Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1
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Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Roland Boschi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 12, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 8
7.7Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

1966: With Nick Fury missing, and presumed dead, global espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D. sends secret agent Ran Shen to collect two Nazi scientists with the key to defining who wins the Cold War. But the Americans are not the only ones who want the high value scientists. The Soviets have opened the Red Room, releasing their most dangerous operative --The Winter Soldier, who unbeknownst to the world, is the presumed-dead partner of Captain America-Bucky Barnes! The brainwashed soldier's mission: to acquire the scientists by any means or to kill them should they fall into American hands. This classic 60's style, high-octane, spy pulp told at Cold more

  • 9.5
    Max Level Geek - Jonathan Semoneit Feb 12, 2014

    It's official: this is the new title to beat in Marvel's All-New Marvel NOW! Excellent writing, excellent cover, excellent interiors. If nothing else, all I can think about is that I want to read issue 2, right now! Is that not the best indicator of a great issue? If that isn't, I don't know what is. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Feb 12, 2014

    As period pieces go, this story gets the job done. It evokes a feeling of the time it's set in while not feeling dated. I'm very happy I picked this up and flipped through it in the comic shop, glad I bought it and read it, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. Winter Soldier: The Bitter March is highly recommended! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Roderick Ruth Feb 11, 2014

    Rick Remender and Roland Boschi channel legendary auteur Jim Steranko and his Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. series and make it entirely they own. Remender is not only telling a Winter Soldier story, but he's also telling a Ran Shen story. It's going to be interesting to see how Remender and Boschi will unravel how this character went from being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. to his modern state. Needless to say, this was a great first issue for this mini-series and one that fans of Winter Soldier and pulp, spy stories should not miss. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Dodge Feb 13, 2014

    With the release of the Captain America sequel only weeks away, "Winter Soldier: The Bitter March" ran the risk of being little more than a churned out tie-in filled with information redundant to old readers and too crammed together for new ones. Instead, Remender and Boschi have created an espionage tale that harkens back to the classics of the genre, and uses the familiar setting to display what a jarring effect a character like the Winter Soldier would have in this world. The dialogue and pacing are consistent throughout the book, and Boschi's art grabs the reader from the first page. It was an exciting and enjoyable read from beginning to end. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Feb 12, 2014

    Roland Boschi's art is fantastic. He's an underused resource at Marvel, and his storytelling in this issue is top notch. The only part that looks a little shaky is the scene where the Winter Soldier first makes an appearance. Speed lines look more like spikes, to the point that I thought for a moment that the title character was wearing a spiky, armored suit. Other than that, this comic looks great and the action is slick. Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 goes down smooth and leaves you satisfied. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Feb 12, 2014

    This particular issue may not be completely focused on Winter Soldier (just yet) but we do get the opportunity to see Nick Fury and Agent Ran Shen (who is playing a big role in the current CAPTAIN AMERICA series) back in the 1960s Marvel Universe. It's great and sneaky the way Rick Remender is tying this and CAPTAIN AMERICA together while showing us another page in Bucky's history. Roland Boschi and Chris Chuckry's art and colors fits the vibe of the book nicely. If you're a fan of the Winter Soldier or good old fashion spy stories, you're going to want to check this out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 20, 2014

    Offering us a look at the more murderous version of Bucky under control of the Soviets, the issue sells me completely on the idea of Shen alone with an injured Fury on a mountain against a mythical enemy he fears he can't beat. Chris Eliopoulos also provides an awesome variant cover. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 15, 2014

    It's not often that a first issue takes the premise of the book and turns it into a mystery with different characters other than the lead running the show throughout the book. This is a great way to approach the Winter Soldier and Remender brings together a complete and terrific read to start things off. This is definitely a book to get in on now before it takes off and you are left playing catch-up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Refueled - ironmarco Feb 13, 2014

    This issue immediately introduces the reader to the two main characters (one most fans will recognize, the other is new) and puts them into a dangerous situation full of all the great staples of any good spy story. The issue may not have delivered the kind of suspense I was hoping for but this first issue proved that the characters are being written well and there's plenty of potential for action and excitement as the book continues. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of this series and seeing how the mythos of the Winter Soldier will expand. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Feb 13, 2014

    While there might not be enough Winter Soldier for those looking for more appearances from him, Rick Remender does deliver a fun tale of action and espionage that manage to be a rather good homage to older comics all the same. With a very decent artistic direction thanks to Boschi and Chuckry, it is well worth. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Kyle Overkill Feb 13, 2014

    Winter Soldier/Bucky is my favorite character in the Marvel U and as a fan I was really excited for this book. This issue was not what I was expecting out of the book before I read it but I am really pleased with the direction Rememnder took this first issue. Remender hits the spy thriller tone we saw in Brubakers run of books with his style clear and present also. The team of Remender and Boschi gives us a different look at Winter Soldier. They are building the legend of Winter Soldier that made him the villain no S.H.I.E.L.D agent wanted to run into. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    GoCollect - @TonyTheGamerDad Feb 12, 2014

    Although this is a great book, it is probably not the book you think of when you hear the title. I'm not sure if it was intentional, Marvel trying to get fans of the new Captain America film to pick this book up, or accidental but either way it still stings a bit when you are shown one thing and given another. The art is great in this book with many James Bonds-esque sequences drawn to perfection. Fans of spy thrillers or Nick Fury should pick this one up, anyone looking for a Bucky Barnes adventure should skip this comic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Ben Silverio Feb 16, 2014

    Finally, with the stage being set throughout the book, the payoff of Shen discovering who he was dealing with was a great introduction to the Winter Soldier in this part of his life. It might have helped too that the Winter Soldier is one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe and I'm always down to read more stories featuring him, but he didn't even really show up until closer to the end. It was all build with a satisfying end that left the lead character looking strong. Now that we got a taste of what he's capable of, it's exciting to think about what cool spy movie stuff is going to pop up next. Hopefully the rest of 'The Bitter March' continues with this caliber of storytelling because if it does, it has the potential to become a defining book for the character of the Winter Soldier. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 11, 2014

    One might call it a bait and switch - others might call it sleight of hand. This backdoor Nick Fury series reads decently strong, even if the Winter Soldier himself might play second fiddle. But if you give this series a chance, and are ready to accept the comparisons to James Bond adventures gone by, Winter Soldier: The Bitter March is a spy book that goes down surprisingly sweet. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fanboys Inc - Andrew Johnson May 14, 2014

    As with my Arrow reviews, Ill include a section here at the end that catches anything I thought was noteworthy but couldnt fit in my main discussion of the episode. With this writing staff, I have a feeling that it might occasionally turn into a collection of the hours best jokes.Some more comic book self-awareness: With great power comes a ton of weird crap that you are not prepared to deal with.Continued: Alien metal, gamma radiation, the serum every source of super power thrown in a blenderIn a less funny hour of television, Agent Coulsons returning line of, That corner was really dark and I couldnt help myself, would get better play than being stuck down here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Reilly Feb 18, 2014

    Overall, this is a pretty fun spy story, and I'm super excited to super excited to see how the miniseries turns out. With my luck regarding fortune-telling in comics, Bitter March #2 will probably deliver on everything immediately. But I just wish we got what the front of this book was advertising up front. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Feb 13, 2014

    Set in the time before Steve Rogers jogged his memory, the first issue of The Bitter March is a solid introduction from Rick Remender and Roland Boschi. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Feb 12, 2014

    "Winter Soldier: The Bitter March" #1 probably isn't what many are expecting, but the issue is no worse for it. Even without a significant role for the main character, Remender and Boschi build up the start of a decent period piece with a few noticeable but forgivable bumps. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Nick Rowe Feb 14, 2014

    The new chapter in Winter Soldiers legacy is off to an explosive start. If Remender, Boschi, and Chuckry are exiting the gate with a story as exciting as Bitter March #1, theres no telling how crazy this comic is going to get by the end. Read Full Review

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