Fearfowl's Profile

Joined: Apr 19, 2014

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Fearfowl rated Amazing Spider-Man #1.1 May 8, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man #1.1

By: Dan Slott, Ramon K. Perez
Released: May 7, 2014

•  He sought revenge... and found responsibility. From that night on, a new life began.
•  Join Peter Parker as he takes his first steps towards finding his way in the world as Spider-Man.
•  The chapter you never knew about the story you know by heart.

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Fearfowl rated Earth 2 #23 May 7, 2014

Earth 2 #23

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Scott
Released: May 7, 2014

With Green Lantern resurrected, the heroes of Earth 2 go on the offensive against the forces of Darkseid and Apokolips! As the heroes prepare an all-out assault, plans are put into motion for the Red Tornado to make one last, desperate attempt to stop Superman.

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Fearfowl rated Amazing Spider-Man #1 May 1, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man #1

By: Dan Slott, Humberto Ramos
Released: Apr 30, 2014

The Greatest Super Hero of All Time RETURNS!
The world may have changed since Spidey's been gone, but so has Peter Parker. This is a man with a second chance at life, and he's not wasting a moment of it. Same Parker Luck, new Parker attitude. Putting the "friendly" back in the neighborhood, the "hero" back into "super hero," and the "amazing" b...

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Fearfowl rated Batman: Eternal #4 Apr 30, 2014

Batman: Eternal #4

By: Tim Seeley, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Apr 30, 2014

Batman battles Batgirl as Jim Gordons troubles take a turn for the worse!

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Fearfowl rated Batman / Superman #9 Apr 26, 2014

Batman / Superman #9

By: Greg Pak, Jae Lee
Released: Apr 16, 2014

First Contact continues from last months explosive WORLDS FINEST #20 as Batman, Superman, Huntress and Power Girl battle a massive new threat to the DC Universe! As Kaizan Gamorra unleashes the means to take down Superman, an unbelievable discovery is made that will have major repercussions in 2014!

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Fearfowl rated Batman: Eternal #3 Apr 26, 2014

Batman: Eternal #3

By: Tim Seeley, Jason Fabok
Released: Apr 23, 2014

A gang war erupts in Gotham City, but the G.C.P.D. doesnt plan to help Batman stop it. Plus: The return of a fan-favorite Batman supporting character: Stephanie Brown!

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Fearfowl rated Red Lanterns #30 Apr 24, 2014

Red Lanterns #30

By: Charles Soule, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Apr 23, 2014

Guy Gardners got a missing comrade, a red-ring-wielding Supergirl, and a deeply pissed-off Atrocitus to deal with! The last thing he needs is another new Red Lantern especially when this one may be the deadliest Red to ever wear the ring! But whose side will this new Lantern join? And will Rankorr survive his close encounter with Atrocitus and Dex...

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Fearfowl rated Superman #30 Apr 24, 2014

Superman #30

By: Scott Lobdell, Ken Lashley
Released: Apr 23, 2014

Every man, woman and child in Smallville has suddenly fallen into a coma while the citizens of the Bottled City of Kandor begin to rise again. Meanwhile, Superman has his hands full as Doomsday cuts a swath of destruction through the heart of the earth itself!

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Fearfowl rated Justice League Dark #30 Apr 24, 2014

Justice League Dark #30

By: J.M. DeMatteis, Mark Irwin
Released: Apr 23, 2014

After the shocking events of Forever Evil: Blight, the team has a new leader and the first order of business is dealing with a traitor in their midst!

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Fearfowl rated Justice League United #0 Apr 24, 2014

Justice League United #0

By: Jeff Lemire, Mike McKone
Released: Apr 23, 2014

Top comics writer Jeff Lemire teams with superstar artist Mike McKone for the all-new monthly series JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED, starring the new team of powerful heroes Earth calls Justice League Canada!
In the aftermath of FOREVER EVIL, Adam Strange is caught up in an adventure across the far reaches of the cosmos that will unite an unexpected tea...

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Fearfowl rated The Walking Dead #126 Apr 24, 2014

The Walking Dead #126

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Apr 23, 2014

"ALL OUT WAR," Conclusion
This changes everything.

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Fearfowl rated Catwoman #28 Apr 21, 2014

Catwoman #28

By: Ann Nocenti, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Feb 26, 2014

Welcome to Gothtopia! Die happy! As Catbird carries on the fight for justice even without the help of her beloved Batman, she finds herself facing a great mystery: Who is Catwoman?

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Fearfowl rated Catwoman #27 Apr 20, 2014

Catwoman #27

By: Ann Nocenti, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Jan 29, 2014

A "GOTHTOPIA" tie-In! Everything's all right in Selina Kyle's world. As the fabled Catbird of Gotham City, she fights alongside Batman to keep the city safe. So why does it all feel so wrong?

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Fearfowl rated Batman / Superman #8 Apr 19, 2014

Batman / Superman #8

By: Greg Pak, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Feb 26, 2014

The Worlds' Finest teams of two worlds meet at last in chapter 1 of "First Contact"! With Power Girl's abilities on the fritz, see what happens when her long-lost cousin Superman approaches her! And a major threat returns in a way you won't believe! Continues in this month's WORLDS' FINEST #8.

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Fearfowl rated Batman / Superman #2 Apr 19, 2014

Batman / Superman #2

By: Greg Pak, Jae Lee
Released: Jul 24, 2013

Batman and Superman travel to Earth 2, where they find familiar heroes who are trying to kill them!

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Fearfowl rated Superman Unchained #2 Apr 19, 2014

Superman Unchained #2

By: Scott Snyder, Jim Lee
Released: Jul 10, 2013

The technological terrorists called Ascension are growing bolder with every attack, creating problems only can solve—and that’s with help from the world’s greatest detective, Batman! But the mystery that’s really got them both worried is the unknown figure that’s been shadowing Superman! And in this issue’s backup tale, Jimmy Olsen take...

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Fearfowl rated Superman Unchained #6 Apr 19, 2014

Superman Unchained #6

By: Scott Snyder, Jim Lee
Released: Mar 19, 2014

The Man of Tomorrow and the Superman of yesterday go at itno holds barred! Supes goes full throttle after his would-be ally, Wraith, in a seismic battle ranging from deep space to the oceans floor and ultimately the core of the earth! Meanwhile, Lois Lane holds the key to defeating Ascension, but she needs to reach the Fortress of Solitude to ensur...

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Fearfowl rated Superman Unchained #5 Apr 19, 2014

Superman Unchained #5

By: Scott Snyder, Jim Lee
Released: Dec 31, 2013

Superman and Wraith form an alliance to rescue a hostage and strike at the heart of Ascension, but the mission goes awry when it becomes clear the Man of Tomorrow and the soldier from beyond the stars have very different methodologies-and objectives! Plus, secrets are revealed about Wraith's people!

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Fearfowl rated Batman Annual #1 Apr 19, 2014

Batman Annual #1

By: Scott Snyder, Jason Fabok
Released: May 30, 2012

MR. FREEZE is introduced to The New 52! What is Mr. Freeze's relationship to the COURT OF OWLS? Is he an ally or do they want him dead? "NIGHT OF THE OWLS" continues here!

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Fearfowl rated Earth 2 Annual #2 Apr 19, 2014

Earth 2 Annual #2

By: Tom Taylor, Scott Hanna
Released: Jan 29, 2014

The origin of Earth 2’s new Batman is revealed. But after he tells his tale, will any of the other heroes trust him again?

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Fearfowl rated Action Comics #30 Apr 19, 2014

Action Comics #30

By: Greg Pak, Aaron Kuder
Released: Apr 2, 2014

Following the events of FOREVER EVIL, Superman confronts Lex Luthor but the world has turned around for these two. The hero has become thevillain and the villain the hero as forces beyond these two gather to destroy the Man of Steel, beginning with a dormant Doomsday who has crossed over from the Phantom Zone!

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Fearfowl rated Swamp Thing #30 Apr 19, 2014

Swamp Thing #30

By: Charles Soule, Jesus Saiz
Released: Apr 2, 2014

Alec Holland contemplates the Sureens offer to turn him humanbut if he does accept, what happens to his almost all-powerful body? He and his warrior companion Capucine must travel to India to find the answersand to get there, theyll need help from Vandal Savage!

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Fearfowl rated Swamp Thing Annual #2 Apr 19, 2014

Swamp Thing Annual #2

By: Charles Soule, Javier Pina
Released: Oct 30, 2013

Tying directly into the current storyline with The Seederwitness the next evolution of Swamp Thing! Alecs going to need to take his powers to another level to take Seeder down...with help from the stranger coaches imaginable! Plus: an appearance from a Swamp Thing you never thought youd see!

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Fearfowl rated Catwoman #19 Apr 19, 2014

Catwoman #19

By: Ann Nocenti, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Apr 17, 2013

Catwoman needs helpbut what is the only place the Justice League of America can take her?

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Fearfowl rated Justice League 3000 #5 Apr 19, 2014

Justice League 3000 #5

By: J.M. Demateis, Wayne Faucher
Released: Apr 9, 2014

Cadmus tries to add a new member to Justice League 3000. We say tried to because the last thing Firestorm wants to do is join what he considers to be a group of losers. It gets complicated.

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Fearfowl rated Justice League 3000 #4 Apr 19, 2014

Justice League 3000 #4

By: Keith Giffen, Howard Porter
Released: Mar 12, 2014

The Justice League of the future learns the terrible truth behind their creation!

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Fearfowl rated Justice League 3000 #2 Apr 19, 2014

Justice League 3000 #2

By: J. M. DeMatteis, Howard Porter
Released: Jan 15, 2014

Before the team can figure out what happened to their memories, Cadmus sends some seemingly familiar faces into the darkness of Commonwealth space to face off against the first member of a new group of villains called LOCUS!

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Fearfowl rated The Walking Dead #125 Apr 19, 2014

The Walking Dead #125

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Apr 9, 2014

"ALL OUT WAR," Part 11
The f*ck f*cking f*ckity f*cking penultimate chapter of All Out Motherf*cking War!

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Fearfowl rated Supergirl #30 Apr 19, 2014

Supergirl #30

By: Tony Bedard, Emanuela Lupacchino
Released: Apr 16, 2014

In Red Daughter of Krypton part 2 of 3, the newest, most powerful Red Lantern finally meets her match! Worldkiller-1 is a cosmic menace from the darkest recesses of Karas past, and he will gladly destroy every one of her crimson teammates to get to her

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Fearfowl rated Detective Comics #30 Apr 19, 2014

Detective Comics #30

By: Francis Manapul
Released: Apr 2, 2014

A bold new direction for DETECTIVE COMICS as THE FLASH creative team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato take over the creative reins! Batman finds himself knee-deep in a new mystery involving a deadly new narcotic that has hit the streets of Gotham City.

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