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Joined: Jun 16, 2018

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Ryan reviewed Gotham City: Year One #6 Jan 16, 2025

Overall still this was good and this is going to sound bad but the race angle was just executed so stupidly. Genuinely had me questioning if King only added it in to make this more “critically applauded” or something

Gotham City: Year One #6

By: Tom King, Phil Hester
Released: Mar 29, 2023

The brutal, bloody conclusion to the year’s most acclaimed title is here. Slam Bradley has never feared walking the hard path alone, but even his courage will be tested by the shocking turn of events that will take Gotham City down a dark, violent path.

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Ryan reviewed Gotham City: Year One #5 Jan 16, 2025

Ok im hooked. King with another classic Elseworlds story

Gotham City: Year One #5

By: Tom King, Phil Hester
Released: Feb 8, 2023

Slam Bradley has been one step behind the kidnappers the entire time…can he turn the tables in time to save the infant heiress to the Wayne fortune? Is this hardened private investigator prepared to deal with a dark, deadly twist that will define Gotham City for generations to come?

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Ryan reviewed Gotham City: Year One #4 Jan 16, 2025

I shouldve seen that coming

Gotham City: Year One #4

By: Tom King, Phil Hester
Released: Jan 4, 2023

The new crime-noir classic rolls on! Slam Bradley’s search for the Wayne heiress takes a tragic, deadly turn and the simmering pot that is Gotham City is about to boil over! As the world falls apart around him, Slam must decide between justice and revenge-a choice that will echo down the generations and redefine both Gotham and Batman!

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Ryan reviewed Gotham City: Year One #3 Jan 16, 2025


Gotham City: Year One #3

By: Tom King, Eric Gapstur
Released: Dec 7, 2022

Slam Bradley has been one step behind the kidnappers the entire time...can he turn the tables in time to save the infant heiress to the Wayne fortune? Is this hardened private investigator prepared to deal with a dark, deadly twist that will define Gotham City for generations to come?

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Ryan reviewed Gotham City: Year One #2 Jan 16, 2025

Hesters art is so good. Kings story is good for now but hopefully it picks up in future issues

Gotham City: Year One #2

By: Tom King, Eric Gapstur
Released: Nov 2, 2022

The bloody, bare-knuckled crime series continues! A bruised and battered Slam Bradley find himself embroiled in a shocking case as the infant heiress to the Wayne fortune has been kidnapped! But as with all things in Gotham City, nothing is what it seems... Can he solve the case in time to save a young life and secure the Wayne legacy or will the s...

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Ryan rated Gotham City: Year One #1 Jan 16, 2025

Gotham City: Year One #1

By: Tom King, Eric Gapstur
Released: Oct 5, 2022

There once was a shining city on the water, a home for families, hope, and prosperity. It was Gotham and it was glorious. The story of its fall from grace, the legend that would birth the Bat, has remained untold for 80 years. That's about to change.
Superstar creators Tom King and Phil Hester team up for the first time to tell the definitive ...

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Ryan reviewed Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8 Jan 16, 2025

This series was a little slow to start but a phenomenal last 2 issues. The ending left me pondering and chilling for a good couple minutes

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Feb 16, 2022

Krem’s fate revealed! As Supergirl continues her battle against the Brigands, Ruthye squares off against this most vile villain in hopes of avenging her father and completing their mission. Will justice be served on both accounts? Or will our heroes fail? You won’t want to miss thrilling conclusion of the acclaimed miniseries that has changed K...

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Ryan reviewed Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #7 Jan 16, 2025

This one completely clicked with me. Best issue of the series so far

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #7

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Jan 19, 2022

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for…the capture of Krem! With the fugitive in custody, Supergirl must now deal with his allies, the ungodly Brigands! To stop them once and for all, she must leave Ruthye behind with the man who killed her beloved father. Can she trust the young girl to let the villain of our story live long enough to stand...

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Ryan reviewed Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6 Jan 16, 2025

The art carries so hard

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Dec 22, 2021

The traumatic secrets of Supergirl’s past are revealed as our heroine races to the edge of the universe to escape Krem and his latest weapon! The murderer of young Ruthye’s father has gotten his hands on a Mordru globe and plans to use it to make our hero disappear forever. Can she save herself and the young girl’s future in the process? She...

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Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #5

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Supergirl steps into an ancient trap, stranding her and Ruthye on a planet of nearly perpetual night. Now, the woman of steel must call on every remaining ounce of strength to combat the monsters left on this world to kill any super unlucky enough to end up on its surface.

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Ryan liked this:

It's fine, but doing a whole issue of just Ruthye talking to herself suggests a vast overestimation of how interesting her endless monologuing is. Also, I'm really not into King's edgy tough girl take on Kara and it's all over the place here. Still, for all that it's an adequately told story, and the sunset scene was properly exciting. Evely's art is as wonderful as ever, and Mat Lopez's colors ar more

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #5

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Supergirl steps into an ancient trap, stranding her and Ruthye on a planet of nearly perpetual night. Now, the woman of steel must call on every remaining ounce of strength to combat the monsters left on this world to kill any super unlucky enough to end up on its surface.

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Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Sep 22, 2021

Supergirl sets her sights on the Brigands, a group of dastardly nomads hell-bent on slaughtering all they come across. Nowshe must follow their path of destruction to find the fugitive they've been hiding who set her on this intergalactic journey in the first place!

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Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #3

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Aug 18, 2021

Supergirl’s journey across the cosmos continues! Her hunt to bring the killer Krem to justice brings her and the young alien in her care to a small planet, where they discover that there are still some very small minds, even on the outer edges of the galaxy. The cold welcome the locals give the Woman of Steel makes her suspicious enough to go loo...

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Ryan reviewed Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2 Jan 15, 2025

Good comic but holy shit Tom King writes Ruthye’s inner dialogue like he needs to hit a word count

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Jul 21, 2021

After the shocking conclusion of last issue, Supergirl and her new friend Ruthye find themselves stranded with no way to pursue Krem, the murderous kingsagent. Each moment this fugitive roams free, the more beings become dangerously close to dying by his hand. There is no time to lose, so our heroes must now travel across the universe the old-fashi...

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Ryan reviewed Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1 Jan 15, 2025

This was cool

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Jun 16, 2021

Kara Zor-El has seen some epic adventures over the years, but finds her life without meaning or purpose. Here she is, a young woman who saw her planet destroyed and was sent to Earth to protect a baby cousin who ended up not needing her. What was it all for? Wherever she goes, people only see her through the lens of Superman’s fame. Just when Sup...

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Vision and the Scarlet Witch #1

By: Steve Englehart, Richard Howell

He's a synthetic man! She's a mutant sorceress! Once they were outcasts, but now they have each other, and a love which can withstand every danger they face! Steve Englehart and Richard Howell present…Vision and the Scarlet Witch!

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Vision and the Scarlet Witch #4

By: Bill Mantlo, Rick Leonardi

The cat's out of the bag, as Magneto announces he is the father of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver! Plus, Magneto meets his granddaughter Luna for the first time. The twins' secret history, and the identity of their mother, also revealed.

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Vision and the Scarlet Witch #3

By: Bill Mantlo, Rick Leonardi

It's a family reunion Vision won't forget, as he and Wonder Man are attacked by Grim Reaper! Eric Williams is the Grim Reaper, notorious villain and brother to Simon Williams, Wonder Man. Vision's connection to the Williams' brother is brought to the surface, as Scarlet Witch scrambles to save her husband!

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Vision and the Scarlet Witch #2

By: Bill Mantlo, Rick Leonardi

Scarlet Witch and Vision embark on a mission to rescue the son of original Whizzer, Robert Frank. Enter Nuklo, a man so dangerous because he understands so little! Plus, a devastating secret about Wanda's parentage!

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Vision and the Scarlet Witch #1

By: Bill Mantlo, Rick Leonardi

The Avengers' odd couple star in their own mini-series! Scarlet Witch and Vision have enough challenges in their marriage; she is a hot blooded mystic mutant, while Vision is a calculating automaton. Together they are an unstoppable force in battle. In their first issue, Scarlet Witch faces a gaggle of demonic foes on Halloween. Good thing she brou...

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Off the rails

Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #5

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Nov 24, 2021

KARNILLA RULES! The Queen of the Norns finally has what she wants, but are the combined efforts of SPIDER-MAN, DOCTOR STRANGE, THE INCREDIBLE HULK and THE ETERNALS enough to stop her? Maybe not, but something ASGARDIAN this way comes! 

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #4

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Oct 13, 2021

•  SPIDER-MAN and THE INCREDIBLE HULK join forces with the DEVIANTS!
•  Wait, that can't be right... can it?


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Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #3

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Sep 22, 2021

• The dimensional-warp tour keeps rolling as SPIDER-MAN comes face-to-face with a certain big red dinosaur!
•  If dinosaurs weren't enough, an unlikely HULK rears his frightening head!
•  PLUS: Black Cat and Doctor Strange!

Rated T

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #2

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Aug 25, 2021

While SPIDER-MAN is trapped in the Crossroads Dimension with THE RAMPAGING HULK... BLACK CAT must find her man Spidey with the help of a certain SORCERER SUPREME!
The Symbiote Spider-Man creative team continues to bring you unrevealed tales from Peter Parker and the Symbiote's past in the Modern Marvel Manner you know and love!
Rated T

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #1

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Jul 28, 2021

After three sense-shattering series, Peter David, Greg Land, Jay Leisten and Frank D'Armata - the entire SYMBIOTE SPIDER-MAN crew - RETURN! This time, they're taking Spider-Man down the road less traveled to the supremely psychedelic CROSSROADS DIMENSION! In their most ambitious series yet, the ...

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #5

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Jul 29, 2020

Thanks to the combined efforts of Nightmare, Dormammu and the Hobgoblin, the universe is fracturing like you’ve never seen before – REALITY ITSELF IS COLLAPSING! The team behind the original SYMBIOTE SPIDER-MAN series closes out the second volume with a BANG! You won’t want to miss this one!

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Jonah Deathlok

Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #4

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Mar 11, 2020

•  Can Spider-Man fix reality, or is he doomed to live in a world not his own?!
Rated T

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #3

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Feb 12, 2020

•  After reliving one of the most horrible moments of his life, Peter Parker turns to one of his oldest allies for a magical helping hand.
•  Don't miss the next history-shaking adventure of Peter David and Greg Land's landmark SYMBIOTE SPIDER-MAN Series!
Rated T

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #2

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Jan 8, 2020

•  Peter Parker's world is turned upside-down - but is it for the better?!
•  What's so different about this world that Spider-Man would want to stay?
Rated T

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I did not see this coming at all

Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #1

By: Peter David, Greg Land
Released: Dec 11, 2019

• Peter Parker find himself entrenched in a battle with Hobgoblin!
•  Where did HOBGOBLIN get these new powers?
•  The original creative team from Symbiote Spider-Man return for the next installment of classic tales from the Alien Costume Saga!
Rated T+

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