Red Hood's Profile

Joined: Mar 18, 2021

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) #75

Apr 27, 2021

Batman (2016) #76

Apr 27, 2021

Batman (2016) #77

Apr 28, 2021

Batman (2016) #78

Apr 28, 2021

I mean, yes, a lot of people have complained this was a filler. Technically, this and the next issue are both considered fillers to this storyline. They hardly do anything for Batman and just show the relationship that Bruce and Selina have.

Batman (2016) #79

Apr 28, 2021

I don't understand why this story had Magpie on the cover art if she was only involved in two panels. It would've been better King actually involved Magpie and her crew carrying the venom in this issue.

Batman (2016) #80

Apr 28, 2021

Batman (2016) #81

Apr 28, 2021

Batman (2016) #82

Apr 29, 2021

Batman (2016) #83

Apr 29, 2021

Batman (2016) #84

Apr 29, 2021

Batman (2016) #85

Apr 29, 2021

This was a very disappointing conclusion to the storyline. It left threads untied and looking back, the story didn’t make sense.

Batman Vol. 12: The City Of Bane Part 1

Apr 29, 2021

Batman Vol. 13: The City Of Bane Part 2

Apr 29, 2021

Batman (2016) Annual #4  
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1

May 25, 2021

This book is conflicting as it goes back and forth from old times and times where Batman has past away. The artwork is strong, however.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #7

Feb 26, 2022

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #8

Feb 26, 2022

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #9

Feb 26, 2022

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #1

May 11, 2021

This book really should’ve came out at an earlier date. I feel like many fan fiction books and other Fortnite books went over these ideas already.

Batman / Superman (2019) #7

Mar 23, 2021

This team was quite unexpected and felt rushed. Ra's would've been better working with Zod in the volume, but in turn, he didn't. Artwork was decent.

Batman / Superman (2019) #8

Mar 23, 2021

Batman / Superman (2019) #9

Mar 23, 2021

Back to having pretty great artwork once more! Batman and Superman finding out who killed Atmoic Skull? A bonus!

Batman / Superman (2019) #10

Mar 23, 2021

A great continuation from the previous issue. Seeing Batman fight Humanite made this issue better!

Batman / Superman Vol. 1: Who Are The Secret Six?

Mar 23, 2021

The artwork in this volume is amazing! I heard it was Marquez's first time working with DC and he did an amazing job. The storyline is very compelling and straightforward, progressing with ease. Overall, a great recommendation!

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #1

Mar 22, 2022

This was such an enjoyable read from start to finish. Seeing Metallo and Ivy team-up was such a sight to see - I can't wait to see the two characters that had hired them both.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #12

Feb 22, 2023

This series has run for 12 consecutive issues and has been a blast to read. Hopefully Waid stays on this book!

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #23

Jan 17, 2024

Can't wait for the conclusion.

Birds of Prey (2023) #1

Oct 4, 2023

Birds of Prey (2023) #2

Oct 4, 2023

It feels like something is lacking in this issue. It's a slow pace, albeit, a filler issue. We know why Wonder Woman is not available to answer the call to the team, due to the ongoing events in her series. Not sure why people don't like the art style of this series, I think it's clearer and crisper than the last series. Another user said there was a lot of Harley - and I agree. For a team series, it needs to focus on all the remaining heroes. Overall, I'm excited to see where this plot goes and the confrontation of Wonder Woman next issue.

Catwoman (2018) #14

Mar 18, 2021

The story was decent, I wouldn't by far give it a perfect score, there have been better Catwoman issues, her N52 run, for example, was always outstanding. The incorporation of Gentleman Ghost helping Selina out was pretty good. 7/10 -Red Hood

Catwoman (2018) #15

Mar 18, 2021

The overall story was decent. Artwork was pretty good, just not my type of Catwoman arc. For Year of the Villain I expected a bit more from this series/issue alone. 7/10 -Red Hood

Catwoman (2018) #16

Mar 18, 2021

Gonna be honest, this issue was a bit confusing. Went back and forth quite a bit and the art wasn't consistent at all. We get to see Selina fighting Creel, with Selina losing in the end. I do like the resurrection process and the dead coming back to life, hopefully, others find it interesting!

Catwoman (2018) #17

Mar 18, 2021

The artwork by Jones is always consistent for the most part. Picking up from the last issue, the story does progress a bit more, however, it's just not that interesting. To the reader, it's confusing who she chooses to be, hero or villain. I did like the many outfits that Jones introduced in this arc. For that, I'll give it a 7. 7/10 -Red Hood

Catwoman (2018) #18

Mar 18, 2021

Loved that Jones brought Zatanna into this issue. Made it more interesting than previous issues that she's been working on. Loved the artwork, for the most part, I didn't like that Jones couldn't finish drawing her own pieces and had to get a fill-in artist, especially for the fight scenes. Would love to see Zatanna and Catwoman working together again soon. 7.5/10 - Red Hood

Catwoman (2018) #19

Mar 18, 2021

Zombies! The story progresses a bit more, although Creel is using the Lazarus water to try and control citizens. That part of the story isn't mentioned, with the many tie-ins with this book, it's been a bit of a confusing journey for Selina Kyle. 7.5/10 -Red Hood

Catwoman (2018) #20

Mar 18, 2021

Not really what I was expecting, this is more of a filler issue. I like how Selina has been wearing many different outfits from her different eras. 7/10 -Red Hood

Catwoman (2018) #21

Mar 18, 2021

We finally get an ending to the Creel story with Selina making reparations to her relationships with Carlos and Aunt Linda. Selina running away with her sister who can now finally talk, a perfect score. However, the art was decent for the most part, would've been better with Jones' style, for that it lost a few points. 7.5/10 -Red Hood

Catwoman (2018) #22

Mar 18, 2021

In all honesty, this story did feel a bit rushed, even though it is considered a filler issue. The dust bunnies and their origins weren't mentioned until the end where they wanted to steal from the corrupt and rich. The whole point of this issue was for the cop to get back his serpent ring with his initials that they robbed him of, kind of a cool twist. Art was pretty good. 7.5/10 -Red Hood

Catwoman (2018) #23

Mar 18, 2021

Not really sure why everyone was saying this arc with Selina was good, especially WeirdScience. Sean Murphy's story was decent, not the best though. I found it to be like any other Catwoman filler issue, where she has to help out those who are in need and steal from the rich. Same concepts from previous arcs. Art was alright, though it could've been better. 6/10 -Red Hood

Catwoman (2018) #24

Mar 18, 2021

An action-packed issue? Sure! That's about all we get. The ending of the issue was the only touching part of the arc.

Catwoman (2018) #25

Apr 27, 2021

This was a really good issue by far! The art and different stories were all well written and illustrated. Great to see Selina involved in the Joker War.

Catwoman (2018) #26

Apr 27, 2021

Not much of a Joker War tie-in but glad to see Selina back to a N52 style in charge of others.

Catwoman (2018) #27

Apr 27, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #28

Apr 27, 2021

From the previous car chase to the way Selina turned in everyone, this book was well written! Highly reccommend.

Catwoman (2018) #32

Aug 5, 2021

This issue revolved around Selina's history with her partners and friends and came off well-written. The ending and cliffhanger was amazing as it left fans on their feet.

Catwoman (2018) #37

Feb 26, 2022

Catwoman (2018) #38

Feb 26, 2022

Catwoman (2018) #61

Jan 17, 2024

This is easily one of the best arcs by Tini. There were some cheesy moments, as stated by another user, but the story and plot is finally cohesive. Well done.

Catwoman Vol. 1: Copycats

Mar 18, 2021

It's a decent start for the character, hopefully, a bit more happens. Jones' art is really good, storytelling is a bit relaxed.

Catwoman Vol. 2: Far From Gotham

Mar 18, 2021

I wouldn't give this volume a 10 or anything close to it. Jones' art is great as usual, just the storytelling is SO SLOW! There's never been a clear statement to who Creel is or what she's looking for and why Catwoman needs her arrested so bad.

Catwoman Vol. 3: Friend Or Foe

Mar 18, 2021

Gonna be honest, issue 16 was a bit confusing. Went back and forth quite a bit and the art wasn't consistent at all. We get to see Selina fighting Creel, with Selina losing in the end. I do like the resurrection process and the dead coming back to life, hopefully, others find it interesting! In issue 17, we get many different outfit changes and a very confusing decision on Selina's behalf, to continue to be a hero or villain. Issue 18 did pick up quite a bit, loved that Jones introduced Zatanna back on the scene. Issue 19 is all about zombies with the story progressing no further than it did before. Issue 20 is not really what I was expecting, this is more of a filler issue. I like how Selina has been wearing many different outfits from her different eras. They could've ended the arc with 20, in my opinion. Issue 21, we finally get an ending to the Creel story with Selina making reparations to her relationships with Carlos and Aunt Linda. Selina running away with her sister who can now finally talk, a perfect score. However, the art was decent for the most part, would've been better with Jones' style, for that it lost a few points. Overall, art was decent and story was a bit slower than other books. Jones should've stuck to artwork but nonetheless, she tried her best. Jones never did clearly state Selina's mission and what Creel was after making a great idea turn into a dissapointment!

Catwoman Vol. 4: Come Home, Alley Cat

Mar 18, 2021

Issues 14 & 15 are slow-paced, as usual with this series, though I did expect a bit more for Year of the Villain. Rating: 7 Issue 22 is a filler issue, and it's a decent one to say the least which is a returning style to her N52 run. Rating: 7.5 Issues 23 & 24 aren't good whatsoever. The story was awful and didn't have anything to do with Catwoman, if anything, after finding herself in Issue 21, she ended up losing herself again, thanks to Murphy. Rating: 6 Issues 25-28 were well written, 25 had a tie-in to Joker War, whereas 26 didn't. However, the story that's building up is amazing with Catwoman reuniting with Poison Ivy. Rating: 8 Overall rating 7.5 bumped up to 8.

Catwoman (2018) Annual: 2021

Aug 5, 2021

This issue was more of a backstory to FR.Valley and how he developed as a character and villain. IT was well-written and showed Azarael working with Valley for some time, however, it just didn't interest me. FR. Valley isn't the absolute best villain for Selina right now, but I'm still here for the story and artwork!

Crime Syndicate (2021) #1

Apr 28, 2021

Crime Syndicate (2021) #2

Apr 6, 2021

It's not entirely bad, the action is possibly the best part of this issue. Considering this is a limited series, the writers obviously have to make their point and assemble the team, so this would be a decent issue to do that. I'm really intrigued that Donna Troy is the new Superwoman and not Lois Lane from N52/previous incarnations. Starro taking over the cities was a great part of this book. Liked seeing the Doom Patrol and Hawkwoman and Deathstorm again. The backup story was decent. The artwork was consistent throughout the whole book.

Crime Syndicate (2021) #3

May 4, 2021

I for one actually liked the story! Ya, it was a bit rushed, but remember it is a limited series, plus the Suicide Squad book will reintroduce these characters as a backup Task Force X and I think that's a great idea. The backup was better than the first two that preceded this one. Loved getting to know Donna's origin story, and it shows that they could have possibly killed her. Great backup!

Crime Syndicate (2021) #4

Jun 1, 2021

The beginning of this issue was quite slow, but we see a few new motives for this limited series as it's close to coming to a close. The Crime Syndicate plans to create a meta-human campaign for the most part and is trying to take down Luthor to rule the earth. Green Lantern has his own separate agenda, it seems that he's going to be a double agent down future issues. Meanwhile, Luthor forms his Legion of Justice which has a few new faces and includes Queen Ivy which is a nice change. The artwork was consistent for the most part. The backup issue was a nice oneshot.

Crime Syndicate (2021) #5

Jul 6, 2021

The artwork and the storyline have progressed a whole lot these past five issues. We finally get to see the Legion of Justice in action. It's nice to see Harley & Ivy together on a team.

Crime Syndicate (2021) #6

Aug 5, 2021

Albeit, this issue felt rushed but at least came to a satisfactory conclusion. In all honesty, this felt like a filler issue and all events that took place within this issue could've fit in a giant-sized 48 page last issue (#5). We see the Legion of Justice gather their bearings from their previous attack, the new Power Ring join the CS ranks, and what occurs after Johnny's death. I do believe that Kara was killed too soon - however, it shows that there is deception among the CS's ranks as Ultraman didn't know Atomica killed Ultragirl. I felt that in the end, the N52 CS was better than these members. The backup story was also well illustrated by Hitch and showcased Atomica's vengeance on society. I do feel that we'll be getting more substance in the Suicide Squad book with issue #6 onwards.

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #6

Nov 9, 2022

This rating is solely on the artwork. It feels so rushed but the writers attempt to put some minor characters often left out into the spotlight. What was promised to be delivered the last issue was only delivered this issue which was really odd. To the reader, it makes sense to expand the series out into a 12-issue maxi-series if they can't deliver everything that's promised.

Dark Nights: Death Metal Collected

Apr 10, 2021

A continuation from Metal, this book was well written and the artwork was amazing!

DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1  
DC vs. Vampires (2021) #1

Feb 26, 2022

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #2

Feb 26, 2022

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #3

Feb 26, 2022

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #1

Mar 16, 2023

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #2

Mar 16, 2023

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #3

Mar 16, 2023

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #4

Mar 16, 2023

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #5

Mar 16, 2023

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #6

Mar 16, 2023

After issue #1, not much has happened. So much story is shoved into one issue that it becomes mumbo jumbo. I truly believe that War of the Undead Gods should have been expanded to a maxi-series so that Taylor can write a full and complete story - one that isn't rushed. Or - he could have ended it with a different mini-series. It truly is becoming redundant and a bore.

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #1

Feb 26, 2022

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #2

Feb 26, 2022

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #3

Feb 26, 2022

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #4

Feb 26, 2022

Flash Forward (2019) #1

Apr 15, 2021

Flash Forward (2019) #2

Apr 15, 2021

Flash Forward (2019) #3

Apr 16, 2021

Flash Forward (2019) #4

Apr 28, 2021

Flash Forward (2019) #5

Apr 28, 2021

Flash Forward (2019) #6

Apr 28, 2021

Future State (2021): Catwoman #1

Mar 30, 2021

This was a very well-written issue. Everything about it was amazing. The artwork and character writing were awesome! Liked Cheshire Cat being introduced in this arc and the cliffhanger was great.

Future State (2021): Justice League #1

Mar 30, 2021

Justice League: Not what I was expecting to see in a JL issue right away. I at least expected the Legion of Doom to make some form of advancement and not be taken out by the fourth page. I'm not really a fan of the Hyperclan but I'm still really invested in finding out the conclusion with the arc and who the traitor in the midst would be. 7.5/10 Justice League Dark: This story was very interesting, I liked the artwork and the storyline behind it. I'm also invested in the direction it's heading in. Sadly, the JLD stories will only serve as back-up stories in the JL monthly book. 8.5/10

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #1

Apr 1, 2021

A great start at introducing Yara! Jones' artwork is spectacular at this new character and the story-telling was exceptionally written! Hope that Yara continues to stay in the DCU.

Future State (2021): Immortal Wonder Woman #1

May 11, 2021

One of my favourite Future State books so far! Immortal WW: Seeing Diana remain as one of the last heroes on Earth was an amazing idea! The artwork was stunning from start to finish. The cliffhanger with Darkseid and Superman was reeling us in for next issues events. 9/10 Nubia: I liked the idea of Grail still being around and Nubia getting some spotlight. The artwork was good, but it wasn’t as compelling. 8/10

Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #1

May 11, 2021

This was an overall good read. Story line was good, I just didn’t like the idea of Robin being so defiant all of a sudden and dying. For myself, it felt like it didn’t fit in with Tims persona.

Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #1

May 11, 2021

This was actually a good book. Artwork was decent and storyline was good.

Future State (2021): Catwoman #2

Mar 30, 2021

The continuation from the previous issue is well-done. Loved the idea of Bruce and Selina reuniting and Talia aiding in Bruce's escape. This title reminded me of Future's End oneshots, which were really interesting.

Future State (2021): Justice League #2

Mar 31, 2021

Justice League: This was a pretty good story. Glad to see the JL made it out alive and decided to change the rules, once more revealing their identities and adding members to the roster. Artwork was amazing! 9/10 Justice League Dark: The first issue's backup was much better in my opinion and I felt like the JLD could've had their own Future State book to explore this world a bit more. It built up a lot of action and had many characters to use, however, the ending was a bit disappointing. Artwork was good nonetheless. 8/10

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #2

Apr 1, 2021

A great conclusion to the character. Yara seems like the fun, energetic, character that I believe Jones was going for. Even though she may lose battles, she knows that she's surrounded by her family and friends and that's what counts. Highly recommend Future State WW to readers.

Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #2

May 11, 2021

The ending felt so rushed! Artwork was strong though.

Future State (2021): Immortal Wonder Woman #2

May 11, 2021

Loved this book!! Immortal WW: Artwork was great and story was a beauty! 9.5/10 Nubia: Satisfying ending to a great story. Wish Grail would’ve done more. 8/10

Future State: Gotham #1

Jun 6, 2021

I really wish this book didn't have a manga style, it could've been so much better. The story is pretty strong and the cliffhanger leaves us to wonder whose side Red Hood is really on. Other than that, no complaints! Hope more characters show up.

Future State: Gotham #2

Aug 5, 2021

I got to say - I didn't expect to be pulled back into this book as much. This issue displayed that Bruce was still alive and Red Hood has to be saved from joining the Magistrate and choosing a bad lifestyle. The ending where every inmate is out of prison was amazing and the backup was well written and illustrated. I may just have to put this back on my pull list!

Harley Quinn (2016) #75

Mar 18, 2021

I was really disappointed reading this issue. Progression is really slow and there's not much to other than the 8-page Joker War tie-in. The artwork in that section was awful as well, I'm normally a huge fan of Harley Quinn but was disappointed with this. I dropped this title awhile back when Humphries took over around issue 40. The first arc was decent, with Apokolips and everything, but as time went on, his arcs and run weren't good at all.

Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Die Laughing

Mar 18, 2021

The first few issues were good but that's about it. Her punk-rock era is her worst by far.

Harley Quinn Vol. 2: Joker Loves Harley

Mar 18, 2021

I was expecting so much more! When the 3 Jokers book was announced I thought it would tie into this arc, but then they delayed that, and made it into a Black Label comic. Did not like the twist at all. Art was decent and storytelling was ok, just could've been better!

Harley Quinn Vol. 3: Red Meat

Mar 18, 2021

I mean, we got Red Tool in this volume and Harley Sinn. Though, it would be better if they made Sinn disappear. A very annoying character.

Harley Quinn Vol. 5: Vote Harley Rebirth

Mar 18, 2021

Harley becoming a mayor? Eh, nothing major, just a filler arc is all.

Harley Quinn Vol. 6: Angry Bird Rebirth

Mar 18, 2021

This is one of the better Harley arcs to be released in a while. The only other arc that was quite entertaining was the Apokolips arc.

Harley Quinn Vol. 7: Harley Vs Apokolips

Mar 18, 2021

A decent run to the Harley series. Since the Rebirth series started, it's been a disaster, to say the least. Harley has been ALL OVER the map from becoming a rock star to joining Batman and looking back, this is the best volume from the entire Rebirth series. If you're looking for some Harley fun, some issues from her 2000 series were good, Gotham City Sirens was top tier, and her N52 series, the first few volumes, were quite a catch to read. Gonna miss the N52/Rebirth Harley!

Harley Quinn Vol. 8: Harley Destroys The Universe

Mar 18, 2021

A disaster. The artwork was decent but the overall plot was such a waste. Made me think of a Deadpool comic where he looks and comments on his own panels. Could've been better, that's all I have to say.

Harley Quinn (2021) #1

Apr 1, 2021

I'm gonna be honest. This Harley series brings the N52 fun Harley back into the spotlight. Rossmo is pretty good on the artwork for this book. When I first read the prequel from HQ #75, Rossmo's art wasn't really steady and interesting, but in this issue, it looks as if Rossmo put his effort here. Liked seeing that Harley is currently building a list of people to make amends with/lock up including Penguin, Catwoman, and Ivy.

Harley Quinn (2021) #28

Apr 2, 2023

Wow! I usually don't rate comics this low but this truly was an awful issue. The plot of the main story didn't make any sense and each page was something different. For example, Harley was arrested and then became a teacher and tried to take down Two-Face. I think DC is attempting to make as much bank as they can off of Harley Quinn seeing how she has been a fourth pillar amongst the Trinity since her debut. But each run has gone further downhill for the character and this proves it. DC truly has no idea what to do. My opinion - cancel this series. At the very least, assemble the Gotham City Sirens again rather than putting effort into not having a strategy for a character as part of the "Dawn of DC" initiative.

Hawkman (2018) #1

May 19, 2021

Hawkman (2018) #2

May 19, 2021

Hawkman (2018) #3

May 19, 2021

Hawkman (2018) #4

May 19, 2021

Hawkman (2018) #5

May 19, 2021

Hawkman (2018) #6

May 19, 2021

Hawkman Vol. 1: Awakening

May 19, 2021

I Am Batman (2021) #15

Nov 9, 2022

Hoped on this book for Dark Crisis expecting myself to stay on for the next few issues and have hopped right off. Sinestro was a good addition and the plot was alright. The artwork didn't make the plot stronger.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0  
Justice League (2018) #40

Apr 5, 2021

This issue was calmer in terms of story-telling which was good to know as there weren't any multiverse level threats. The artwork was really good and reminded me of the Superman/Wonder Woman N52 series.

Justice League (2018) #41

Apr 5, 2021

A continuation from the previous issue in which we see Wonder Woman was taken as a hostage. In my opinion, it was really fun to see a match for the League, and how they don't essentially full trust each other until the end of the arc.

Justice League (2018) #42

Apr 5, 2021

This issue felt more like a filler within the arc but it still continued the story. Artwork was great nonetheless.

Justice League (2018) #43

Apr 5, 2021

A good end to the arc! As another user did say, it was refreshing to know that there could be minor issues in the world and not intergalactic issues every issue. Just wish Madame Xanadu would've joined the League!

Justice League (2018) #44

Apr 5, 2021

The art! Amazing! This was one of my favourite arcs to collect. The storytelling was amazing and seeing the League face giant monsters from Tartarus was enjoyable.

Justice League (2018) #45

Apr 5, 2021

A fun continuation in which the League battles each other and realizes the Spectre was behind all the madness, but with a twist.

Justice League (2018) #46

Apr 5, 2021

This was a great issue to see, especially with GL battling the entire army and the rest of the League dealing with the cavern and Spectre.

Justice League (2018) #47

Apr 5, 2021

Bumped up to an 8.5 because of the enjoyable artwork throughout the entire arc. Covers were spectacularly designed. The story ended on such a positive and great note.

Justice League (2018) #48

May 27, 2021

This was a really good idea for the JL to handle and I'm glad to see that there is a bit of tension within the team as they decide what to do with this planet and its people.

Justice League (2018) #49

May 27, 2021

This was still a really decent plot, although, the invaders that wish to attack this planet felt a little rushed and out of context.

Justice League (2018) #50

May 27, 2021

Lopresti is amazing with his artwork. Spurrier's story was really good although this was rushed even though this was an extra sized issue.

Justice League (2018) #59

Mar 31, 2021

Justice League: This was a very interesting read. Bendis' take on the characters are a bit different, I noticed a difference when Black Canary spoke and wasn't too happy about that change. Though, the artwork was really nice and flowed really well to introduce Naomi in the next issue. 8/10 Justice League Dark: A continuation from Future State, or should I say a prequel to the events that will happen. I'm happy to see the events that took place to see how Merlin collected all magical artificats. It was a bit slow though. 8/10

Justice League (2018) #75

Apr 27, 2022

It was more so a whatever issue. It was such a shame that they had all these villains controlled by the darkness just to have the pariah wipe out the remainder. Not to mention, they should of have Black Canary survive along with Black Adam. It would’ve made for a better story especially considering Adam wasn’t really ever apart of the League until recent years.

Justice League Vengeance is Thine

Apr 5, 2021

A fun read!

Justice League (2018) Annual #2

Apr 5, 2021

This was a fun issue to read. The Justice League murdering someone was a good story to write and loved to see how Venditti brought Eradicator back as a continuation from the previous arc.

Justice League of America (2006) #0

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #1

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #2

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #3

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #4

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #5

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #6

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #7

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #8

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #9

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #10

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #11

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #12

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #13

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #14

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #15

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #16

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #17

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #18

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #19

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #20

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #21

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #22

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #23

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #24

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #25

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #26

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #27

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #28

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #29

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #30

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #31

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #32

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #33

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2006) #34

Jan 18, 2022

Justice League of America (2013) #1

May 19, 2021

This was easily one of my favourite series when it first started. Seeing Amanda Waller work with Steve Trevor to create a JLA that would be competition to the main JL was great. The roster is amazing as well. The cliffhanger with Green Arrows is great!

Justice League of America (2013) #2

May 19, 2021

Artwork remains great and the storyline is well written

Justice League of America (2013) #3

May 19, 2021

Good cliffhanger and glad to see Catwoman getting some action

Justice League of America (2013) #4

May 19, 2021

Artwork is still amazing and so is the storyline. I feel that this series was supposed to be something more but was told to tie-in to the Trinity War story that took place. Kind of disappointing seeing as this book had more potential.

Justice League of America (2013) #5

May 19, 2021

Justice League of America (2013) #6

May 19, 2021

Justice League of America (2013) #7

May 25, 2021

Justice League of America (2013) #8

May 25, 2021

This is a strong restart to the series and putting Stargirl in the spotlight

Justice League of America (2013) #9

May 25, 2021

This was a good issue, just weird that Courtney was a bit selfish in this particular book as she's always been the goodie two-shoes

Justice League of America (2013) #10

May 25, 2021

Loved seeing the SS try and take down Stargirl. The flashbacks were a bit much but other than that this is a solid issue

Justice League of America (2013) #11

May 25, 2021

Justice League of America (2013) #12

May 25, 2021

Justice League of America (2013) #13

May 25, 2021

Kind of disappointing to see that Courtney had never left the prison to begin with but this was a great series

Justice League of America (2013) #14

May 25, 2021

Not going to lie, someone else did state that this book had potential and I agree. The series was decent, it was just tied in way too much with the Trinity War and the Forever Evil storyline. Having Catwoman on this team was a pretty cool book, I would've prefered if it didn't take so many issues to tie in.

Justice League of America Vol. 2: Survivors Of Evil

May 25, 2021

Too much of a tie-in with the Forever Evil arc and very confused as to why it didn't collect 7.1-7.4 if it wanted to tie into the FE events. Had much more potential but the artwork was strong.

Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #1

Feb 26, 2022

Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #2

Feb 26, 2022

Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #3

Feb 26, 2022

Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #4

Feb 26, 2022

Justice League: Last Ride #5

Dec 5, 2021

As the previous user had said, this is better than Bendis' run currently. However, I think this series focused too much on character progression and amendments, not making time for much action.

Justice League: Last Ride #6

Dec 5, 2021

As the previous user had said, this is better than Bendis' run currently. However, I think this series focused too much on character progression and amendments, not making time for much action. This was definitely a bit more rushed than the previous issue with some parts of the dialogue not making sense.

Justice League: Last Ride #7

Feb 26, 2022

Justice Society of America (2022) #4

May 26, 2023

I'm a big fan of the JSA and love the series so far. Strong character development. Strong artwork. The only issue is that it's a quick read! In all seriousness, I hope there will be no more delays with this series. I'm interested to see the Eclipso issue building up.

Knight Terrors (2023) #1

Jul 13, 2023

After First Blood, this was an alright continuation that set up the event decently. It did feel a bit fast-paced at times and repeated the same thing continuously - which was that Insomnia wanted the Nightmare Stone.

Knight Terrors: Batman (2023) #1

Jul 13, 2023

This just brings Bruce back to relive his trauma which does not bring an interesting concept to the table of Knight Terrors.

Lazarus Planet (2023): Alpha #1

Feb 22, 2023

Lazarus Planet (2023): Assault On Krypton #1

Feb 22, 2023

This entire event is leading up to the Dawn of DC events that will take place or the separate new series that will be debuting. Honestly, this does little to nothing for an event that promised more.

Lazarus Planet (2023): We Once Were Gods #1

Feb 22, 2023

Revenge of the Gods seems really interesting, hence why this book received a rating of 8.5

Lazarus Planet (2023): Legends Reborn #1

Feb 22, 2023

New Suicide Squad Vol. 4: Kill Anything

Mar 18, 2021

This title is underrated to say the most. Compared to the Rebirth, this Suicide Squad was top tier bringing back the likes of characters from Harley Quinn to Cheetah. Storytelling by both writers was top-notch, and the art was pretty good. Would love if the new Suicide Squad (2021) series follows in their footsteps.

Poison Ivy (2022) #1

Jun 13, 2022

A great start to the series. It’s about time DC used Ivy as a villain rather leaving her on the sidelines these past few years. Interesting to see where this takes us.

Sensational Wonder Woman (2021) #1

Jun 9, 2021

Sensational Wonder Woman (2021) #2

Jun 9, 2021

Suicide Squad (2021) #1

Apr 6, 2021

This was a great start to the series. Over the years, the Suicide Squad has followed the movie's lineup which I was not a particular fan of. Taylor's Squad was a new take on the team which was nice to see but this issue did make it feel like it had the lineup of an early 2000s team which was nice to see. That and the promise of no characters being safe were a great addition to this series so far.

Suicide Squad (2021) #2

Apr 7, 2021

This is one of the best books DC has put out so far. I'm glad they're bringing back some retro characters and Peacemaker slapping Superboy was probably one of the best parts of the book.

Suicide Squad (2021) #3

Aug 14, 2021

Suicide Squad (2021) #4

Aug 14, 2021

Suicide Squad (2021) #6

Dec 6, 2021

Loved the extraction mission from Earth-3 and the continuation of recruits onto the team. One thing that the 2016 Suicide Squad messed up on was the addition of new teammates. I wasn't fond that the series was based solely on the 2016 movie and thought that this new 2021 comic would be based on the movie - but wasn't. Loved that the storyline involves Amanda getting new recruits to take over a Earth - what does she intend to do there? Really interesting concept. What's more interesting is the original Suicide Squad that plans to attack Waller, with a mole on the new Squad team.

Suicide Squad (2021) #7

Dec 6, 2021

I liked being introduced to the Hell Squad in this issue but I'm still hesitant on Ambush Bug. He's a really iffy character for me. However, I do like Black Siren's and Culpebra's jokes, I thought they were pretty funny!

Suicide Squad (2021) Annual: 2021

Dec 6, 2021

I'm growing really fond of this book. It started off really good and then declined a bit but has since been picked back up. I like the new Squad working together while both Superboys' fought and thought that the dialogue was very well written. The artwork was spectacular on every page.

Suicide Squad: Dream Team (2024) #1

Mar 12, 2024

This is a solid start to a new Suicide Squad series. A limited series that is. The dynamics between the characters are written very well in my opinion. Harley Quinn was written better here than in her current series and Birds of Prey (BoP is also a decently good series). It's nice to also see characters that have been sidelined make a return like Black Alice and Clock King. I believe this series will play out well considering its 4 issues leading into the summer event.

Suicide Squad: Dream Team (2024) #2

Apr 10, 2024

This is the best book DC is currently releasing. Characters are written on point. Art is amazing. Hope a new series spins out from Absolute Power.

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1

Dec 5, 2021

This series has a really strong start. I liked the Birds of Prey one-shot Brian previously worked on and thought this one came out decently well for a debut issue. There's a really good use of characters and some no-name along with the mix. The twists and turns? Amazing. You would think that those villains who are more well-known wouldn't be touched - but think again, no one is safe.

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #2

Dec 5, 2021

This issue came off as confusing. While I liked the new Squad taking down Joker - I think the previous Squad being an interruption could've been held off for the second part of this series or something. I think too much was trying to be brought into one single issue.

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #3

Jun 7, 2022

This was quite a disappointing end to a story overall. However, there was a specific style that Azzarello was going for here which is quite interesting. The cliffhanger was very good as we don’t know the end of the storyline: killing joker. The characters were replaceable and many killed off, which I liked throughout the three issues. I wish they truly would’ve done something different with Harley Quinn. Overall, this is truly what Suicide Squad books should be about. A team that is replaceable at any given point, unlike the Rebirth title where there was the same lineup for about two years. Azzarello in the end had a great story but rushed some bits and pieces that felt important.

Superman (2023) #1

Feb 22, 2023

This was a really great return for the character. Rebirth had an auspicious start but became redundant. This storyline seems exciting as DC sets up Brainiac as the "big bad" of 2023.

Superwoman Vol. 3: The Midnight Hour Rebirth

Mar 18, 2021

Compared to other DC Comics that are currently on the shelf, this title was one of the best from the Rebirth era. With consistent artwork and decent storytelling, I really wish that DC would've prolonged the run. The ending didn't feel as rushed as other DC books, but it still didn't feel right to me, especially when the virus left Lana's mind. That was the only difficult part to follow.

Task Force Z (2021) #1

Feb 26, 2022

Task Force Z (2021) #2

Feb 26, 2022

Task Force Z (2021) #3

Feb 26, 2022

Task Force Z (2021) #4

Jun 7, 2022

Teen Titans (2016) #39

May 9, 2021

Teen Titans (2016) #40

May 9, 2021

Teen Titans (2016) #41

May 9, 2021

Teen Titans (2016) #42

May 9, 2021

Teen Titans (2016) #43

May 9, 2021

Teen Titans (2016) #44

May 9, 2021

Teen Titans (2016) #45

May 9, 2021

Teen Titans (2016) #46

May 9, 2021

Teen Titans (2016) #47

May 9, 2021

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #1

Aug 14, 2021

This series begins with confusion. I think they may have incorporated too many characters and tried to use the same idea with Gotham Academy, however, GA was more character centralized and action-packed.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #2

Aug 14, 2021

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #3

Aug 14, 2021

TTA didn't need a tie-in to the Suicide Squad's plan but it gave us an idea on how Red X operates.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #4

Aug 14, 2021

Honestly, the artwork was better than in other issues. The Gotham children try to determine who Red X is, but it's really all pointless. For the past four issues, these children have been attempting to determine who he is. There's been absolutely no progress leading to Red X being identified. On another note, I'm very happy that I have dropped this title. I don't recommend this title to anyone until they improve it. The new Titans series looks better and action-packed. Looking at DC sales for 2021, FS TT began with a really good and big promise, however, when the sole series was released, you'll notice that the title dropped quite a bit. Jan: FS TT Rank #8 Feb: FS TT Rank #7 March: TT Rank #3 (Really good sales and units) April: TT Rank# 14 May: TT Rank #22 June: TT Rank #28 As you can tell this title is slowly dropping in sales and will most likely be cancelled as one of the first Infinite Frontier runs.

The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman Collected  
The Curse of Brimstone #1

Apr 22, 2021

The Curse of Brimstone #2

Apr 22, 2021

The Curse of Brimstone #3

Apr 22, 2021

The Curse of Brimstone #4

Apr 22, 2021

The Curse of Brimstone #5

Apr 22, 2021

The Curse of Brimstone #6

Apr 22, 2021

The Curse of Brimstone Vol. 1: Inferno

Apr 22, 2021

The Silencer #1

Apr 27, 2021

The Silencer #2

Apr 27, 2021

The Silencer #3

Apr 27, 2021

The Silencer #4

Apr 27, 2021

The Silencer #5

Apr 27, 2021

The Silencer #6

Apr 27, 2021

Titans Hunt Vol. 1

Apr 10, 2021

This was a very interesting read from the beginning. The artwork was always amazing and the storytelling was at a great pace. I liked that Abnett made Donna, Dick, and Garth have their own little separate team before reuniting with everyone.

Titans: Beast World (2023) #6

Jan 30, 2024

This is one of DC's better events. But, anyone can see the ending from a mile away...

Wonder Girl (2021) #1

Aug 5, 2021

What an amazing start to a series! Very well-written and started showing Yara's history with an amazing cliffhanger.

Wonder Girl (2021) #7

Feb 26, 2022

Very sad to see that this was the series' final issue. Had so much potential and was a casualty of 5G. Hopefully, Dark Crisis will bring back fan-favourite titles. As of now, DC is too focused on Batman titles.

Wonder Woman (2016) #82

Apr 19, 2021

An okay continuation to the current storyline. Cheetah is clearly the main villain for the main run of this entire series so far. Artwork is strong.

Wonder Woman (2016) #83

Apr 19, 2021

It was nice to see Silencer appear, but in all honesty, she appeared out of nowhere. Within this fight, Wonder Woman was in between the two which never really made sense and would go back and forth between the pair. The artwork was strong though.

Wonder Woman (2016) #750

Apr 19, 2021

The continuation of the current Wonder Woman run continues in this story. It's not bad, just that it's been dragging for quite some time now. Other than that, WW #750 had some other amazing stories.

Wonder Woman (2016) #751

Apr 19, 2021

This issue came as a bit of a disappointment. Artwork remained strong as per usual in the series, just that there was no point in the officer to "try" and arrest Wonder Woman, especially after #750's cliffhanger. The only reason this has a 6.5 is because of the ending, curious to see how this plays out, and the artwork.

Wonder Woman (2016) #752

Apr 19, 2021

This was ok, more of Wonder Woman getting to know Valda and setting a similar agenda in getting her home. Cliffhanger was decent.

Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Just War

Apr 19, 2021

Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Love Is A Battlefield

Apr 19, 2021

Wonder Woman Vol. 3: Loveless

Apr 19, 2021

Wonder Woman Vol. 4: The Four Horsewomen

Apr 19, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #3

Apr 19, 2021

I liked this issue. Brought me back to when Wonder Woman was a spy and lost her powers. The only exception here was that she had them. Nonetheless, it was a warm welcome to a villain yet to battle Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #1

Feb 26, 2022

Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #2

Feb 26, 2022

Reviews for the Week of...


