viscera? While there is, I don't feel like it really took us anywhere. What's more, gone is the feeling that we are dealing with a secret society of assassins hellbent on world domination through subterfuge. Instead, it's a full on assault by Mother to kill everyone who would resist her, and mentally enslave the rest. It was just a little too unintuitive and generic for my taste. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Feb 10, 2016

    Batman & Robin Eternal #19 is a disappointing chapter in a weekly series that I have enjoyed on the whole. Weaker chapters are to be expected throughout this journey, and #19 suffered from some seemingly rushed artwork and a story that was very straightforward. Here's hoping there's some stronger visuals in store next week. Read Full Review

  • 4.9
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 10, 2016

    Tim Seeley jumps on Eternal this week and brings along the standard inconsistencies and while the big reveals felt overly forced, they push the overall story forward which I am grateful for. Paul Pelletier's art was good and I'm not sure if this series has just made me punch drunk, but I didn't completely hate this issue. Read Full Review

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