Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1
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Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1

Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Alan Davis Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 15, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 15
6.8Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

• Welcome to Battleworld - where, in what's left of Mondo-City One, Boss Cage is the law!
• When the fascist futuropolis annexes neighboring Yinsen City, who'll stand up for Ho Yinsen's dream of universal peace?
• If you liked the Mighty Avengers -- you'll love the Mighty Defenders!

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Robert Reed Jul 16, 2015

    Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1 is an entertaining debut that hits most of the marks perfectly. Al Ewing's characters blend nicely with Alan Davis' artwork and the use of parody and meta-humor help the creators take full advantage of theBattleworld premise. It remains to be seen however, if the late start to the conflict will be a detriment to the series or if the second issue can close strong. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Jul 16, 2015

    Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1 is comparable to the Secret Wars version of Ewing's Mighty Avengers series and that's the best possible compliment one could pay this debut. If you enjoyed that title, you'll more than enjoy this entry into the Battleworld canon. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Jul 15, 2015

    There's no obvious drawbacks to Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1. There's nothing bad about Alan Davis' pencils, they're just incredibly safe. Contrastingly, Al Ewing is an unrestrained whirlwind of ideas and energy, clearly enjoying the freedom offered by the Battleworld concept and using it to maximum effect. A great script and solid (if unexceptional) artwork make Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1 an issue worth recommending. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jul 16, 2015

    Mighty Defenders is another success for the writer. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - pmanzato Jul 18, 2015

    I am looking forward to the second issue of this story and I am veryeager to see more of Mondo City and the Bosses who make it up (and I hope others catch the similarities to another known comic character that Mondo City seems to be based on). I really enjoyed Captain Britain, even though I am not familiar with this character and look forward to seeing more from her. I only wish this title wasn't only 2 issues long, and allow more time to flesh this story out. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Jul 16, 2015

    Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders aims high but comes up a little short. The heroes are a breath of fresh air. Faiza Hussain particularly is a character who really deserves to be pushed to the frontlines of the Marvel lineup. The story has some great ideas but has to cram them all together alongside the conflict with Mondo City. The art by Alan Davis is good but doesn't really stand out save for a few panels. If this book had been given the five issue treatment like its fellow Secret Wars tie-ins, it could have been a classic. Still, it features a fantastic cast who finally get their time in the limelight. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Jul 22, 2015

    Seemingly happier to be too full of good ideas than risk overstaying its welcome, Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1 is a terrifically fun comic book. There is some undeniable unevenness in places, but its sense of wonder and straightforward approach disarm quite a bit of that. Though it's mostly just lead up for the real story due next month, the strange, mix-and-match nature of the twin cities is too fascinating to pass by. Mighty Defenders is another bit of proof that Al Ewing is one of the most interesting minds in the house of ideas right now. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jul 21, 2015

    Even though the script could be better, it still gives us a really interesting story to work with. We have interesting characters that I’d like to know more and care about and, who knows, maybe it’s coming! Future issues will tell… The artwork, along with Will Quintana’s colors, makes this issue a complete and utter success. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jul 15, 2015

    Captain Britain And The Mighty Defenders #1 has a concept that intrigues me, some solid characters that are fun to have around again, and some rather boring artwork. Davis' work isn't bad, but it didn't wow me at all and it deflated a lot of the momentum of the issue. I'll be back for Ewing's take on Faiza, but I'm not expecting to be astounded by the artwork in this series. Read Full Review

  • 5.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Sean Ian Mills Jul 17, 2015

    It's like everyone involved in Captain Britain and the Mighty Defendersrealizes that this is a throwaway mini-series with no reason for existing, but they might as well have some fun with it while they're here. I'm as tickled pink as the next guy to see some of my favorite characters get used, but Faiza and Spider Hero can only entertain for so long. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Jul 17, 2015

    So the overall feeling of the book, has to be re-hash and like any meal that is reheated, you run the rish of whilst its lovely and crispy on the outside, the insides can still be cold. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jul 17, 2015

    There's a lot of little moments in "Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders" #1 that could have been interesting with more room, but the creative team never has time to explore them here. It's also worth noting that the title is a real misnomer; Faiza is a minor character, the random grouping of characters isn't the Defenders at all and, if anything, the real protagonist is Professor Yinsen. Ewing tries hard and Davis and Farmer at least provide some gorgeous art, but -- in the end -- it would be utterly forgettable if it wasn't such a fine looking comic. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ryan Ford Jul 28, 2015

    Kudos to the artistic team of Alan Davis (Excalibur),Mark Farmer (JLA) and Wil Quintana (Exiles) for bringing a gritty stylistic approach swabbed with a rich color palate that clearly defines the mood of the series. There were elements reminiscent of John Romita, Jr. (one of my childhood favorites) that told the story far better than the writing. Ah, the writing. With so much going on, the explosiveness was less TNT and more WTF. Not to say that the vision conceived by Al Ewing(Loki: Agent of Asgard) is a poor one, but a lot of it just seemed like a conversation between Lucy and Ricky Ricardo. Theres a lot of splainin to do. And the way the path is laid out, M. NightShyamalan would read it and say huh? Nevertheless, theres a snowballs chance the payoff will be worth it a few issues down the line. If you can make it that far. Read Full Review

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