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Joined: Jan 19, 2022

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arroniero45 reviewed Batman: Urban Legends #20 Oct 12, 2022

Just for the first story. It was really cool and awesome. The premise of a more monster hunter type of Batman is executed very well imo. And the designs are also cool.

Batman: Urban Legends #20

By: Jim Zub, Max Dunbar
Released: Oct 12, 2022

Jim Zub and Max Dunbar take us to the world of Batman, monster hunter! What is the Murder Club and how are they going to rock Batman's world forever in the start of a four-part epic by Joey Esposito and Sergio Acuña? Chris Burnham's epic Alfred saga draws to a close! And Nadia Shammas and Jahnoy Lindsay craft a deadly parenting short story starrin...

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Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Green Arrow #1

By: Stephanie Phillips, Nik Virella
Released: Oct 12, 2022

When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost...until now. To power his weapons of war, Pariah has captured each member of the Justice League and trapped them on worlds suited to their every dream and desire...while the planets themselves slowly eat away at their respecti...

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DC's Terrors Through Time #1

By: Paul Levitz, Raul Fernandez
Released: Oct 12, 2022

October is here, and that means it's time for fables of fear, time for stories of suspense, and time for tales of...time?
Join us for a terrifying tour across the ages from some of comics' top talent! Witness zombies menace the JSA in the 1940s. Experience the haunting of the Gotham City Sirens in the 1990s. Watch as Swamp Thing goes up against...

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arroniero45 reviewed Batman vs. Robin #2 Oct 12, 2022

I still don't know how to feel about this direction for Damian personally. I know this series is mostly a set up for Lazarus planet stuff and the whole things he is doing right now is cause of demon Nehza but I don't know if I completely understand how is that a more interesting direction for his character in comparison to his direction in his recent series. Like if it's to establish him more in t more

Batman vs. Robin #2

By: Mark Waid, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Oct 12, 2022

In the wake of Damian Wayne's devastating attack on the Batcave, Bruce and Alfred are on the run and running out of time! Magic users across the planet are experiencing dangerous and deadly power flares, and Batman must solve this mystery before his friends and allies are turned to ash. To crack this case, the Dark Knight is going to need the help ...

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Personally wasn't really a fan of the art. The faces really looked weird at some points. And the reveal with the villain, Taylor seems to be going for meta commentary again much like he did in his X-Men red book and personally it doesn't work for me for the same reason it didn't work there, Taylor is not really good at doing meta commentary.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #16

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Oct 12, 2022

Father and son are at last reunited after the Warworld Saga ripped them apart...and you don't need to have super-senses to know that this is a reunion well earned. As planet Earth becomes reacquainted with the rise of two Supermen, one man stands in their way. Lex Luthor sets his deadly machinations in motion as the ma...

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arroniero45 reviewed Robin #17 Aug 24, 2022

Could've been stronger though Williamson isn't really known for his endings.

Robin #17

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Aug 24, 2022

HEARTBREAK! Lord Death Man reveals the truth about Flatline! Can Robin forgive her?! Since leaving Gotham, Damian has grown and trained to be a hero, but now that story comes to an end as he's pulled into a shocking new story line that will test his role as Robin and his place in the DCU!

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Bruno Mael rated Nightwing #95 Aug 16, 2022

Nightwing #95

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 17, 2022

Heartless has an extra-giant jar that has Blockbuster's name on it, but as a man of refined taste, Heartless doesn't just collect any type of heart...he waits for someone to experience a specific emotion in particular before taking it all away from them and adding it into his collection. Does Nightwing have what it takes to save the life of the ver...

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arroniero45 reviewed Nightwing #95 Aug 16, 2022

I wish something interesting came out of this crossovers instead of them just being there to fight Canon fodders and bystanders. I wish there was a bigger lesson learned by them being there Like one of the consistent things in this book is Grayson trying to help the homeless and Raven could've mentioned the fact how her mother used to be homeless and how that led her to be manipulated when she was more

Nightwing #95

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 17, 2022

Heartless has an extra-giant jar that has Blockbuster's name on it, but as a man of refined taste, Heartless doesn't just collect any type of heart...he waits for someone to experience a specific emotion in particular before taking it all away from them and adding it into his collection. Does Nightwing have what it takes to save the life of the ver...

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arroniero45 liked this:

LOL This is the most hilarious issue I’ve ever read in years. So while in Superman’s tie-in he dreams that he could spend time with his son, John Stewart wants a world without anyone better than him, like the Trinity, and Hal Jordan. Thus he will be praised as the greatest hero the world’s ever seen, by his mother. What does the writer want to say? John Stewart is such a man of vanity? Or it more

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Green Lantern #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Aug 10, 2022

When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost...but the spirit of the Justice League can never truly die. John Stewart takes flight to defend his planet as the Emerald Knight of Justice alongside allies Red Hood and the blind prophet Kyle Rayner! Plus: Hawkgirl takes to t...

arroniero45 liked this:

This issue fell very short of expectations because it discarded the story that was being built up until this moment.

Instead of an interesting clash between Superman, who was supposedly much more powerful and this dangerous from all the time he was in the sun and his son, we see the problem being solved without any kind of difficult and the narration still has the gall to try to pretend more

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #1

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor
Released: Aug 10, 2022

What began as a battle for Earth has become a war for the galaxy as the epic final chapter in the massive DCeased franchise is here! The emergence of a reborn, undead Darkseid in DCeased: Dead Planet sets the stage for the most devastating conflict yet for Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman! As the Anti-Life Equation spreads into the cosmos, the su...

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Felt like a waste of time.

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Green Lantern #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Aug 10, 2022

When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost...but the spirit of the Justice League can never truly die. John Stewart takes flight to defend his planet as the Emerald Knight of Justice alongside allies Red Hood and the blind prophet Kyle Rayner! Plus: Hawkgirl takes to t...

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Still disappointed with Bendix as a villain and frankly imo the arc with him has dragged long enough. Not a fan of the art either. I think thks book's art was a lot better when the old artist was on it.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #14

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Aug 10, 2022

Henry Bendix has threatened and manipulated and killed without consequence. Now, after a shocking coordinated attack on Earth's heroes, it's time for Superman, Jay, and the Revolutionaries to strike back. But first, Jay Nakamura must embrace his powers and become the hero Jon knows he can be.

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I kinda liked this issue but I think that it felt rushed at some points like the stuff with brainiac and the reveal felt like it should've the end of issue 2 or 3. And the stuff with the inflected superman i wish it had more importance to it. The previous series hint at him having a bigger role and being a more important part of the story as a threat not something that's resolved this fast and fel more

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #1

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor
Released: Aug 10, 2022

What began as a battle for Earth has become a war for the galaxy as the epic final chapter in the massive DCeased franchise is here! The emergence of a reborn, undead Darkseid in DCeased: Dead Planet sets the stage for the most devastating conflict yet for Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman! As the Anti-Life Equation spreads into the cosmos, the su...

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arroniero45 liked this:

Sampere's art is killer, let me get this out of the way.

This is not a crisis. Call it literally anything else. Nothing has happened, or at least everything that has happened up until this point should have been dealt with by the halfway point of issue 2. We are almost halfway through this event, and we apparently haven't even reached the real crisis yet. Let's all be honest here; it's more

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Aug 3, 2022

THE BATTLE OF THE EMERALD ARMY HAS BEGUN! Hal Jordan has launched all-out war on Pariah and the Dark Army to avenge his fallen Justice League teammates-but how can one man stand in the way of the Great Darkness? Meanwhile back on Earth, Titans Tower has burned and Deathstroke's army has continued its scorched-earth march across the planet. To stop ...


I don't know why but i still can't get invested in this. In terms of scale and consequences it feels more like the week's crossover than a full-blown crisis. And i personally don't care about pariah and the dark Army. And in all honesty i think that's what this crisis lacks, a good villain. In comparison to other crisis events like Infinite crisis or final crisis the villain of this one pales in more

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Aug 3, 2022

THE BATTLE OF THE EMERALD ARMY HAS BEGUN! Hal Jordan has launched all-out war on Pariah and the Dark Army to avenge his fallen Justice League teammates-but how can one man stand in the way of the Great Darkness? Meanwhile back on Earth, Titans Tower has burned and Deathstroke's army has continued its scorched-earth march across the planet. To stop ...

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arroniero45 liked this:

I dont know what to think. It's better than the last issue, but it still has so many random and bad things. All the justice league stuff, man, it's half of the issue, and Williamson just tell things that doesn't matter. If he wants to take John, Yara and the new batman together, what's the point of three issues of a new justice league that's going to leave in a blink of an eye? Also, when that sce more

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Aug 3, 2022

THE BATTLE OF THE EMERALD ARMY HAS BEGUN! Hal Jordan has launched all-out war on Pariah and the Dark Army to avenge his fallen Justice League teammates-but how can one man stand in the way of the Great Darkness? Meanwhile back on Earth, Titans Tower has burned and Deathstroke's army has continued its scorched-earth march across the planet. To stop ...

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arroniero45 reviewed Robin #16 Jul 26, 2022

I hate to be that Guy but for a book that's only one issue till ending this one achieved so little in terms of story and the plot points it introduced previously. Also I can't shake the fact that as decent as this run has been I prefer the Gleason's run more. That run was clearly a redemption arc and establishing secondary and supporting cast for Damian and did it much better imo. Also it was a be more

Robin #16

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jul 27, 2022

Robin's investigation into Lazarus Island is put on hold as Lord Death Man strikes. Damian and Hawke are called to Tokyo by Flatline to help her deal with her crazed mentor. Which means...killer-bros road trip!

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arroniero45 rated Catwoman #45 Jul 20, 2022

Catwoman #45

By: Tini Howard, Sami Basri
Released: Jul 20, 2022

Roman Sionis has been brought to his knees, but enough is enough. Catwoman's vacation is over and it's time to get back to work. But Selina has never been Gotham's only protector, and she'll have to contend with a well-meaning family of bats... What's that old saying? The enemy of my enemy...should back off and let me handle it!

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arroniero45 reviewed Black Adam #2 Jul 20, 2022


Black Adam #2

By: Christopher Priest, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Jul 20, 2022

I am not a hero, I'm a god. Who is Black Adam? His power and his very life draining from him, Theo Teth-Adam is confronted by a specter from his past haunting him with the treachery he employed to gain his powers and forcing him to confront an inescapable truth: there is no redemption for Black Adam.

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arroniero45 rated Artemis: Wanted #1 Jul 20, 2022

Artemis: Wanted #1

By: Vita Ayala, Skylar Partridge
Released: Jul 20, 2022

After the events of Trial of the Amazons, Artemis is on the run from her sisters for her sins. She may say it was all in the name of peace, but not even Wonder Woman believes a word she says. Now the former member of the Bana-Mighdall is wanted by not only her people, but all Amazon tribes! Is there a future for a warrior who has destroyed her past...

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It's fun and has been consistently good. Though a problem I have with is that the last two issues seems to be slower than the others which kinda damages the pacing but still fun.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #5

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Jul 20, 2022

THE FIRST ARC OF WORLD'S FINEST CONCLUDES WITH A SHOCKING FORESHADOWING OF DCU EVENTS TO COME! The sinister machinations of the devil Nezha have run ragged the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight ever since he made his first terrifying debut in Detective Comics #1050...but what secrets does this villain hold for the future of the DCU? Clues abound for...

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DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War #1

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Pasquale Qualano
Released: Jul 20, 2022

One of the last secret, underground human cities is facing total annihilation and its leader-John Constantine-must plan a suicide mission to assassinate a key lieutenant in the vampire empire! Against unreal odds and with an unlikely team including Booster Gold, Deathstroke, and Mary Marvel, does the Hellblazer have one more trick up his sleeve? A ...

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Please don't make me miss Bendis's run

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jul 20, 2022

TALE OF TWO WONDER GIRLS! Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they're trapped in. And she's here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But...Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arr...

arroniero45 liked this:
Bruno Mael rated Nightwing #94 Jul 19, 2022

Nightwing #94

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jul 20, 2022

There's a new commissioner in town, and it's none other than Maggie Sawyer! But one clean commissioner does not make a whole bad basket of Blüdhaven police officers good, and now Blockbuster is forced to lean more on Nightwing's sister, Mayor Zucco, to oversee the old commissioner's illegal dealings... Then, an attack on Haven reveals some sho...

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arroniero45 reviewed Nightwing #94 Jul 20, 2022

Honestly it's good to see this book have another story than blockbuster throwing Canon fodders at dick and this book having some actual story progression and stakes. The problem for me is that those stakes are tied to a character that barley has any character build up after her introduction and her being in

Nightwing #94

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jul 20, 2022

There's a new commissioner in town, and it's none other than Maggie Sawyer! But one clean commissioner does not make a whole bad basket of Blüdhaven police officers good, and now Blockbuster is forced to lean more on Nightwing's sister, Mayor Zucco, to oversee the old commissioner's illegal dealings... Then, an attack on Haven reveals some sho...

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JBL Reviews reviewed Nightwing #94 Jul 19, 2022

The end was good, but it seems like if you tore out 15 pages of the book, you wouldn’t miss anything.

Nightwing #94

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jul 20, 2022

There's a new commissioner in town, and it's none other than Maggie Sawyer! But one clean commissioner does not make a whole bad basket of Blüdhaven police officers good, and now Blockbuster is forced to lean more on Nightwing's sister, Mayor Zucco, to oversee the old commissioner's illegal dealings... Then, an attack on Haven reveals some sho...

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arroniero45 reviewed Future State: Gotham #15 Jul 14, 2022

Why won't this thing end?

Future State: Gotham #15

By: Dennis Culver, Giannis Milonogiannis
Released: Jul 13, 2022

Batmen at War part three! There's a new Batman in Gotham City and his name is...Dick Grayson? The only problem is, Jace Fox and Bruce Wayne still claim the name and neither is willing to give it up! Now it's all-out war, with Jason Todd and Hunter Panic caught in the middle. Plus: Damian Wayne is back and that's bad news for everyone!

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I think people are too angry about John's characterization. Though wasn't a fan of the art and the couple of dialogues here and there.

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Superman #1

By: Tom King, Chris Burnham
Released: Jul 13, 2022

When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost…with the Man of Steel suffering the same fate as that of his comrades, join us for a look at a world of dreams he would never have thought possible while alive. Where there’s life there’s hope, and with that hope comes a...

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arroniero45 liked this:

How could someone miss the characters so much. Literally all three characters are completely wrong. This isn't even injustice or something like that (an else world) this is supposed to be what would have happened instead of Bendis ageing him outside world. This is absolute character assignation. DC stop giving Tom King to write these characters, he does NOT know how these characters work he just l more

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Superman #1

By: Tom King, Chris Burnham
Released: Jul 13, 2022

When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost…with the Man of Steel suffering the same fate as that of his comrades, join us for a look at a world of dreams he would never have thought possible while alive. Where there’s life there’s hope, and with that hope comes a...

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daspidaboy - Jul 12, 2022

Can you please explain how did Tom king ruin Superman, Superboy, Orion and Lois?


In all honesty 10 pages for a dream and vision that we know is never going to come I a lot. And in all honesty I don't care for the main villain anymore. To me all of his goals and doings are for just for the sake of him being evil. And unfortunately he doesn't have the reasoning of lex luthor or his charm to make me care for him.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #13

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Jul 13, 2022

It’s the dramatic DCU debut of Dreamer! When every hero on Earth is threatened by Henry Bendix’s machinations, it’s a race against time for Dreamer to warn Superman before it happens! But will this mysterious new ally’s premonition become a nightmare for Jonathan Kent?

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