Harley Quinn #11

Writer: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: John Timms Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 4, 2017 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 13
7.7Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

"JOKER LOVES HARLEY" part one! For months now, strange reminders of Harley's time with the Joker have been popping up in the most unexpected places...is this coincidence? Or a message? As our tale begins, Harley is introduced to a newer, kinder Joker...and Red Tool is not happy about it!

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Emma Houxbois Jan 6, 2017

    Pandora the Explorer is one of the best working examples of how Conner and Palmiotti can fairly nakedly show us how theyre constructing the current arc without falling into a holding pattern. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jan 7, 2017

    We're living in a 'Post Harley Quinn #8 World', and after a couple filler issues, we're finally back on track with the ongoing storyline. I'm very excited to see where this goes, and this issue doesn't disappoint. The characters are as rich as they've ever been, the art is as fantastic as always, and it's clear that Conner and Palmiotti have a lot planned. They tease the idea that the Joker is working on something, and I'm rather excited to see what sort of web they've weaved with him, and how they're going to get Harley entangled within. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Jan 5, 2017

    This book offers a potpourri of visual and intellectual delights (and yes, comedy is an intellectual delight). It's also the start of an arc the trajectory of which I have no concrete sense. It's not easy to stymie me narratively"most stories project where they're going so obviously, but given that Harley closed out her "relationship" with the Laughing Man some time ago, I'm really curious to see where this intends to go! But then I am one of those people who wistfully wishes to see Harley and the Joker back in their Punch and Judy affair. I seriously doubt we'll get that here (especially if Red Tool keeps Harley from her rendezvous), but I'm sure whatever this creative team comes up with, it's going to be a smash! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Patrick Ross Jan 4, 2017

    This issue has a lot going for it–a one-in-done adventure with a unique baddie, sexual tension between Harley and Tool, and some setup for the incoming showdown with The Joker that'll surely be a lot of fun to witness. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - David Finn Jan 5, 2017

    When we look at this issue in full, it appears quite clear that Harley isn't really harboring major feelings for Mistah-J anymore. That ship has sailed, her momentum is forward not backward. But like many an awkward ex, Joker carries a riptide of emotion for the character and we can be sure that come the next issue Joker won't simply take his roses and walk away into the sunset. Or will he? That's the kind of delicious ambiguity the situation holds. As a reader and lover of Harley I believe she will conquer her own demons, and in this case, she may have to physically expel him from the boardwalk and her life. Another very good issue of Harley Quinn. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Jan 4, 2017

    Not quite the "Joker's Back" story we might have expected, but he is in this issue and the actual story we do get is serviceable. The art looks terrific, which is expected on this title. A lot of the dialogue is pretty funny, too. This isn't the issue to jump on, despite the inclusion of Joker, but it's an okay read and appropriately weird for the series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - SHAY REVOLVER Jan 5, 2017

    Overall, Issue #11 was just OK and since the first 10 Rebirth issues were so on point and I was loving the direction that Harley was taking, this was kind of a let down. It felt like the writers kind of ran out of steam and went for a place holder style set up issue as opposed to the intro to the arc style they had been using. I'm hoping this arc turns itself around and gives us more of the Harley that we love and a meatier story because, this issue compared to the previous 10, was just meh. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    We Got This Covered - Eric Joseph Jan 4, 2017

    Despite being a bit all over the place, Harley Quinn #11 contains much potential that I can only hope subsequent issues of this arc deliver on. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 5, 2017

    If there's another shoe yet to drop, it needs to drop soon, because so far this arc is struggling to take advantage of this rare Harley/Joker reunion. Read Full Review

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