Nova #2

Writer: Jeff Loveness, Ramon K. Perez Artist: Ramon K. Perez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 4, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 19
8.9Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

•  Richard Rider is back from the dead!
•  Even better - he's back in his Nova helmet!
•  But Earth already HAS a Nova as its guardian, and Sam Alexander isn't one to be replaced so easily...
Rated T

  • 10
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 4, 2017

    Nova is shaping up to be my favorite series in 2017. It's early yet, but it has all the visuals you could desire with a complex dynamic of characters and a compelling subplot of stories. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Jan 6, 2017

    You can't go wrong with immaculate visuals and a complex dynamic between two interesting characters, and that's what Nova #2 brings to the table. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Jan 5, 2017

    I'm really liking the direction of this Nova book, Sam and Rich together, and Sam still keeping what's happening to him since being back from the cancerverse a secret form everyone. Ya hero ain't perfect and I'm excited to see how that plays out for this iteration of the Nova corps. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jan 7, 2017

    The first issue even made me care about Sam Alexander. He's a fun kid, and the creative team has a blast using his pending puberty and high school dramatics for quality character building. Throw in the somewhat mysterious return of Rich Rider " who is in fine form " and you've got the makings of a really enjoyable adventure! The two characters play really well off one another, and Loveness and Perez steep this story in reverence for Rich's past awesomeness. This is just plain great legacy superhero comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Jan 8, 2017

    The cliffhanger at the end threw me for a loop, but in an absolutely great way. Loveness and Perez are creating something special here, something that will not only catapult Sam Alexander further into the publics eye, but also remind everyone that there was indeed a Nova before this modern incarnation. This issue kicked the momentum up to 11, and it looks like a battle is brewing for issue #3. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jan 9, 2017

    It's funny that after years of wanting to like Nova but failing, it would take this creative team just two issues to make me a believer. It goes to show you that there is no such thing as bad characters, only bad execution, because Loveness and Perez deliver such a likable pairing with Sam and Richard, weaving together characterization and the weirdness of comics with such naturalism. Marvel's teen books are already an embarrassment of riches, and Nova is a quality read that aims for the stars - and almost always reaches its mark. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 9, 2017

    It's a fun issue that sends up lots of entertaining possibilities. (And Ryder's encounter with the members of The Champions is priceless.) Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Jan 9, 2017

    This book is showing a lot of promise by showing respect to both characters and remaining heartfelt. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jan 11, 2017

    The second issue of the title still doesn't quite sell me on its set-up, although I do like that it doesn't take long for the pair of Novas to be out in space rather than Earthbound. The final panels suggest not all their space travels will be fun and games, however. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jan 9, 2017

    This issue was amazing, the jokes mixed in with the storyline made this book extremely enjoyable. If this is how the book is going to continue I'm 100% on board. The artwork fits this book extremely well and the panel that shows what Richard sees when the Cancerverse is infecting his mind is amazing! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Spock's Brain Feb 1, 2017

    "Nova" is a very fun and exciting book. I found this issue really lets the team of Jeff Loveness and Ramon Perez shine, as both the story and art are amazing. Sam Alexander and Richard Ryder make a great team, and I thought Ryder's readjustment to a world that had forgotten all the sacrifices he made for it touching and powerful. I really, really enjoyed this, and it's moved up to become one of the books I look most forward to when an issue comes out.

  • 9.0
    nec Jan 7, 2017

    The interaction between Rich and the champions is priceless. Hopefully, the series continues at this quality.

  • 9.0
    Pants24 Jan 5, 2017

    It's good to see Rich Rider back.

  • 8.5
    Rick Jonez Jan 7, 2017

    Wow! What turn around! only gave it 6.5 last time and it easily deserved at least an 8.5. Moreso for the Rider developments and character moments but Sam was noticeably less dorkish than in the terrible premiere. Liked his scenes with Rich and Eva. And there was the fun of Cosmo!

  • 8.0
    tamerlane86 Jan 11, 2017

    Heh, Ms.Marvel's crack about Richard Rider's fanbase being rabid was a cute shot at us fans who kind of pissed all over Sam Alexander. And hey, maybe it was deserved. I'm a Richard Rider fan who like many was proud to see Richard come into his own during the Annihilation storyline which is briefly touched upon in this issue. Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning who were the pair of writers responsible for revitalizing Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy gave Richard's role a galactic Lone Ranger was one of the highlights for me as a comic reader in the early 2000s. Then came Sam and the natural accept/reject response occurred when it comes to every new character came about and I fell firmly into the "Reject" category. It wasn't so much the character of more

  • 8.0
    Nightmare of Solomon Jan 7, 2017

    It's good that Rich Rider has such an overpowering presence that it makes me forget how much I hate Sam Alexander, something books like Champions and Avengers could never do.

    If it wasn't for that, I'd stop reading the comic right away.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
    darkfire369 Jan 5, 2017

  • 9.0
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  • 9.0
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  • 8.5
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  • 8.5
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  • 8.5
    jmprados Jan 26, 2017

  • 8.0
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  • 8.0
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  • 8.0
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  • 7.0
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