Learn the history of the war between New Genesis and Apokolips, including the tale of the pact Izaya and Darkseid made to bring a temporary peace.
“Night of the Reaper!” Starring Batman and Robin.
The Dark Knight must do the unthinkable and team-up with Ra's al Ghul to find the Daughter of the Demon before it's too late. It's the return of Talia in "Swamp Sinister."
Batman stars in the story "Half an Evil" which is the first appearance of the Silver Age Two-Face.
First appearance of Ra's al Ghul in "Daughter of the Demon," a retelling of Batman and Robin's origins.
The Creeper is unable to transform back into his Jack Ryder identity and is being driven insane by Dr. Yatz’s serum. But Yatz’s son Ishmael has the Creeper steal for him, promising to cure him of his condition, and Batman becomes involved with the case as a result. During the premiere of a new movie titled The Stepfather—based on the true sto...
Ra's al Ghul and the first appearance of his daughter, Talia, in "Into the Den of the Death-Dealers!"
Lightray and Orion battle the Deep Six while Farley and Richard Sheridan learn more about each other’s views.
Orion battles Slig and the Deep Six. Kalibak arrives on Earth looking for Orion.
Orion stops Inter-Gang and their "Jammer."
The Black Racer comes to earth and takes possession of the body of Willie Walker.
Where the Justice League of America fails, the burden of protecting Earth falls on three ordinary people.
From the dark abyss of deep space comes a terrible destructive force, and its plan is to make Batman king of the world.
Unless one of the members of the Justice League can learn to miraculously produce food from nothing, the whole world will starve.
Orion explains the nature of the war against Darkseid to Lanza, Shane, Lincoln, and Lockman.
Orion Fights for Earth! Orion frees Lanza, Shane, Lincoln, and Lockman from Darkseid.
Barry Allen wakes up to find Joan Garrick in his bedroom and the Golden Age Flash costume in his closet. Where is Jay Garrick...and is the answer one Barry Allen can handle?