Top comics writer Jeff Lemire teams with superstar artist Mike McKone for the all-new monthly series JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED, starring the new team of powerful heroes Earth calls Justice League Canada!
In the aftermath of FOREVER EVIL, Adam Strange is caught up in an adventure across the far reaches of the cosmos that will unite an unexpected team of heroes including Supergirl, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Stargirl, Martian Manhunter and Animal Man - but if they're on the team, who exactly is Canadian? Plus: Don't miss the debut of a new Canadian hero who will have a huge effect on the group!
Justice League United #0 is a fantastic debut issue from a creative team that is already obviously in sync. Lemire has a great voice for these characters and McKone does a great job of handling this large cast and giving each character a strong personality. This is an excellent jumping on point for anyone looking to dive into a Justice League book without the burden of continuity, and I highly recommend you give this comic a shot. Read Full Review
The creative storytelling of this book entertains readers, as they get peeks at the bigger and better things Lemire's got waiting for them in this unique title. McKone's beautiful artwork and Lemire's confident pacing already confirm Justice League United as a new, distinct title that will only be promoting fun and a breaking from the norm through nice execution. Pick this book up, Nation. - See more at: Read Full Review
Justice League United #0 is a solid start for a brand new series. This book is fun, pure and simple, and really makes for an enjoyable experience while reading it. The story is good, the characters are fun and lively, and the artwork looks great overall. If people are looking for a more upbeat and enjoyable team comic, this may be right up your alley. Read Full Review
This is a great start to the series. The story is setup well, the characters are interesting (for the most part), and I want to keep reading. I'm really looking forward to seeing where the series goes from here. If it's anything like Jeff Lemire's other work, I'm sure it will be a great series. Read Full Review
Justice League United #0 is easily the most fun I've had with a DC title in a long time. I truly can't wait for more. Read Full Review
At the top of that alien organization is the Thanagarian Byth Rok, who's got space conquest (or something) on his mind. No doubt this series will get interstellar in a hurry, but for the first issue at least, the real locations and grounded tone simply make for a stellar book. Read Full Review
Justice League United started out slow then jumped to intriguing and then punched me in the face with a whole bunch of awesome. Does that make sense to you? Well if you read the issue it will so don't worry. It's a badass first issue and I can't wait to see where the rest of this story arc takes us, especially with what could be the best cast of characters to ever be on a team together. This issue got me hyped to get this series started, and now I'm just reminded why I'm not a patient person. Get me the next issue so now so I can continue my fanboy euphoria. Read Full Review
Zero issues, like pilot episodes, have to burn brightly and quickly, making some kind of impression on readers and retailers alike. In order to have any sort of future as an ongoing title, opening issues have to establish a readership as well as a tone and direction for the series. The characters can go and do anything, and that raw potential lends Justice League United its energy. Jeff Lemire, Mike McKone, and Marcelo Maiolo deliver a superhero story that isn't aiming to revolutionize, yet succeeds in feeling fresh and completely different than the rest of the Justice League books on shelves right now. Read Full Review
While “Justice League United” is very much a successor to the short-lived “Justice League of America,” it is just as much a spiritual follow-up to “Justice League International.” That is, the original team, not the ill-fated New 52 incarnation. The book features a similar cast of colorful misfits, a humorous but mature tone, and a focus that steps outside of the confines of the continental U.S. In many ways, it also feels like an answer to “Guardians of the Galaxy,” especially with the current lack of a Legion book. “United's” ability to don so many hats at once and wear them well means this book has a great chance at pleasing a large number of fans. Read Full Review
Lemire immediately hits the right tone with Justice League United. It's like the DC version of All New X-Men. As such you can expect the coming books to be a fun, exciting escapade from the snowy landscapes of Canada into the depths of space. Colorful rings not required. Read Full Review
Anyways, I always talk about what certain issues should do ... the first issue, the second to last issue of a big arc, etc. This issue did what a first issue should do. We have plenty of hooks to get me curious. I want to come back and see where this goes. And we have the players on the chess board. Add to that the very polished art of McKone and this was a winner. But what will Supergirl be like?? Read Full Review
Justice League United is great fun. Lemire solidifies himself as the high bar of DC's writer roster and McKone is in fine form here. It's a good time and comes highly recommended. Read Full Review
But, his prominence on the cover and in the story aside, it's immediately apparent that this book is notAnimal Man.Buddy Baker's previous book was a mature title by every definition of the word: graphically, narratively, and psychologically.Unitedgoes far out of its way to assure readers this is a book much more in line with the first arc of Geoff Johns'Justice League: if not intentionally in plot structure, then certainly in tone. This is not going to be a deep book. It's not going to be a book that changes anyone's life. But it is going to be a fun book. And isn't that enough? Read Full Review
Justice League United #0 is good. Jeff Lemire understands these characters. It feels like the book he wants to do. All the elements of a great series are here, they just havent yet clicked into place. Read Full Review
Offering an Adam Strange (apparently) before his time on Rann, Lemire and McKone populate the team with a nice collection of B-list and C-list heroes which one would assume would allow the creative team a little more leeway in terms of storylines compared to the major Justice League title. The comic puts together Stargirl, Martian Manhunter, Strange, Supergirl (who only appears on the cover), Green Arrow, and Hawkman (who apparently with take on pseudo-Lobo next month) for a first issue that delivers some fun interactions and plenty of action. I'm interested to see where things go from here. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Jeff Lemire has delivered a new Justice League team. Having a Justice League team in Canada does help to give this title a different feel from the regular JUSTICE LEAGUE team. There are some nice little references Canadians or friends of Canadians will appreciate. Mike McKones art also plays a part in making this a great looking comic that is sure to be fun to read. We may not have all the answers as to why and how all these heroes have come together but its going to be a blast to find out. You should definitely check this out. Read Full Review
It's discouraging, but hopefully it'll be rectified soon. If not, I'll be dropping this one quickly. Read Full Review
With its eclectic lineup of mismatched characters and co-focus on the DC's cosmic aspects, the Justice League United team feels like a DCU mash-up of The Defenders and Guardians of the Galaxy. Seeing as I happen to be huge fans of both of those teams, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Lemire can keep the action hot, the story flowing and the banter witty. It could end up collapsing under the weight of the premise's ambition, but I remain cautiously optimistic. Read Full Review
Overall, Justice League United #0 has credibly established the makings of an upbeat sci-fi adventure team book that will take its heroes across the universe " from the isolated locales of Moosonee, Canada, and all the way into the far-reaches of space. Based on the strength of this issue alone, I will definitely be seeing through the entirety of the five-part "Justice League of Canada" arc, at the very least. Read Full Review
What Lemire and the team have working for them is the potential of the cast of characters. The heroes on Earth are already working well together " barring the sarcastic comments towards Animal Man's capability " and the attention given to Hawkman implies he'll be another interesting factor as well. Don't expect to be sold completely on the idea of this book, but be prepared to leave with expectations of potential in the story. Read Full Review
All in all, it's a decent set up. The self-deprecating jokes of the lesser characters and the cultural references make for a good chuckle, but the erratic framing make for something better suited to cartoons. Still worth a read and looking like a decent set up for a much bigger event. Read Full Review
There's quite a bit going on in this first issue and overall it's an entertaining read that shows a lot of promise. We'll see where this book is at after its initial storyline wraps up, but with the wide range of characters involved and the great creative team, it has a really good chance to hold its own when compared to the other Justice League books. Read Full Review
I liked this issue, but I fear that the overall concept is a little weak. Lemire is a great writer, and he handles the characters and their interactions like a pro " even if his Green Arrow here is a lot different and a lot more cocky than what Lemire is writing in GA's solo series. But that's a minor point of contention. Basically we've got a bunch of random superheroes who randomly wind up working together on a crazy mission involving aliens. It's a pretty weak reason to put a whole new Justice League together. And there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason why this team would ever become permanent. But the issue was written and drawn well, so perhaps that's all some people need. I know I'll keep reading for now, if just for the heck of it. Read Full Review
That said, this book was entertaining enough. The dialogue was fun. The art was amazing! The characters are likeable, so I hope that's enough to bring in readers. Read Full Review
There's enough here to make the series intriguing, but it needs a much, much more to stand in the same sphere as its sister Justice League title. Read Full Review
It’s a good first issue with decent art that leaves me wanting more, I’m a sucker for Alien conspiracy stories and I can’t wait to see what Lemire does with this strange cavalcade of characters. Read Full Review
I was surprised by this book and had more fun than I was expecting. Jeff Lemire is bringing together unique characters in a cool story that is coming together naturally. Mike McKone does a great job with the art and the action is the standout of the issue. With the unique group and lighthearted tone, this is the best Justice League out. Even if they are Canadian. Sorry, couldn't resist. Read Full Review
Justice League United #0 sets the stage nicely as this new group of heroes come together. Lemire handles the team dynamic well and does a very good job at finding every character's unique voice. McKone's art and Maiolo's colors are a great pairing for this book and they set the tone perfectly for this story. There is a lot of potential in Miiyahbin, and it's good to see diversity, particularly underrepresented First Nations characters, on a big-name team with the likes of Supergirl and Green Arrow. All of these characters are fascinating in their own ways, but rarely do they get the time in the spotlight like they deserve. Justice League United #0 is a good start to showing off these heroes. Read Full Review
In theory, this should be a very compelling book, and it very well may be in time. This new (old?) characterization of Green Arrow/Oliver Queen is too jarring to gloss over. A strength moving forward is the major difference between this Justice League and THE Justice League. Were given a team of B characters, and theyre tasked with cosmic battles. Animal Man, Lemires darling since the start of the New 52, is the heart and soul of this team. Adam Stranges debut is another strong point. His academic background is charming and sets up the actual humorous moments in this book. Its also worth mentioning that Hawkmans introduction was well done and creates quite a few questions. Equinoxs brief introduction is enough to set the hook, but well have to see if future issues can fully reel readers in. Read Full Review
"Justice League United" #0 introduces the readers to a wide array of characters and sets the forming of the team in motion, but as one-fifth of the initial adventure, it fails to leave a distinct impression. Hopefully, subsequent issues will prove to be more satisfying. Read Full Review
It's not the strongest debut for a Justice League title in the New 52, but I would rank it my least favorite to date. I feel like this is going to go the way of Justice League International: lost in space and cancelled inside of 8 issues. I might leave this one on the shelf if I were you. Read Full Review