Uncover the DC Universe's deadliest secret in this acclaimed miniseries from New York Times best-selling writer Brad Meltzer. It's a secret the heroes will fight to keep--a secret they're willing to sacrifice themselves for. But this sacrifice has become too much for them to bear...
Im going to miss Sue Dibny. She didnt deserve this. I love seeing my League back in action. I hope justice is served. And Ive got to give Meltzer all the credit in the world, because he has made me realize just how much I cared, and still care, about the Justice League of America. Read Full Review
However the largest impact visual in this issue is the big reveal as we learn once and for all who was killed in this opening chapter. Read Full Review
While the victims death is unlikely to set the comic book world afire, Identity Crisis has become in just one issue the most compelling mainstream superhero book of 2004. Read Full Review
Excellent premise and story telling.
Absolutely fantastic issue by Meltzer and Morales. Sue’s death was absolutely heartbreaking, as well as the conversation between Ralph and Firehawk. The art was incredible and Meltzer does a great job of reeling in the whole DCU
I think the hype and marketing turned some people off but I stills dig it. Really good writing, pacing, and art.
Identity crisis one of the best comics ever I see. This is really great.
정말 미친놈 하나때문에 3명이 죽고, 훨씬 많은 영웅을 좌절시켰다. 아크에선 그 어떤 작품보다도 히어로를 히어로로써 보는것이 아닌, 인간다운면을 많이,잘보여준다. 아내의 장례식에서 차마 말을 못꺼내는
모습이 아마 이 만화책에서 가장 슬펐던 장면이 아닐까 싶다ㅜ.
이 이벤트에서 자타나의 행동은 정말 화가 나고 해선 안될짓이었지만, 후에 배트맨이 하는짓을 보면ㅡㅡㅡㅡ
You can understand from the beginning that aren't going to happen typical superhero stuff here.Author's goal is to humanise the heroes so we feel compassion for them and see that they are real people who face daily problems.It's refreshing to read a comic with pretty much no action and a protagonist who isn't very famous.Elongated man was very likeable and it was nice his wife was a normal person without powers.