Superman Unchained #6

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Jim Lee Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 19, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 15
7.7Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The Man of Tomorrow and the Superman of yesterday go at itno holds barred! Supes goes full throttle after his would-be ally, Wraith, in a seismic battle ranging from deep space to the oceans floor and ultimately the core of the earth! Meanwhile, Lois Lane holds the key to defeating Ascension, but she needs to reach the Fortress of Solitude to ensure its safekeepingnot to mention hers! And shes being pursued by a heavily armed force, and it isnt Ascension!

  • 9.0
    Nerds Unchained - David Staniusz Mar 23, 2014

    Superman Unchained has been a series that has had some problems due to scheduling delays, however like this issue, some good things are worth the wait. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Bryan Huth Mar 24, 2014

    Other than those moments, this issue falls short on one aspect. This issue isn't everything that you may be expecting. After the long delay due to Lee's incredibly busy schedule, you might expect this issue to show Superman finally confronting all of his adversaries since there is only three more issue left in the series, but while the issue is great, it isn't the all out war that you might expect, and while the opening moments may have felt rushed, there is no doubt that Snyder and Lee will deliver what fans are expecting in the next issue. Stay tuned to We The Nerdy for more Superman Unchainedreviews and DC news. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Mar 23, 2014

    Fully entertaining, though Snyder doesn't quite succeed in breaking old Superman formulas. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 20, 2014

    The delays aren't doing this series any favors, especially with certain key characters remaining absent for another month. But the wait proved worth it, as Snyder and Lee were able to deliver some memorable Superman moments and shine the spotlight on Lois Lane and Batman in fun and unexpected ways. With three issues remaining, it's really a question of where the story goes from here and how well Snyder can tie all these threads together in the home stretch. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Tyler McGoff Apr 4, 2014

    Superman Unchained #6 stacks the odds against Superman in a way that hasn't been seen in this series before. Snyder and Lee know how to challenge Superman's physicality and strength while still showing off Clark's heart and character. This is the type of large-scale, high-stakes, big action story that makes Superman stand apart from the pack. This is one of the most exciting, tense, and best-looking issues of this series yet. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Apr 8, 2014

    At the same time, however, this clash of philosophies feels incomplete. Wraith gave his reasons for doing what he does. Now Superman has given his. But neither one of them really confronts the flaws in their approach. They both come off as stubborn. They choose to resort to mindless fighting as if that ever won an argument outside a boxing ring. That takes away from the larger conflict that has linked all the physical struggles that have manifested throughout Superman Unchained. But by the end of Superman Unchained #6, both sides show that they're as cunning as they are stubborn so this philosophical divide might not be over. It's a divide that can't be resolved by resorting to Kryptonite, but for now it seems to be the favored approach. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Mar 25, 2014

    So overall, I thought this was a good but not great issue for this title. The Lois scenes are fantastic and the Earthstone plot is fascinating. But a couple of easy answers (even if foreshadowed) and a cliffhanger with Superman fighting American troops knocked things down just a bit. I also think the wait between issues slowed down momentum such that I might not roll with minor quibbles as I otherwise might. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Mar 20, 2014

    Superman Unchained #6 is exciting material that should be on your pull-list without question. So go on and grab a cape then head to your local shop, trust me you won't regret it. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Mar 20, 2014

    Superman Unchained is ending with issue 9, so we only have 3 issues left. Thats probably not enough time for Snyder to properly present this event. Only time will tell, though. For what its worth, this issue is a great example of how fun Snyders Superman can be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Dodge Mar 21, 2014

    For every lackluster moment, however, there are pages of gorgeous, iconic looking art from Jim Lee. Clark bursts through the Ascension submarine in a beautiful full page spread that makes it abundantly clear how powerful he is. And he literally punches the masks off of people, which looks super cool. The action packed issues highlights Lee's attention to detail, as every building or object the Clark destroys is fleshed out and doesn't dissolve into a haze a metal and debris. The menagerie in Fortress of Solitude gives the more traditionalist Lee that chance to show off his ability to render strange and unusual creatures. It's a brief scene, but it's so different from anything else in the series that Lee's great art really stands out, as well as aiding in an interesting character moment. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 20, 2014

    In the end, "Superman Unchained" #6 is a solid comic that is let down a bit by the art. Snyder's moving everything forward with a strong pace, and I feel like he's on track to give us a satisfying conclusion in the last third of the series. But honestly, I'd like to see some more publication delays if it means Lee having more time to pencil those remaining issues. With some stronger art, there's no doubt that this would have been a better comic. Lee's a talented artist, but it's just increasingly clear that he's not someone who should be drawing an ongoing series. I'd rather see him have the extra wiggle room to do justice to the scripts that he's drawing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Sam Hawkins Apr 14, 2014

    This is another solid issue of Superman Unchained. Whilst certain aspects of the story may leave some things to be desired, there's still a lot to enjoy and appreciate this issue. Especially after that awesome epilogue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Mar 21, 2014

    Jim Lee’s art is another lesson on how to pencil a big fight book. Heavy inks, thick lines, details, an amazing ability with anatomy and action, Lee makes it look easy. There are a few artists out there who have achieved this iconic status but don’t allow their work to become easy, or repetitive. Jim Lee is at the top of that list. You can feel his passion for the work in each panel. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 21, 2014

    Apparently this title has become a limited series (news reports say it's supposed to wrap up in April with issue #9) - which is good, because that means there's an end in sight. So much potential, only a fraction of it realized - what a shame. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Mar 20, 2014

    Superman Unchained #6 is a letdown.  Scott Snyder is doing his best to tie things up before it's untimely end, so it's no surprise this issue feels a bit rushed.  That's weird to say because it took an extra couple of months to come out.  Jim Lee's art is the culprit for the delay, but the extra time doesn't seem to show. That my freinds is just disappointing. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Mar 21, 2014

    Overall, I certainly wasn't a fan of the issue. Scott and Jim can both do much better work han this, and that is what I want to see in the series. Sadly, with only three more issues to go, I doubt anything is going to change. Read Full Review

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