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Joined: Jul 02, 2018

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Batman: Three Jokers Collected

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok

Thirty years after Batman: The Killing Joke changed comics forever, Batman: Three Jokers
reexamines the myth of who, or what, is the Joker and what is at the heart of his ongoing battle with Batman? New York Times bestselling writer Geoff Johns and artist Jason Fabok, the team that waged the “Darkseid War” in the pages of Justice League...

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 May 19, 2024

3 Jokers representing three different eras (Criminal - early years, Joker is just a gangster. Clown - silver "campy" age. Comedian - modern age, killing joke, new 52 etc) is not something groundbreaking but the idea of creating a new, better Joker from the previous ones is interesting, the search for the perfect Joker.
Having the two Jokers had different plans, don't know if it is a good idea more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #2 May 18, 2024

The quality of miniseries is getting better and better.Obviously, Johns takes inspiration from "A Death in the family" but his approach is more psychological.Jason Todd is in the spotlight as it is logical, Barbara a little less but still plays an important role.The two of them become a couple is a little weird but it makes sense in a way.Both of them had a trauma caused by Joker so they can under more

Batman: Three Jokers #2

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Sep 30, 2020

As Batman and Batgirl follow an unexpected thread linking the three Jokers with someone from the Dark Knight’s past, Red Hood dives headfirst into trouble and finds himself struggling to stay afloat without the aid of his allies.
Batman: Three Jokers continues its trajectory as the ultimate examination of The Joker and his never-ending con...

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #1 May 17, 2024

The idea behind the revelation of Joker's true identity started when Batman became God by taking Mobius chair during Darkseid War, also written by Geoff Johns.
But that matter seems to be more complicated than we thought as we learn that there is not only one Joker but three:
1) The Criminal
2) The Comidian
3) The Clown
In contrast, there are three heroes (Batman, Batgirl, more

Batman: Three Jokers #1

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Aug 26, 2020

Thirty years after Batman: The Killing Joke changed comics forever, Three Jokers reexamines the myth of who, or what, The Joker is and what is at the heart of his eternal battle with Batman. New York Times bestselling writer Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, the writer/artist team that waged the “Darkseid War” in the pages of Justice League, reunite...

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Deadman Brand rated Batman Year One Sep 21, 2021

Batman Year One

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli

A new edition of one of the most important and critically acclaimed Batman adventures ever, written by Frank Miller, author of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS!

In 1986, Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli produced this groundbreaking reinterpretation of the origin of Batman--who he is and how he came to be.

Written shortly aft...

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #407 Sep 20, 2021

"You can never escape me.Nothing harms me.I know pain.Sometimes I share it.With someone like you."
Such iconic lines!
Batman finally starts his efforts to clear the city and fight the corruption of the city.
After the kidnapping Gordon knows that he find someone who can trust, an ally and the cooperation between the two men starts.
Miller established characters like Falcone, te more

Batman #407

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
Released: Apr 29, 1987

Year One, Part 4: Friend in Need
Lt. Gordon has been learning his way on the streets of Gotham almost in-step with Batman and the two finally start to see eye-to-eye in part four of "BATMAN: YEAR ONE". Can Gordon and Batman work together for the greater good of Gotham City?

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #406 Sep 19, 2021

Mazzucchelli's art is pure class.He has a classic style which fits perfectly to the tone of the story.
An other classic scene here, where Gotham's Squad chases Batman and then the bats came to the rescue!
Also, Catwoman's 1st "official" appearance :-)
But, Jim Gordon remains the true protagonist of the story.His thoughts about his colleagues, Batman and how things are getting done i more

Batman #406

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
Released: Mar 25, 1987

Year One, Part 3: Black Dawn
Batman's nailed down by the Gotham City police in a crumbling building with nowhere to run! It'll take his arsenal of skills to get out of this one while proving he's on the side of justice - but how can he when they're gunning so heavily for him? Plus, Catwoman debuts in part three of "BATMAN: YEAR ONE"!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #405 Sep 18, 2021

While Gordon tries to adapt in Gotham and to change the way things are done, Batman makes his first "official" appearance.Miller's unforgettable scenes continuous, this time we have Batman to break into mayor's mansion.

Batman #405

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
Released: Feb 25, 1987

Year One, Part II: War is Declared
Bruce Wayne decides on a haunting guise perfect for feeding on the cowardliness of the criminals he plans on taking down. But it looks like his campaign against crime may be too effective as Gotham's corrupt officials order the police to take The Dark Knight down in part two of "BATMAN:YEAR ONE"!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #404 Sep 17, 2021

The return of Bruce Wayne and the first days of Jim Gordon at Gotham!
The city revealed to us through the eyes of Gordon, who thinks that is literally in hell.The other protagonist is inexperienced, still learning but has a plan, thus his first night as crimefighter goes terribly wrong and almost got killed.Frank Miller manages to make a contrast between the two heroes and their perspectives more

Batman #404

By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
Released: Jan 28, 1987

Year One, Part 1: Who I Am - How I Come to Be
Frank Miller (THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, Sin City) and David Mazzucchelli (Daredevil) deliver the acclaimed, four-part origin of Batman! Witness Bruce Wayne's transformation into The Dark Knight as he combats his own demons while struggling to topple the corrupt political system infesting his home.

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #675 May 18, 2021

An important action took place, but it still feels like filler issue.Also, the absence of Tony Daniel is a negative factor.

Batman #675

By: Grant Morrison, Ryan Benjamin
Released: Apr 23, 2008

Momentarily freed of the recent drama surrounding the Black Glove and the Replacement Batmen, The Caped Crusader enjoys an evening with his most recent girlfriend, Jezebel Jet. But an attack from the Ten-Eyed Man leads to stunning revelations in this finale to a 4-part storyline!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #674 May 17, 2021

We get some answers as we see the connection of doctor Hurt with the replacements of Batman but there are still plenty things to come.

Batman #674

By: Grant Morrison, Tony Daniel
Released: Feb 27, 2008

Batman learns the tragic story behind the last of the "Batman Replacements!" This tale leads to revelations about Batman's participation in a bizarre isolation experiment years ago, and how involved The Black Glove may have been in his life since his early crime-fighting years!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #673 May 16, 2021

Only Morrison can write a story like this one.An unexpected continuation for sure.It's special, strange and expands the legend of Batman.It's amazing how a good writer can elevate a story even though the plot moves slowly.

Batman #673

By: Grant Morrison, Tony Daniel
Released: Jan 30, 2008

After a recent skirmish, Batman's body lies near death! Meanwhile, his delirious mind travels back to a defining adventure in the life of young Bruce Wayne...the hunt for his parents' killer! And is Bat-Mite actually visiting Batman? Or has insanity finally come to claim The Dark Knight?

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #672 May 15, 2021

The third ghost is back.Batman and Gordon are in big trouble.This is Morrison's story so plenty of weird stuff is happening.

Batman #672

By: Grant Morrison, Tony Daniel
Released: Dec 26, 2007

Batman arrives just in time to stop what appears to be an impostor Batman from storming the Gotham City police department, but what stunning secret does the impostor share with The Dark Knight? Find out as details behind the group conspiring against Batman are revealed in part 1 of a 4-part arc!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #669 Apr 11, 2021

Explosive ending!The mystery of Mayhew's island is solved but the Black Glove is still out there.

Batman #669

By: Grant Morrison, J.H. Williams III
Released: Sep 26, 2007

In this conclusion to the three-part "Black Glove" storyline, Batman's reunion with the Club of Heroes turns into a deathtrap as Robin and the Squire are kidnapped! With the Club of Villains lurking in the shadows, can good possibly triumph over evil?

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #668 Apr 10, 2021

Batman and Robin doing some detective work while were trying to solve the murder case.Motives and possible suspects were presented.This is not a simple case as it is linked with the past of club of heroes.

Batman #668

By: Grant Morrison, J.H. Williams III
Released: Aug 22, 2007

Batman, Robin and the Club of Heroes--Batman-inspired heroes from all over the world--are stuck on an island rigged with elaborate death traps. And as the villain behind it all begins to explain his twisted motives, he continues to pick the heroes off one by one...

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #667 Apr 9, 2021

Grant Morrison takes an unusual path again, using this time the Club of Heroes.The members are unknown, cheesy and probably don't fit in a mystery story but the whole concept is pretty interesting.The art is gorgeous, J.H. Williams III is great at his job.

Batman #667

By: Grant Morrison, J.H. Williams III
Released: Aug 8, 2007

A deadly conclave of villains attacks Batman from all angles in this thrilling murder mystery masterfully executed by Grant Morrison! Don't miss this twisted caper that directly sets up the best-selling BATMAN R.I.P. storyline!

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Deadman Brand rated Batman Hush Apr 5, 2021

Batman Hush

By: Jeph Loeb, Jim Lee

In this classic tale, Batman sets out to learn the identity of the mysterious villain known as Hush. But Batman ends up facing the most intense case of his life as secrets from his past flood into the present! Guest-starring the Dark Knight’s greatest allies and enemies, this collection presents BATMAN #608-619, a six-page story from Wizard #0 an...

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Identity Crisis 10th Anniversary

By: Brad Meltzer, Michael Bair

The stunning mystery from #1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Meltzer is back in a new hardcover! When the spouse of a JLA member is brutally murdered, the entire super hero community searches for the killer, fearing their own loved ones may be the next targets.

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Deadman Brand reviewed Identity Crisis #7 Sep 27, 2020

I don't think anyone could predict this conclusion.It is known that love can make you to do crazy things but the actions here had been a bit over the top.Anyway, this was a special story, written in realistic way and didn't follow the common superhero formula, also constitutes evidence that B-List characters can become interesting and have depth if you treat them right.Everyone played their roles more

Identity Crisis #7

By: Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales
Released: Dec 15, 2004

In the finale to one of the most shocking comic book events of all time, the terrifying murderer stands revealed and friendships are betrayed! Some secrets are too massive for some heroes to handle, while other remain in the dark, but one things certain--the DCU will never be the same after this!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Identity Crisis #6 Sep 26, 2020

An awesome comic which shows that hero's life has a lot of defeats, sadness and it's not so glorious.When the secret was revealed it became clear that heroes are vulnerable, can make mistakes and the things between them are complicated.Of course the end was unexpected.What a twist.

Identity Crisis #6

By: Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales
Released: Nov 10, 2004

From the very start, Batman's been on the murder case and sifting through clues. No one knows better what it's like to lose someone you love. He's the World's Greatest Detective, and after the events of this issue, it's even more important than ever for The Dark Knight to prove it...

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Deadman Brand reviewed Identity Crisis #5 Sep 25, 2020

That was shocking, too many casualties only in one issue.Meltzer doesn't handle Tim with the classical way but prefers to focus on his family, the relationship with his father and the consequences of crime fighting.Tim proves that is a complex person with personal problems and not just a sidekick.

Identity Crisis #5

By: Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales
Released: Oct 20, 2004

The heroes take a proactive stance against the villains of the DCU at the cost of lives on both sides of the crisis! Unfortunately, nothing can prevent another shocking loss in a hero's private life as the stakes rise for everyone involved!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Identity Crisis #4 Sep 24, 2020

Part 4 has quality but its pace is slow.

Identity Crisis #4

By: Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales
Released: Sep 15, 2004

Another hero's loved one is attacked by a mysterious killer and it sends the DCU Super Heroes into a frenzy! Meanwhile, the next target looks like it'll be someone close to The Man of Steel...

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Deadman Brand reviewed Identity Crisis #3 Sep 23, 2020

The battle was interesting because Deathstroke took out the heroes using unique strategy to each one.Also, it's positive that the team consisted of less popular characters.The way which Meltzer explains how the identities remain secret is very clever and makes heroes not so innocent.

Identity Crisis #3

By: Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales
Released: Aug 11, 2004

The mysterious murders in the DCU continue to fuel the flames of unrest in both the heroic community and the emerging cabal of villains! And if the legendary battle supreme between Deathstroke and the Justice League is any indication, things are going to get far worse before they get better!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Identity Crisis #2 Sep 22, 2020

This story really stands out, it has to do with more serious issues such as punishment and ...other things.It shows that villains can be very threatening.I am just sorry for Eloganted man, he is such a tragic figure.

Identity Crisis #2

By: Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales
Released: Jul 14, 2004

Continuing the shocking miniseries that shakes the entire DCU to its core! In the aftermath of a devastating loss, past and present members of the JLA revisit a deep dark secret of their collective past. Alliances form and trust is broken as the heroes face their darkest moment.

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Deadman Brand reviewed Identity Crisis #1 Sep 21, 2020

You can understand from the beginning that aren't going to happen typical superhero stuff here.Author's goal is to humanise the heroes so we feel compassion for them and see that they are real people who face daily problems.It's refreshing to read a comic with pretty much no action and a protagonist who isn't very famous.Elongated man was very likeable and it was nice his wife was a normal person more

Identity Crisis #1

By: Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales
Released: Jun 9, 2004

Uncover the DC Universe's deadliest secret in this acclaimed miniseries from New York Times best-selling writer Brad Meltzer. It's a secret the heroes will fight to keep--a secret they're willing to sacrifice themselves for. But this sacrifice has become too much for them to bear...

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #666 Feb 16, 2020

This is Morrison's best work in Batman series.It's a standalone story but many questions were answered.The first part with Damian and the second with the ghosts are finally coming together and the result is incredible.Damian deserves the role of Batman.Maybe he is cruel but he is perfect for such a pessimistic future.At the end, he fights the third ghost and saves Gotham.Damian is an interesting c more

Batman #666

By: Grant Morrison, Andy Kubert
Released: Jul 25, 2007

Meet Damian Wayne, the Batman of Tomorrow, in this special issue set 15 years from now in a nightmarish future Gotham! Only 24 hours are left before the climactic battle of Armageddon, and only one man might be capable of stopping it. Can Damian make peace with his heritage and save the world?

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #665 Feb 15, 2020

Although things aren't clear yet, the three ghosts who were former cops seem to have a connection to Batman's past.Only the two have appeared so far and Bruce still doesn't know what's really going on.

Batman #665

By: Grant Morrison, Andy Kubert
Released: May 16, 2007

An odd vision causes The Dark Knight to look back at his most bizarre adventures, which are catalogued in his mysterious "Black Casebook"! Meanwhile, a new love interest for Bruce Wayne enters the picture, and Batman gets a rematch with the Bane/Batman from last issue!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #664 Feb 14, 2020

A new mysterious chapter begins for Batman which has something to do with the GCPD.The story is very dark due to Andy Kubert's excellent work.

Batman #664

By: Grant Morrison, Andy Kubert
Released: Mar 28, 2007

The Dark Knight discovers a cover-up that could change his relationship with the Gotham Police Department! A routine investigation into police corruption leads to a terrifying confrontation with a monstrous Bane/Batman who threatens to end Batman's career!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #663 Feb 13, 2020

I'm not a fan of this kind of comics.I didn't like this specific format and the art of Van Fleet but the story was good.Basically, it was weird but interesting.

Batman #663

By: Grant Morrison, John Van Fleet
Released: Feb 14, 2007

Introducing the most twisted version of The Joker to date! After he was shot point-blank in the face, the new Crown Prince of Crime makes his triumphant return to Gotham City to take his revenge on Batman in this all-prose story with spot illustrations by John Van Fleet!

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Deadman Brand reviewed Batman #658 Feb 13, 2020

Bruce and Damian are working for the first time together while Talia has her own plans.Talia is now a big player thanks to Morrison.Also, the bat - assassins are really cool.

Batman #658

By: Grant Morrison, Andy Kubert
Released: Sep 27, 2006

Batman brings his son home to Gotham City and introduces him to both Wayne Manor and the Batcave! But when Batman's new son meets Robin, sparks - and swords - will fly!

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