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Joined: Oct 24, 2016

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Powers Of A Squirrel

By: Ryan North, Erica Henderson

Eating nuts. Kicking butts. No ifs, ands or buts. Thanos. Fin Fang Foom. Deadpool. They have all fallen to her squirrel-based might — all completely, indisputably in canon. Now the Sciuridae super hero is about to face her biggest challenge yet: majoring in computer science at Empire State University! Oh, and also Galactus. But that college thing...

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Edmund rated Excalibur #4 Dec 27, 2019

Excalibur #4

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Captain Britain must face the truth about her brother and choose her path forward as MI-13 and the agents of the crown become aware of her ascension. As the lighthouse grows, Apocalypse and Rictor must master the earth beneath their feet.
Rated T+

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Edmund rated X-Force #4 Dec 27, 2019

X-Force #4

By: Ben Percy, Joshua Cassara
Released: Dec 18, 2019

First, the new team strikes back against the humans who took one of their own. Then, with its orders established, the new X-Force hits the ground running, taking on deadly threats targeting mutantkind's rightful place in the world...
Parental Advisory

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Edmund rated X-Men #2 Nov 13, 2019

X-Men #2

By: Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Nov 13, 2019

When an island full of unspeakable horrors appears on the horizon, the X-Men have their work cut out for themselves keeping Krakoa safe!
Rated T+

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Wolf Warner reviewed Mosaic #7 Apr 12, 2017

I'm probably the last man standing with my guy Mosaic. Still an interesting read.

Mosaic #7

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Bruno Oliveira
Released: Apr 12, 2017

• Mosaic delves deeper into his powers with the help of the Inhumans!
•  But the Brand Corporation isn't done with him yet!
Rated T

+ LikeComments (1)
Edmund - Aug 18, 2017

Such a pointless issue though. Good character but all development killed by the tie-in.

Edmund rated Mosaic #7 Aug 18, 2017

Mosaic #7

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Bruno Oliveira
Released: Apr 12, 2017

• Mosaic delves deeper into his powers with the help of the Inhumans!
•  But the Brand Corporation isn't done with him yet!
Rated T

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #23

By: Ryan North, Erica Henderson
Released: Aug 9, 2017

• Remember last issue, when we went to the SAVAGE LAND, the nature preserve full of dinosaurs?
•  Guess what? We're still in the amazing SAVAGE LAND, and there're even MORE dinosaurs!
•  Will Squirrel Girl FIGHT a dinosaur? Will Squirrel Girl fight TWO dinosaurs? Will we come up with really excellent reasons why these fights wou...

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Edmund rated The Unworthy Thor #5 Aug 5, 2017

The Unworthy Thor #5

By: Jason Aaron, Pascal Alixe
Released: Mar 22, 2017

• The hammer of the Ultimate Thor is finally within reach of Asgard's fallen son.
•  Is redemption finally at hand?
•  No matter what happens next, life will never be the same for the Odinson.
Rated T+

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Edmund rated The Unworthy Thor #4 Aug 5, 2017

The Unworthy Thor #4

By: Jason Aaron, Olivier Coipel
Released: Feb 8, 2017

• The Odinson's quest is impeded when Proxima Midnight and the Black Swan seek to battle with him!
•  But are the two acting alone or is there someone else pulling their strings?
•  Don't miss the debut of the Odinson's all-new look!
Rated T+

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Edmund rated Deadpool #33 Jul 27, 2017

Deadpool #33

By: Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli
Released: Jul 12, 2017

• It's not easy living under a Hydra government.
•  Especially when you accidentally sided with them.
•  Yeah - Deadpool messed up pretty badly this time.
•  PLUS: Deadpool vs. Agent Preston for the fate of Ellie!
Parental Advisory

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Edmund rated Infamous Iron Man #9 Jul 27, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #9

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Jun 28, 2017

As the impossible task of redeeming himself to the universe begins to overwhelm him, the truth about Doom's reincarnated mother is revealed!
Rated T+

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Edmund rated Infamous Iron Man #4 Jul 27, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Jan 25, 2017

• It seems like old times as Victor Von Doom finds himself confronted by Benjamin J. Grimm. But with so much history between them, can Victor ever possibly convince him that times have changed?
•  That Victor Von Doom is now REALLY Iron Man?
Rated T+

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Edmund rated Infamous Iron Man #3 Jul 27, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #3

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Dec 28, 2016

• Some people from Tony Stark's past have a VERY big problem with Victor Von Doom taking the mantle of Iron Man.
•  One of those people is Pepper Potts, a.k.a. Rescue!
•  She is back and she is pissed! Where has she been?
Rated T+

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Edmund rated Infamous Iron Man #7 Jul 27, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Apr 26, 2017

• The Reed Richards from a dead reality calls himself "The Maker" - and his plans for the world are far more insane than anything Doctor Doom ever attempted.
•  Now Doom, as Iron Man, is the only one who can stop him. Doom is the hero? Richards is the villain? It is a world gone mad!
Rated T+

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Edmund rated Infamous Iron Man #8 Jul 27, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #8

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: May 24, 2017

• The Maker unleashes his grand design, a plan as demented and over-arching as anything Doctor Doom has ever attempted! •  And now, Doom is all that stands in his way! But Doom always loses to Reed Richards, right? So what are the chances that he can pull off a victory this time?
Rated T+

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Edmund reviewed Infamous Iron Man #10 Jul 27, 2017

Solid issue however it seems to take longer than it should to finish a story, Bendis definetly drawing the story out to meet deadlines. This entire series is really great but sometimes I feel the current arc should have been wrapped up 2 issues ago.

Infamous Iron Man #10

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Jul 26, 2017

As the impossible task of redeeming himself to the universe begins to overwhelm him, the truth about Doom's reincarnated mother is revealed!
Rated T+

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More of an aftermath/filler issue for those following the main event. Steve is so far from the old Cap that his love for Sharon (who has been so inconsistently drawn in regards to her age) doesn't fit and so it really can be a peculiar read.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #19

By: Nick Spencer, Jesus Saiz
Released: Jul 26, 2017

•   Steve Rogers has won over the hearts and minds of the people - save one! Unfortunately, that one is the person closest to him, the one he cares about the most. And so Sharon Carter has a fateful decision to make...
Rated T+

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Edmund reviewed Captain America: Sam Wilson #24 Jul 27, 2017

An inspiring story and help builds momentum towards the main event. The new Patriot has a good start and could have found his supporting role in this series. However not so long ago there were 3 issues worth of giving up the shield so for there to be a whole issue on this dilemma again feels a little bit pointless.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #24

By: Nick Spencer, Joe Bennett
Released: Jul 26, 2017

•  No more prevaricating! No more hesitation! Sam Wilson is back in harness as Captain America - to lead the fight against his ultimate foe!
Rated T+

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Edmund liked this:
supercoolyeah reviewed Secret Empire #7 Jul 26, 2017

Wooooow those Sorrentino action pages are gorgeous. The Carter and Capt. page is gorgeous and the Black Widow's last panel is so beautiful and tragic. The story was super strong. It is time to be ramping down and you see that things are in motion for that. You just don't know what is up with those dream sequence story line. But I'm sure it'll be explained soon. Just an awesome story with a twist t more

Secret Empire #7

By: Nick Spencer, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Jul 26, 2017

It was foretold by Ulysses, it's haunted Spider-Man's nightmares for months, and now the moment has arrived: It's time for Miles Morales to kill Captain America! Unless Natasha...
Rated T+

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Edmund reviewed Secret Empire #7 Jul 27, 2017

Good build up and steady pace that excites us, however the death that was used feels very wrong at a time when said person's own comic has been excellent. If said person is dead for good Marvel have just killed one of their best characters for a not good enough reason (I would rather have said person's comic renewed than crossover events).

Secret Empire #7

By: Nick Spencer, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Jul 26, 2017

It was foretold by Ulysses, it's haunted Spider-Man's nightmares for months, and now the moment has arrived: It's time for Miles Morales to kill Captain America! Unless Natasha...
Rated T+

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Edmund rated Old Man Logan #25 Jul 15, 2017

Old Man Logan #25

By: Ed Brisson, Mike Deodato
Released: Jun 14, 2017

•  LOGAN is confronted by an enemy from his past!
•  And if Logan's past is a dystopian future, you know this can't be good...
•  Don't miss the start of an all-new arc by breakout writer ED BRISSON and fan-favorite arti...

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Edmund rated Deadpool #31 Jul 13, 2017

Deadpool #31

By: Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli
Released: May 31, 2017

•  Deadpool trusts Steve Rogers implicitly. How could he not?
•  Now, it's time to put that trust to the test.
•  The result will have serious ramifications for Deadpool in days to come.
Parental Advisory

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Edmund rated Deadpool #32 Jul 13, 2017

Deadpool #32

By: Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli
Released: Jun 14, 2017

•  Who's the guy in Hydra green the chicks all call a sex machine?
•  DEADPOOL! You're darned right.
•  You know...I am starting to think he might be on the wrong side here.
Parental Advisory

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Edmund reviewed Black Hammer #3 Mar 9, 2017

Lemire is currently doing outstanding work on Moon Knight and is repeating it here with this gritty and disturbingly good issue which is arguably the best current title for outsiders.

Black Hammer #3

By: Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston
Released: Sep 21, 2016

Long before Spiral City's greatest heroes were written out of their universe, the Martian champion Barbalien was already stranded far from home. Disguised as churchgoing Mark Markz in the timeless farming community where the heroes find themselves trapped, Barbalien faces a terrifying personal decision, even as he relives his painful past!

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Good series which brought forward some very strong characters in Marvel Universe that are often overlooked. Disappointed not to see more issues or a Captain Britain based comic out.

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1

By: Al Ewing, Alan Davis
Released: Jul 15, 2015

• Welcome to Battleworld - where, in what's left of Mondo-City One, Boss Cage is the law!
• When the fascist futuropolis annexes neighboring Yinsen City, who'll stand up for Ho Yinsen's dream of universal peace?
• If you liked the Mighty Avengers -- you'll love the Mighty Defenders!

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Edmund rated Mockingbird #8 Oct 29, 2016

Mockingbird #8

By: Chelsea Cain, Kate Niemczyk
Released: Oct 19, 2016

•  Stranded on a sinking ship adrift in the Bermuda Triangle, MOCKINGBIRD must catch a killer intent on using her past to drive her mad...
•  ...if the sea monsters, pirate zombies and Nazi sailor ghosts don't get her first.
•  Giant whirlpools! Time vortexes! Ex-boyfrien...

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Edmund rated Nighthawk #6 Oct 29, 2016

Nighthawk #6

By: David Walker, Ramon Villalobos
Released: Oct 26, 2016

•  NIGHTHAWK faces his greatest challenge: A life or death fight from which there will be no turning back.
•  Can the man that defends Chicago remain a hero?
•  Or must he become a villain in order to protect his city?
Parental Advisory

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Edmund reviewed Vision #12 Oct 29, 2016

One of the best works of literature to be create. Life is but a dream.

Vision #12

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Oct 26, 2016

• A while ago, a robot created a family. And all was good. For a while. Then came the murders. The lies. The betrayals. The battles fought. The battles lost. The family lost.
•  And now, at the end, Vision stands alone. He must decide how he will go on, if he will go on, if he can go on. And that decision will shape the...

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mrDovydas reviewed Vision #12 Oct 26, 2016

Series like this come once in a decade, at best. This is part of the comic book history now.

Vision #12

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Oct 26, 2016

• A while ago, a robot created a family. And all was good. For a while. Then came the murders. The lies. The betrayals. The battles fought. The battles lost. The family lost.
•  And now, at the end, Vision stands alone. He must decide how he will go on, if he will go on, if he can go on. And that decision will shape the...

Edmund reviewed Civil War II #6 Oct 29, 2016

Whilst the stunning artwork will draw your eye, after the strong T'Challa exchange with Col. Danvers, this issue becomes terribly drawn out and boring. The mistake at which Thor is seen to fly away and on the next page is behind Dr. Strange being teleported away illustrates how easy even the artist forgets this issue. However after reading the latest Steve Rogers issue, there is a building of tens more

Civil War II #6

By: Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez
Released: Oct 26, 2016

Sides have been drawn, battles have been fought, but it all comes down to this. Captain Marvel versus Iron Man over the future of the Marvel Universe, one of the biggest battles in Marvel history!
Rated T+

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