HOME ALONE IN WAYNE MANOR! A lead from Gordon provides Batman an opportunity to chase down one of the General's assets, but the best way to get close to them is not as Batman but as Bruce Wayne. But with Bruce off on his own, Dick is left stuck at Wayne Manor. What's a boy wonder to do when no one's watching...?
A TRAP IS SET... Robin is caught in the General's clutches, and it's up to Batman to rescue his intrepid young protege. The Dark Knight knows he's running headlong into a trap, but is the General really prepared for Batman like he thinks?
Deep in the cosmos, an intergalactic inquisition descends upon Apokolips and New Genesis, carrying with it a sinister message: convert or be destroyed. Meanwhile on Earth, Mister Miracle and Big Barda, with their baby in tow, seek out the mysterious child spoken of in Metron's prophecy, desperate to find him before Orion does. Could this child--thi...
THE FATE OF THREE WORLDS HANGS IN THE BALANCE! New Genesis. Apokolips. Earth. Three worlds in the warpath of the deadly interstellar inquisition known as the Nyctari. Three worlds on the verge of annihilation. Three worlds whose only hope of salvation may lie with a young boy imbued with incomprehensible power--a power beyond godlike. But is this b...
SUPERSTAR JAMAL CAMPBELL KICKS OFF AN ALL-NEW ZATANNA LIMITED SERIES! Zatanna Zatara, the Mistress of Magic, is back on tour! She's got her stage crew back together and is looking forward to a new, less chaotic chapter of life. However, her plans are disrupted before they even begin when her stage crew is abducted by a ghostly new adversary, The La...
THIS IS IT! CATCH UP TO ARC ONE BEFORE THE START OF ARC TWO! Bruce Wayne, a young man who has built his entire life on leveling up, on becoming a bigger man than both his enemies and the obstacles that stand in his way, will have to break down the Black Mask and his gang of Party Animals. Will he be able to do this without the help of his unlikely ...
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
GOTTA. GO. FLASH-FAST. It's a crossover event unlike any other! The monstrous Darkseid crosses dimensions to invade the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, seeking the ultimate power. Sonic and his friends have faced everything from mad scientists to ancient spirits, but the forces of Apokolips may be too much for them. Thankfully, the full heroic might o...
Cassandra Nova is unstoppable! As she blazes a furious trail toward Cerebra and complete psychic control over everything, the X-Men play their last card! Will it be enough?
Cassandra Nova is on her way to Xavier's Mansion and she's looking to put an end to Professor X once and for all. Even with Gladiator and the rest of the Superguardians on the side of the X-Men, can the evil sister of Xavier be defeated?
Lilandra has been convinced that the X-Men must be terminated with extreme prejudice. The X-Men are prepared to defend themselves, but how can they survive an engagement with Gladiator of the Imperial Guard?! Plus, Cyclops and Xorn escape!
The Shi'Ar Imperial Guard have attacked! In a surgical two-pronged assault on the X-Men, Gladiator issues but one command to his subordinates: destroy all mutants! Plus, learn the secret behind the flu outbreak at the mansion!
The Shi'Ar fleet is under siege and the empire threatens to crumble! All because of one person, the powerful sibling of Charles Xavier...Cassandra Nova! Can Lilandra and her disciples thwart this menace or will all be lost?
Who is John Sublime? What does he want with the ultra powerful mutant known as Xorn, detainee of Ao Jun prison? Cyclops intends to find out!
Nuff Said! Jean Grey & Emma Frost venture into the mind of Cassandra Nova to save Professor X!
Emma and Cyclops attempt to escape capture while Jean Grey has to protect the mansion and its students from an attacking force of human soldiers. Plus...the return of Phoenix?!
John Sublime attacks Cyclops and Emma while Wolverine rescues a young mutant captured by Sublime's forces. And what is the Third Species?
Human/mutant relations are at an all-time low. And now some humans are killing mutants for their super-powered organs...and the X-Men are here to put an end to it. Plus, the introduction of a new mutant!
Danger Rooms
Beast is mentoring a new student, Beak, but when Cassandra Nova returns, Beak is forced to attack his own teacher!
E For Extinction Part 3 (of 3)
The X-Men are the only force capable of taking down the manical Cassandra Nova. Plus, has the White Queen joined the X-Men? And Xavier makes a shocking decision!
E For Extinction Part 2 (of 3)
Cassandra Nova stands responsible for the murder of 16 million mutants and the X-Men are bringing her down - dead or alive!
E For Extinction Part 1 (of 3)
Sixteen million mutants dead - and that's just the beginning! The destruction of Genosha is just the beginning of a new era for the X-Men.
THE TRIAL OF HARVEY DENT! Pushed to the brink, Harvey Dent's mask of sanity is slipping, leading him to the deepest recesses of his own twisted mind, as memories collide with haunting traumas from his past. This is the trial of Harvey's life, and Two-Face must face the ultimate judgment. Will he let go and rise above his shattered past, or will his...
CASS COMES FACE TO FACE WITH HER OWN PAST! As Batgirl continues to unravel the complicated relationship with her mother, she finds herself alone in the dark den of her enemies. Plunged into poppy-induced hallucinations, Batgirl relives her past alongside a surprise visit from a Bat-Family member, who helps Cass confront the tangled roots of her ori...
• At the end of the Orchis War, Charles Xavier surrendered himself to the authorities and allowed himself to be imprisoned in Graymalkin Prison!
• But now something has spurred him into action, into escaping his incarceration and embarking on a mad scramble across the nation!
• What has caused Profes...
THE JSA, CORNERED BY KOBRA! The JSA have a lead on a KOBRA facility preparing for their next terrorist attack. But which faction of the team will make it to the facility first, and what will it mean for the future of the world's first super-team?!
Captain America and the Human Torch lead a team to recruit their old comrade - Namor! But they'll have to get through the Red Skull Gang first!
A NEW ERA OF THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS BEGINS HERE! Go all in with Green Lantern as Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps are given a new mandate to patrol the galaxy, fight crime, and stop the rise of "fractal" lanterns throughout the universe. An exciting new status quo for the DC Universe begins here!
THE TEAM UNCOVERS THE NINTH DAY CULT'S DEADLY SECRETS! Things have gone sideways in the Birds of Prey's investigation of the Ninth Day cult, and the Birds' undercover operative, Cassandra Cain, has gone deathly silent. The team going in to break her out are heavy hitters of the highest order--Black Canary, Big Barda, Grace Choi, and Onyx--with Orac...
AMAZONS IN TROUBLE! Did you ever wonder what happens when Small Bat gets big? And whatever will Big Barda have to say about it? Meanwhile, five Amazons' lives are on the line and oh, the entire Birds of Prey field team is caught in a twist no one could have anticipated.