Alex Jaffe's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 8
7.0Avg. Review Rating

All-Star Western #31

May 28, 2014

If I had to make a list of my top five favorite DC Comics characters right now, I can almost guarantee that Jonah Hex would make the cut. Nobody doesn't care like Jonah Hex doesn't care. And even when he's not doing much, it's a treat to just hang out with him for a while. Palmiotti and Gray's treatment of the character and his world has long been a part of my life, and I'm doing my best to cherish these final months with him.

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Batwoman (2010) Annual #1

May 1, 2014

Alan Moores SWAMP THINGis remembered by many as one of the greatest runs in comic book history. People often forget it didnt begin with a clean break it began with Alan Moore meticulously and elegantly paying tribute to the team before him by bringing their work to a close. Here, Marc Andreyko attempts the same. While satisfying closure for Williams and Blackman's run clearly demands more space, this annual is a thoughtful and unbidden gift. And if it werent my job to do so, I might not have looked so closely in its mouth.

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Constantine (2013) #14

May 15, 2014

They say the key to getting better at writing is to just keep writing, all the time. Fawkes already shows a lot of promise, and if that's the case, then we can expect big things from him pretty soon.

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Green Lantern (2011) #31

May 8, 2014

This six part storyline continues next week in GREEN LANTERN CORPS #31 (Van Jensen, Bernard Chang). I'll see you then!

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #31

May 15, 2014

GREEN LANTERN #31 promised you the action would continue over here, and boy, did it ever. But GREEN LANTERN CORPS #31 delivers more than a promise: it raises the stakes in a credible, terrifying way. For a series that's been around since 1960, that's a pretty tall order. But it's one that must be met if you're going to tell an original story people will remember, and carve your name into DC history. And if UPRISING keeps taking advantage of the rich universe DC has to offer beyond the confines of the Lantern color spectrum, it might just be a story you'll still be talking about years down the road.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #6

May 21, 2014

If youre looking for that spark too, HARLEY QUINN #6 is not the best place to find it. But if youre already on board, you might as well stick around until the next punchline.

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Justice League United #0

May 1, 2014

But, his prominence on the cover and in the story aside, it's immediately apparent that this book is notAnimal Man.Buddy Baker's previous book was a mature title by every definition of the word: graphically, narratively, and psychologically.Unitedgoes far out of its way to assure readers this is a book much more in line with the first arc of Geoff Johns'Justice League: if not intentionally in plot structure, then certainly in tone. This is not going to be a deep book. It's not going to be a book that changes anyone's life. But it is going to be a fun book. And isn't that enough?

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The Movement #12

May 7, 2014

There are going to be lots of heroes like those in THE MOVEMENT #12, much sooner than you think. And even if Virtue, Katharsis, Mouse, Vengeance Moth, Tremor and Burden arent amongst them, they should always be remembered as pioneers in the stark white halls of DC Comics. We should all be sad to see them go, but thankful that they at least got a chance.

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